• last year
किरण बेदी ने आईएएनएस से खास बातचीत की है। इस बातचीत में कोलकता रेप और हत्या कांड में उन्होंने कहा कि ऐसी घटनाओं पर लगाम न लगी है और ना लगेगी। लड़के बड़े हो कर पले हुए हैं जिनकी परवरिश ठीक नहीं हुई, जिसकी पढ़ाई ठीक नहीं हुई, जिम्मेवार इंसान नहीं बनाया गया। लड़कियों को कहना मानने वाली बनाते हैं और लड़के जो रूल्स बनाएं वो सही हैं, मां बाप ऐसे लड़कों से डरते हैं। ये हमारी गंदी परवरिश का नुकसान है। ना ये घटना पहली है और ना ये घटना आखिरी। अगर बदलाव लाना है तो लड़कों में बदलाव आना चाहिए। हर लड़के के मां बाप इसके जिम्मेदार हैं। मानसिक और सामाजिक विश्लेषण जरूर होना चाहिए, अगर किसी लड़के से गलती हुई तो क्यों हुई, कहां हुई। सबसे जरूरी बात अपराध करने वाले का पास्ट कैसा था और क्राइम करने का क्या कारण रहा।

#KiranBedi #KiranBediNews #KoplkataRapecase #Kolkata RapecaseUpdate


00:00As soon as this incident happened, the FIR must have been filed at the police station.
00:04Such incidents have not yet been investigated or will not be investigated.
00:09In my opinion, this will not be investigated.
00:12Because we have a large body, a generation of boys who have grown up,
00:21whose growth has not been proper.
00:27Those whose education has not been proper, nor has their growth been proper.
00:30They have not been taught humanity.
00:32They have not been made responsible humans.
00:34This incident is neither the first nor the last.
00:39Because our parenting is still very defective.
00:45It is very defective for boys.
00:49They make girls obedient, responsible, non-violent.
00:59They make boys with a sense of freedom.
01:05They make rules and regulations for them.
01:08And parents are afraid of such boys.
01:11So our growth is their responsibility.
01:15Our society has created this.
01:19And every household has a role in society.
01:22How did they raise their son?
01:25This is the loss of our bad upbringing.
01:30There is no other reason.
01:32Because no one is a good human being.
01:35And a good human being does not fall from the sky.
01:38He is born and is made.
01:41He is taught and made sensible.
01:44He does not fall from the sky.
01:46And who made this?
01:48Who raised him?
01:50Every household.
01:52Where they have given a sensible person,
01:54today we are a good example of that.
01:56But there are many other examples.
01:59So this incident is neither the first nor the last.
02:03Because we still do not understand
02:05how great is the social responsibility of upbringing.
02:14We do not understand this.
02:16We do not understand the responsibility of parenting.
02:19They think that it is our right to give birth.
02:23It is our social right to become parents.
02:26It is our privilege.
02:28But is it our duty to raise a good human being?
02:32Yes or no?
02:34We do not understand this.
02:36That is why there is a danger for girls.
02:38Because if there is a change,
02:40it is not in the girls.
02:42It is in the boys.
02:44There are problems with boys.
02:46How do boys behave like this?
02:50And every boy has parents.
02:52Every boy has parents.
02:54Every boy has a mother and a father.
02:56What are their responsibilities?
02:59So I always hold my parenting accountable.
03:06But the second thing is that
03:08the negligent boys and the irresponsible boys
03:12who behaved in the society in the past,
03:20because we do not have any information about it.
03:24The police does not provide information.
03:26They do not provide psychological reports.
03:28It does not get published in the media.
03:30I think that every incident should be analyzed.
03:36It should be analyzed mentally.
03:38Why did they do it?
03:40Psychological and sociological interrogation is very important
03:46for preventive plans.
03:48So for prevention plans,
03:50we do not just look at the crime and arrest.
03:54We should also look at who did it and why.
03:58In which circumstances?
04:00And now let's do a backward analysis.
04:02Where did the mistake happen?
04:04Why? Where did it happen?
04:06Where did the failure start in the beginning?
04:08Where did these floodgates open?
04:10The floodgates of his mind,
04:12the dirty floodgates opened.
04:14Why did it not come under control?
04:16Was there alcoholism in the house?
04:18Was there a beating in the house?
04:20Was there no respect for parents in the house?
04:22Was there no respect for the elders?
04:24Or did he have irresponsible behavior?
04:26Did he have unnecessary money?
04:28Did he already have crime tendencies?
04:30Is there a dropout in the school?
04:32What role did the teacher play?
04:34Which school is he from?
04:36Which school is he from?
04:38This analysis should definitely be analyzed
04:40in the newspapers and on YouTube.
04:42Because this is an incident for the media.
04:44It is a crime report.
04:46It is a crime report.
04:48It is a crime report.
04:50It is a crime report.
04:52It is a crime report.
04:54It is a crime report.
04:56It is a crime report.
04:58It is a crime report.
05:00It is a crime report.
05:02It is a crime report.
05:04It is a crime report.
05:06It is a crime report.
05:08It is a crime report.
05:10It is a crime report.
05:12It is a crime report.
05:14It is a crime report.
05:16It is a crime report.
05:18It is a crime report.
05:20It is a crime report.
05:22It is a crime report.
05:24It is a crime report.
05:26It is a crime report.
05:28It is a crime report.
05:30It is a crime report.
05:32It is a crime report.
05:34It is a crime report.
05:36It is a crime report.
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05:42It is a crime report.
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06:38It is a crime report.
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07:28It is a crime report.
07:30It is a crime report.
07:32It is a crime report.
07:34It is a crime report.
