• 15 yıl önce
Adam Aleyiselam´s children witch come from eve were in the state of apes. The first Adam aleyhiselam and the seventy third Sit aleyhiselam. The face of Sit was like human. But the other seventy-two’s faces were like apes. They all were deceased by the flood of Noah. With Noah together there were only 5 people which came from sit´s soul. Noah aleyhiselam put 40 arts of critter to the ark 40 male
and 40 female. The 5 person in the ark were humans. Noah put his children name in spring Lem in the winter Ham autumn Sam and his daughters name gurhu naci. From Lem came the Muslims and from Ham and Sam came the Christians. In the cause of every human race came from Sits soul, Sits mother is Hür. Every human today is a child of Noah. They are the generation of Hür and Sit aleyhiselam.

Hancı koydular ismimi yara düş oldum
Asılı evrakta yazmışlar kalemi
Hakkın kelamına sırda düş oldum
Yüz dört kitabı okuttular bir anda
Bir kenara kayıt ettiler eş oldum
