The Greatest Proof Of God's Love

  • 15 years ago
You do not know what your life will be tomorrow. For you are a mist appearing for a little while and then disappearing.—Jas. 4:14.
Concern about the sanctification of Jehovah’s holy name helped Jesus to be prepared for the trials he faced. In fact, he taught his followers that their prayers to God should include the request: “Let your name be sanctified.” (Matt. 6:9) If we deeply desire that Jehovah’s name be sanctified, or held sacred, we will strive to avoid doing anything that would bring reproach upon it. As a result, we will be better prepared for the great day of Jehovah. If Jehovah’s day comes tomorrow, will you really be ready for it? Each of us would do well to examine his or her life to see if any actions or attitudes need to be adjusted. In view of the brevity and uncertainty of present human life, every one of us needs to be spiritually alert each day.—Eccl. 9:11, 12.
