Sharir Par Chipkali Ka Girna Shubh Ya Ashubh| Lizard Body Par Girne Se Kya Hota Hai |Boldsky
भारतीय संस्कृति में कई वर्षों से ये विश्वास चला आ रहा है कि छिपकली का शरीर पर गिरना अशुभ होता है। यहां जानिए, इस पर क्या कहता है साइंस।
There has been a belief in Indian culture for many years that it is inauspicious for a lizard to fall on the body. Know here what science says on this.
#SharirParChipkaliGirneSeKyaHotaHai, #SharirParChipkalKaGirnaShubhYaAshubh
There has been a belief in Indian culture for many years that it is inauspicious for a lizard to fall on the body. Know here what science says on this.
#SharirParChipkaliGirneSeKyaHotaHai, #SharirParChipkalKaGirnaShubhYaAshubh