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#sitaronkibaat #predictions #HumayunMehboob

Sitaron Ki Baat Humayun Ke Saath is a program on ARY Digital which come every Saturday at 11:00 AM & Sunday at 10:00 AM that tells us about the horoscope and the prediction for the entire week.

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#horoscope #HumayunMehboobPredictions #ARYHoroscopeShow

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00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, ladies and gentlemen of Humayun Mehboob.
00:08Welcome to ARY Digital.
00:10Ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleasure to be with you.
00:14Please provide me with the correct date of birth and time of birth.
00:18According to Vedic Astrology, I will try to give you my knowledge.
00:30The rest is up to Allah.
00:33Whatever He wills, will be.
00:36So, the source of faith and the centre is our Lord.
00:39This is a science, nothing more than that.
00:43Please provide me with the correct date of birth and time of birth.
00:48In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
00:50Please let me speak to the caller.
00:53Yes, yes.
00:54Yes, lady, please tell me the date of birth and time of birth.
00:56I wanted to know about your daughter.
00:59Yes, please tell me the date of birth and time of birth of your daughter.
01:021st September.
01:04You said 1st September.
01:081993, when was she born?
01:114th December.
01:134th December.
01:15And where was she born?
01:16Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir.
01:18Please give me a second, lady.
01:29I will tell you a little about your daughter.
01:33She is a very nice lady.
01:37She will have some problems in her marriage.
01:40Have you ever put her in teaching or banking?
01:44No, no, no. She has done B.Pharmacy.
01:47She has done B.Pharmacy. That is also fine.
01:49But she can communicate very well.
01:53She is very intelligent.
01:55And she can also become a very good lecturer or teacher.
01:59B.Pharmacy is fine.
02:00But Allah has given her two very good qualities.
02:05One is that she is very creative.
02:07Secondly, if you want,
02:11you can tell her to develop her interest in Artificial Intelligence.
02:17Secondly, there can be some problems in her marriage.
02:24I can see that.
02:26And her stomach will always bother her.
02:33And since it is Allah's will, I would like to tell you one good thing.
02:40It is Allah's will.
02:42Allah will bless my daughter.
02:45Since February 2024,
02:49she has been facing some problems.
02:53She is working, but she is facing some problems.
02:55And please tell your daughter not to wear black after today.
03:01I am concluding this.
03:03On the day of the week,
03:07give 80 grams of black lentils to the birds with your own hands.
03:12And give 250 grams of raw rice to a poor person on behalf of Allah.
03:21If you don't want to give it to a person,
03:23then give 70 grams of raw rice to the birds with your own hands.
03:27And if she wears black and red, then there will be problems in her marriage.
03:32Tell her to wear white or off-white when she comes to see someone.
03:37This is the astrological remedy.
03:40Secondly, you can say this.
03:44First and last Durood-e-Ibrahimi seven times.
03:47Read it 106 times in between.
03:50O' you who are kind, O' you who are kind, O' you who are merciful, O' you who are merciful.
03:55Say Surah Fatiha seven times. Say Surah Ikhlas seven times.
04:00Say Ayatul Kursi one time.
04:02And say Surah Taha one time and pray to Allah.
04:06If Allah wills, there will be better and easier times for them.
04:11And the problem that you are worried about will be solved.
04:14And this year's month of May will be a good start.
04:18In fact, it will start from the start of May.
04:20Thank you very much, Khatun.
04:21Please get the next caller to speak.
04:26Peace be upon you.
04:27Peace be upon you too.
04:28June 3rd, 1990.
04:30You said June 30th.
04:34June 3rd.
04:35Okay, June 3rd.
04:37June 3rd, 1990.
04:41One o'clock at night.
04:45And Sawat.
04:46You were born in Sawat.
04:48Is this your own?
04:50Yes, it is.
04:51Okay, give me a minute.
04:54Allah is the greatest.
05:01Tell me one thing.
05:03May Allah have mercy on you.
05:06May Allah not make my mouth dirty.
05:10Have you ever experienced drowning or surviving in water?
05:17I mean, have you ever drowned or died in the water?
05:21Has this never happened to you?
05:24Stay far away from it.
05:27I am saying this to you with such intensity.
05:30If you used to be 100% careful about water,
05:36be careful about it 400% from now on.
05:39And secondly, I am telling you that the work you have done,
05:44the time you have spent in this world,
05:49especially, may Allah bless you.
05:51You have been going through a struggle since 2020.
05:55In the middle of it, in 2024, you got a little relief,
05:59but then things got worse.
06:02And according to your horoscope,
06:07the wedding hall looks a little disturbed.
06:10Now, let me tell you one thing.
06:12Don't worry about it at all.
06:14You will go to people.
06:16Someone will offer you a jinn, someone will offer you a ghost,
06:19someone will offer you a witch,
06:21or will say that this is this.
06:24It's nothing like that.
06:25Yes, it is.
06:26You have some negative effects,
06:30but for that, let me tell you one thing.
06:33Do that.
06:34And from now on,
06:36apart from praying, don't wear white.
06:42What you have to do is,
06:43first and last, recite Durood-e-Ibrahimi eight times.
06:46In the middle, recite Surah Fatiha eight times.
06:50Eight times, all four times.
06:53One time, recite Ayat-ul-Kursi.
06:55And one time, or rather, recite it three times.
06:59Recite the last two verses of Surah Baqarah.
07:04Not the whole, but the last two verses,
07:05which start with Aamana Rasool.
07:08They are very short lines.
07:09Recite them and blow them on yourself.
07:11Everything will be better for you.
07:14And if there is a peepal, kikar, berry, or neem tree in front of your house,
07:24then please stay away from it.
07:31Allah will bless you.
07:32And, God willing, may Allah bless my Pantan Pak's head.
07:38Ladies and gentlemen, I will take a break.
07:40After the break, I will take more of your calls.
07:44Once again, Humayun Mehboob welcomes you to ARY Digital.
07:49Yes, please let me talk to the caller.
07:57Yes, ma'am, please go ahead.
08:00I want to ask about myself.
08:02My date of birth is March 3, 2004.
08:06One second, one second.
08:08March 3, 2004, and what time were you born?
08:13At 3 o'clock in the night.
08:15And where were you born?
08:16In Jadawala.
08:18Jadawala, Jadawala.
08:21Is this near Nankana Sahib?
08:27No, it is near Faisalabad.
08:29No, it is near the Sikh religious centre, Gurudwara Nankana Sahib.
08:36No, it is far from us.
08:37It is far.
08:38Okay, it is near Faisalabad.
08:40Yes, it is near Faisalabad.
08:51One moment, please.
08:53It is a little difficult for me to locate Jadawala.
09:05Here it is.
09:13Okay, if this is your horoscope, I will assume that this is it.
09:18So, tell me, the time that you spent from 2021 to 2024,
09:26was it a very difficult time for you?
09:30Hello? Hello?
09:32Yes, it was very difficult for me.
09:35Okay, your horoscope is the best.
09:37No matter how difficult it is, you do not let your hopes break.
09:41And Mashallah, Mashallah, Tawakkal Allah is always with you.
09:46Now, can I say something to you openly?
09:50You can listen to it.
09:54Just listen to it.
09:55Look, I am telling you in very decent words.
10:02Do not trust it.
10:05The one you are putting your hopes on, will not meet your expectations.
10:11If your fate is not written in such a way,
10:15Allah knows best about my five charities,
10:18then I will tell you not to fall into that trap.
10:21If it is the command of the Lord of Glory,
10:24then Allah will help you in a different way, which is a normal way.
10:30What do you have to do in your first opportunity?
10:32Wear five green bangles in both your hands.
10:36When someone comes to see you for a proposal,
10:39you have to wear green clothes.
10:42You have to avoid black.
10:45Every week, you have to put 80 grams of black lentils in the name of Allah.
10:52And you have to recite Khatun five times.
10:58In between, five times Surah Fatiha, five times Surah Ikhlas,
11:03five times Surah Kausar, five times Surah Inna Anzalna.
11:09In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
11:12We have descended on the Night of Decree,
11:15which is about the Night of Decree, the 30th night.
11:19And once you have recited Ayatul Kursi,
11:21you have to pray to Allah.
11:22If it is the grace and command of Allah,
11:25then God willing, He will grant you a lot of blessings.
11:30And your things will get better.
11:32Thank you very much, Khatun.
11:33Please connect with the next caller.
11:39Yes, Khatun?
11:43Yes, please go ahead.
11:44I wanted to ask about my daughter.
11:47Her date of birth is June 10th.
11:49June 10th.
11:50One second.
11:52June 10th, 2000?
11:55Yes, she was born on that day.
11:57No, you didn't confirm the year.
11:59Was it 2000 or something else?
12:01Yes, it was 2000.
12:03It was 2000.
12:05And what time was she born?
12:07She was born at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
12:09Where was she born?
12:10In Jhelum.
12:11In Jhelum.
12:12Please give me a second, Khatun.
12:17Allah is the Greatest.
12:30You have a good daughter.
12:32Don't be hasty in her marriage.
12:36And it was Allah's will.
12:39Okay, tell me something, Khatun.
12:42Did she have any relationship between 2019 and 2021?
12:48Yes, she got married, but I wanted to ask about her visa.
12:52About going abroad.
12:54Look, she will go.
12:57God willing, there is a little time, but I pray to Allah that she will go as soon as possible.
13:06And that her wish is fulfilled.
13:08If you ask about my knowledge, there is a little time.
13:15There is a time of two and a half years.
13:16And if you ask about my faith in Allah, then Allah will bless me in the next moment.
13:23Now, what do you have to do?
13:25Forget about this.
13:26Say that after reciting Durood-e-Ibrahimi five times,
13:37in fact, after reciting it six times,
13:39recite Surah Al-Fatiha six times,
13:41recite Surah Al-Ikhlas six times,
13:44recite Surah Al-Nasr twenty-one times,
13:46and recite Surah Al-Rahman one time,
13:52and pray to the Lord of Glory that my wish is fulfilled.
13:59It is my faith, God willing, that Allah will make what is impossible possible.
14:06And your daughter will go abroad.
14:10Because it is written in her horoscope that after marriage, she will go abroad.
14:15Thank you very much, Khatun.
14:17Yes, please talk to the next caller.
14:21Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for a break.
14:23I will take your calls after the break.
14:26Once again, Humayun Mehboob welcomes you.
14:29Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to tell you on every show,
14:33please do not go on social media, on the internet,
14:37except for my YouTube channel,
14:39any Facebook, LinkedIn, Messenger, TikTok, any connectivity on Google,
14:45do not go on those.
14:48Frauds are sitting there.
14:50I do it on AKRY.
14:52My other YouTube channel is Humayun Mehboob Astrology.
14:55You will find everything on that.
14:58And for consultation, I have only one office,
15:03Hotel Pearl Continental, Karachi, PC Hotel, Karachi.
15:07There, from 2.30 to 3.30 in the afternoon,
15:13with my assistant, for private commercial consultation,
15:16from 2.30 to 3.30 to 6.30 to 6.30 in the evening,
15:21you can take an appointment for private commercial consultation.
15:25And I would like to request that whoever calls from the country,
15:29when they call my assistant,
15:32they should say, show Humayun Sahib on the video,
15:34so that you can see me, and I can see you,
15:37and there is no possibility of fraud.
15:40Secondly, if anyone has doubts even within Pakistan,
15:44then they should say, show me, I will come,
15:46and God willing, he will show you.
15:48Today is Sunday, and on Sundays, the office is closed.
15:54So, Monday to Saturday, this process goes on.
15:59So, it is important that I tell you,
16:01so please connect the caller, brother.
16:05Peace be upon you.
16:06Yes, peace be upon you, ma'am, go ahead.
16:08Yes, brother, I wanted to ask about my husband.
16:11Yes, tell me his date of birth.
16:13Yes, 1971.
16:15No, tell me the date of the month first.
16:1712th June.
16:18You said 12th June, 1971.
16:23Yes, he was born in Sahiwal.
16:25No, you didn't tell me the time, when was he born?
16:27He was born in the afternoon, 12 o'clock.
16:30This is not so confirmed.
16:31Oh, ma'am, then this is for me.
16:34Sahiwal is confirmed, and he was born in 1971.
16:36Okay, now you understand one thing.
16:38How many people must have been born on this day in Pakistan and Sahiwal?
16:45They must have been born on this date, right?
16:46Is everyone's fate the same?
16:49This doesn't happen.
16:50The time of birth matters a lot.
16:53Without that, you can understand that this work is useless.
16:58Because this is the work of mathematics.
17:01If I don't think this is your husband's taste,
17:04if this is your husband's taste,
17:06then after 2022, there should be a lot of difficulties in his life.
17:13Is this happening?
17:14Yes, his mother was saying that he was born in winter,
17:18but his date was 12th June.
17:20No, no, what mother said is in her place.
17:22But what I am saying is that from 2022 till now,
17:26he has faced a lot of difficulties.
17:28Yes, it is like that.
17:30Did he get cheated?
17:32A lot.
17:33Did anyone take his financial money?
17:36Yes, absolutely.
17:37Yes, that's it.
17:38Now, coincidentally, the time you said is clicking.
17:42He has a very good heart, but he says,
17:45if I speak Punjabi, I will sound very strange.
17:49Some people in the city were cruel, some people were cruel.
17:54So, your husband is one of them.
17:56He trusts again and again and gets cheated again and again.
18:01To call this a loss of partnership or to invest money with someone
18:07does not suit him at all.
18:10If you don't have that much time,
18:14otherwise, I will tell you that in his taste,
18:18God will always be kind to him,
18:22but he has a very good taste.
18:25His Malaviya Yoga, Chandramangala Yoga,
18:29his Parivartan Yoga, Shankha Yoga,
18:32there are so many yogas,
18:34but this person loses himself just because of his mind and his temperament.
18:42He hurts himself.
18:43Anyway, God will be kind.
18:46Now, I don't know, do you still live in Sahiwal?
18:49No, no, we live in Lahore.
18:51You live in Lahore. Are there crows in Lahore?
18:54Yes, there are.
18:55Do one thing, tell your husband,
18:57for example,
19:00every day, make eight pieces of bread,
19:03dip them in salan or khusm and put the crows in your hand.
19:10Put the rest all over the world, but make eight pieces of these crows.
19:14Second thing, people say that since you live in Lahore,
19:25tell your husband to go to Hazrat Ganbaksh Ali Ijweri and pray to God.
19:34Second, go to the shrine of Bibi Pakdaman and pray to God.
19:40Pray to God.
19:42Do this, because sometimes, in a person's fate,
19:46God has created a chain from somewhere,
19:49and tell your husband,
19:51God willing, things will get better.
19:55The more you ask for forgiveness,
19:57and the more you pray to God,
20:02the better it will be for him.
20:05And whatever you do, do it independently.
20:08Don't trust anyone,
20:10because there are a lot of deceptions in their fate.
20:14Anyway, God will be kind. Thank you very much.
20:18Give me some time. Hello?
20:22Peace be upon you.
20:22Peace be upon you, Bibi. Tell me your date of birth.
20:2529th July.
20:27You said 29th July.
20:311991. What is your time?
20:348.15 in the morning.
20:36Now, quickly ask me, because I don't have time.
20:38I was born in Bholewala.
20:39You were born in Bholewala.
20:41I have a question.
20:42I have a bike.
20:43You have a bike. Okay.
20:45Ask me your questions,
20:47so that I don't have a lot of time left.
20:50Ever since he has started working as a brother,
20:54he has not been able to do any work.
20:55If you ask him to work outside, he is not able to do it.
20:58Your brother will definitely go outside.
21:00By the will of God, he will go.
21:02Let this year's April pass.
21:05For your brother,
21:06God's blessings will begin.
21:09You have a very good brother.
21:10He is intelligent.
21:13God is afraid of him.
21:14Do one thing.
21:16Every week,
21:18ask him to put 80 grams of black flesh and 80 grams of millet in the name of God.
21:24And after reciting the first and last Durood,
21:27recite Yazul Jalal-e-Walikram three times.
21:30And complete Astaghfar.
21:32I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Lord of all creation,
21:34and from Him is all praise.
21:36And recite Subhana Rabbi-al-A'la wa bihamdihi,
21:39Subhana Rabbi-al-Azeem.
21:41Your brother's work for this year, by the will of God,
21:44the first quarter is over.
21:46April has passed.
21:47Things will start to get better.
21:49Thank you very much, Khatun.
21:51Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to conclude.
21:56I pray to God that God bless you, me, my country, Pakistan,
22:01the Pakistani nation, the Muslim Ummah, and the whole world.
22:09And it is my prayer that God makes everything better for everyone.
22:14God willing, we will meet again next week on this channel.
22:21Until then, thank you very much.
22:24Allah Hafiz.
22:25Fi Amanillah.
