Graziella Schazad - Look At Me (HQ)

  • il y a 15 ans
The twenty five year old singer songwriter (Graziella Schazad) was born in Berlin to a Polish mother and an Afghani father. Graziella (Schazad) started playing the guitar at the age of 3 and the violin at the age of 4. When she was nine years old her mother finally bought her the longed-for piano and she started taking lessons...
In 1995 she became an external student at the Hanns Eisler Conservatory of Music and studied the classical violin as well as the classical piano. When she turned thirteen she started writing her first songs and, ever since has put every painful as well as joyous experience into one of her very personal but yet easily accessible songs. In 2001 she quit her classical studies to team up with a duo, touring and performing throughout Europe. After the duo-breakup in 2004 she decided to take her career into her own hands, moved to Hamburg and started composing her first solo album.
She has since won the regional Emergenza Acoustic Showcase , 6 Singer Songwriter Slams in a row and was the winner of the 2007 Summer Singer Songwriter Finals.
The national TV station NDR featured her singer slam success story and "Radio Hamburg" invited her to introduce her debut album in full length. According to the German newspaper "Hamburger Morgenpost" she is already been handed the inside tip and has enthralled the Hamburg audience many times through her various performances at the "Hamburger Schauspielhaus", the biggest German theater, not to mention the more than 40 gigs she has played alone in the first six months of 2008. Graziella Schazad recently released her debut EP and describes her musical style as acoustic handmade pop music!

Das album "an grauzonen vorbei" ist da!
