Peru Vacation Packages - Festivities in Huancayo

  • 15 years ago Festivals start early n Huancayo, with La Huanconada, in the first week of January. A parade that parodies the justice system is held in the town of Mito, in the Mantaro Valley To the rhythm of traditional songs known as huaynos locals and tourists dance through town. During festivals the whole village joins a ritual called the tumbamonte which is a eucalypt tree with gifts hanging from its branches. Dances can last for days. .Easter in Tarma is a special event. Crowds pack the Sanctuary of the Lord of Muruhuay. His image is taken in procession around the city, where the streets are carpeted with tapestries of flowers. The 8th of August marks the Battle of Junin in 1824, with a parade held on the site where Simon Bolivar led Peruvian forces in a crucial battle against the Spanish.. On the 8th of September the district of Sapallanga celebrates the Virgin of Cocharcas. The religious festival lasts a week, with the town of Orcotuna hosting a bullfight including toreros from Lima. Fertur Peru Travel. A full service travel agency and tour operator dedicated to making your journey to Peru a dream come true. Visit us at: Festivities in Huancayo hotels peru peru tour huaraz peru caraz peru inca trail peru trip peru tourism peru alpamayo hiking peru travel agency peru climbing peru tour operator peru peru tourism trekking Peru peru flights peru bike tours tour companies
