• 4 months ago
Elsbeth Tascioni is coming back! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at characters, storylines, and other elements we want to see in “Elsbeth” Season 2.


00:00 - You know what?
00:01 I think I could use a consultation.
00:04 - Welcome to Ms. Mojo.
00:06 And today we're looking at characters,
00:08 storylines, and other elements we want to see
00:11 in "Elsbeth" season two.
00:12 A few spoilers for season one may follow.
00:16 - I have an idea.
00:17 But we have to get there first.
00:20 - Number 10, an overarching mystery.
00:24 While the first season adhered to a case of the week formula,
00:27 it wasn't strictly episodic.
00:30 At the end of the pilot, it's revealed that Elsbeth
00:32 is in New York to investigate Captain Wagner,
00:35 who's been suspected of corruption.
00:37 - Is he there?
00:38 - No, sir.
00:39 - You ready to get started?
00:42 - I think you're wrong about him, sir.
00:45 Captain Wagner's been nice to me.
00:47 - Nice people can be corrupt too, Elsbeth.
00:49 - Elsbeth gradually uncovers a conspiracy
00:52 with somebody else at the center.
00:54 Showrunner Jonathan Tolan said that season two
00:57 will have a quote, "much bigger canvas"
00:59 with quote, "an order for 20 episodes."
01:02 This leaves room for a larger mystery
01:04 that can't be solved in one episode.
01:07 - But it turns out I am very good at solving murder cases.
01:12 - Oh, how lucky.
01:14 - As Elsbeth tackles individual cases week by week,
01:17 another could continue to stump her
01:19 with new information being acquired each episode.
01:22 It could be another internal mystery at the NYPD,
01:25 but an outside criminal who keeps slipping
01:27 through the department's fingers might keep matters fresh.
01:31 - You don't like it when people bother her, do you?
01:33 - I don't like you bothering me.
01:38 - Number nine, guest stars with ties to Cary Preston.
01:44 It's always a delight when we re-watch a movie or show
01:47 and notice, hey, Cary Preston was in this.
01:50 With so many credits, Preston has worked
01:52 with an assortment of big names who we'd love
01:55 to see guest star.
01:56 - Can I ask you a question?
01:58 - Sure.
01:59 - I'm in New York for a week thinking about seeing "Cats."
02:03 Should I?
02:04 - I don't know, if there's another revival.
02:06 - Elsbeth already had a "True Blood" reunion
02:08 with Stephen Moyer appearing in the pilot.
02:11 What better way to kick off season two
02:13 than with an Anna Paquin guest spot?
02:15 Beyond Bill and Sookie, Preston could re-team
02:18 with her "My Best Friend's Wedding" twin sister,
02:21 Rachel Griffiths.
02:22 ♪ Do you know the way to San Jose ♪
02:25 ♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪
02:29 Having previously worked with her on "Claws,"
02:32 we're sure there's a role Niecy Nash
02:34 could sink her fingernails into.
02:35 Between "Lost" and "Person of Interest,"
02:38 Preston's real-life husband, Michael Emerson,
02:40 is an obvious choice, although he deserves
02:43 a recurring character.
02:44 - Divide and conquer, I assume that's all right with you?
02:47 - Number eight, fleshing out the supporting characters'
02:50 home lives.
02:51 With the first season only having 10 episodes,
02:54 Jonathan Tolens felt there was only so much time
02:57 to explore who these characters are outside of the NYPD.
03:01 - Are you staying?
03:02 - I've been ordered to follow you.
03:04 - We get to know Officer Kaia Blank and Captain Wagner
03:07 through their working relationship with Elspeth,
03:10 although we've seen little of their personal lives.
03:12 In Wagner's case, that's fitting
03:14 since he was initially an ambiguous character.
03:17 - What does that mean?
03:18 - I need you to know when to stop.
03:21 You saw this, now move on.
03:24 - Now that he's no longer shrouded in mystery,
03:26 season two can delve deeper into his marriage,
03:29 among other things.
03:30 Kaia has developed a close friendship with Elspeth,
03:33 but season two could expand upon their dynamic
03:35 in more social environments.
03:37 Future episodes can also bring more people
03:39 from their inner circles into the mix,
03:41 showing how Elspeth works off them.
03:43 - And for the record, I would love
03:47 to be your mother-in-law.
03:49 - Oh, I'm flattered.
03:50 - Number seven, Elspeth in her new position.
03:53 When Elspeth arrives at the NYPD,
03:56 she's assigned to observe and report.
03:58 - I'm part of the thing, the thingy thing.
04:03 - The thingy thing?
04:05 - Consent decree on the outside observer,
04:08 the wrongful arrest lawsuit.
04:10 - Right, this way.
04:12 - Of course, she can't help but get involved in every case.
04:15 Wagner grows distrustful upon learning Elspeth
04:17 is there to audit him, even after she clears his name.
04:20 By the season one finale, though,
04:22 Wagner comes to see Elspeth as an asset and friend,
04:26 giving her a full-time position at the precinct.
04:28 - Stay.
04:29 I thought about it.
04:31 You were sent here to root out corruption, and you did.
04:34 Not to mention, keep helping my detectives solve cases.
04:37 - I do.
04:38 - Elspeth will continue to root out corruption,
04:41 although we're sure she'll spend most of her time
04:43 cracking murder cases.
04:44 Aside from receiving a bigger office,
04:47 it'll be interesting to see how Elspeth's role
04:49 in the department changes.
04:50 - Captain Wagner, now we really should hug.
04:54 - All right, make it quick.
04:55 - Okay.
04:56 - The job likely comes with more authority,
04:58 but just because Elspeth earned Wagner's respect
05:01 doesn't mean she's no longer an outsider.
05:03 Number six, Elspeth interacting with other detectives.
05:07 It doesn't take long for Elspeth to win over Kaya,
05:10 who admires her ability to pick up on details
05:12 most officers and detectives miss.
05:14 - I think there's a chance she's right.
05:16 Tassioni thinks he killed her because he was afraid
05:18 she was going to the school to get him fired.
05:20 - Others in the department don't always appreciate
05:22 Elspeth sticking her nose into their cases.
05:25 The more time they spend with Elspeth, though,
05:27 the more they come to value her
05:28 as a crime solver and person.
05:30 - Slip.
05:32 - Let me do my job, and then you can come in afterwards
05:35 if you want and criticize me.
05:37 - While Kaya will surely remain her bestie,
05:39 season two could explore new dynamics
05:41 by pairing Elspeth with others in the department.
05:44 Season one already introduced recurring characters
05:47 like detectives Donnelly and Smullen,
05:49 who can be fleshed out as foils for Elspeth going forward.
05:52 - Let's get something straight.
05:54 I am the lead detective in this case, all right?
05:56 If you observe any misconduct, by all means, say something.
06:00 But otherwise-
06:01 - Of course, point taken.
06:04 - Fresh-faced detectives might be introduced as well,
06:07 paving the way for friendships and rivalries
06:09 as Elspeth distinguishes the crooked cops
06:11 from the honest ones.
06:13 Number five, Kaya becoming a detective.
06:16 In addition to offering Elspeth a permanent position
06:18 in the season one finale,
06:20 Wagoner decides to fast track Kaya
06:22 from officer to detective.
06:24 - I'm putting you on the fast track to become a detective.
06:27 It's time.
06:28 - Thank you, sir.
06:30 I won't let you down.
06:33 - You better not.
06:34 - Season two could open with Kaya
06:36 already being promoted to detective,
06:38 although it may take Wagoner several episodes
06:40 to make good on his word.
06:41 Either way, the job is within Kaya's grasp.
06:44 While Kaya has come into her own working alongside Elspeth,
06:48 this new title will inevitably entail some changes.
06:51 - Okay, I don't wanna get you in trouble.
06:52 You just go without me.
06:54 - Are you sure?
06:55 - Looking ahead to season two,
06:56 Jonathan Toland suggested that Elspeth won't tag along
06:59 on every case assigned to Kaya.
07:01 Elspeth and Kaya bring out the best in each other,
07:04 but by splitting them up every now and then,
07:06 the writers can explore
07:07 just how well they work as individuals.
07:09 - Well, that's okay.
07:10 - Number four, Elspeth's family.
07:13 Although Elspeth appeared on two shows
07:15 before getting a spinoff,
07:16 her backstory is still something of a mystery.
07:18 In season seven of "The Good Wife,"
07:20 we met her equally quirky ex-husband, Mike Toscione,
07:24 played by Will Patton.
07:26 - I know you, dear.
07:27 - And I know you.
07:30 I'm coming for you.
07:34 - Tell me when.
07:36 I don't wanna miss it.
07:37 - While Mike appeared in four episodes overall,
07:40 Elspeth's son, Teddy, has only been mentioned.
07:43 All we know about Teddy is that he's gay
07:44 and works in Washington, D.C.
07:47 - My old life can come visit.
07:48 - You mean your son?
07:51 I just didn't know you had one.
07:55 - Teddy's in D.C. now.
07:57 He's doing great.
07:58 - Just as Columbo had a wife
08:00 who was frequently talked about yet never seen,
08:02 Keri Preston thinks it might be fun
08:04 to leave Teddy up to the viewer's imagination.
08:07 Preston may have a change of tune
08:08 if they find the right actor, however.
08:10 There's definitely potential for a family reunion,
08:13 but Elspeth has Gonzo the dog for now.
08:16 - Welcome home.
08:16 (lips smacking)
08:20 Oh, you such a good girl.
08:22 - Number three, characters from "The Good Wife" and "Fight."
08:26 When doing a spinoff,
08:27 it's best not to overload the first season with cameos
08:30 so the show can establish an identity.
08:32 - I defended some high-profile clients in Chicago.
08:36 Crime really does pay.
08:38 - So this consent decree thing's gonna last a while?
08:41 - I hope so.
08:42 - You really just giving up your whole life?
08:45 - Now that Elspeth has found a unique voice,
08:47 season two seems like the time
08:48 to bring back a few familiar faces.
08:51 Although Alicia Florek hasn't been seen since "The Good Wife,"
08:54 it's mentioned in "The Good Fight"
08:56 that she moved to New York to start a law firm.
08:58 - An Alicia?
08:59 - Oh, she's still in the law.
09:00 Started her own firm in New York.
09:03 Doing well.
09:04 - Now that they live in the same state,
09:05 Elspeth and Alicia could feasibly cross paths.
09:08 Fan favorite Eli Gold could also become a campaign manager
09:12 to a New York politician,
09:13 putting him in Elspeth's neck of the woods.
09:15 - Sure.
09:17 Why not?
09:18 - Season two can even re-team Elspeth
09:20 with recurring characters from this universe,
09:22 such as her fling with Josh Perotti.
09:24 Number two, experimenting with the formula.
09:27 Like Columbo and the more recent poker face,
09:30 Elspeth is a how-catch 'em.
09:32 At least, that's how the first nine episodes are structured.
09:35 - It would have been easy to go to the museum,
09:37 be seen, sneak back into the reveal,
09:39 kill Astrid, return to the museum,
09:42 stop at a hardware store in a hundred and second
09:44 to buy red paint, walk home, splatter your shoes,
09:46 and get back to the reveal just in time
09:48 to not really look distraught.
09:50 - Episode 10 deviates from the formula,
09:52 not immediately disclosing who murdered a photographer
09:55 at a fashion show.
09:56 Elspeth struggles to solidify a suspect
09:58 as her personal struggles cloud her thought process.
10:01 Her head is cleared by the episode's end,
10:03 leading to the murderer's capture.
10:05 - Those are your rings, Mateo.
10:07 If people notice something about you,
10:11 pay attention and use it.
10:14 - While season two may revert to the status quo,
10:17 the season one finale leaves the door open
10:19 for experimentation.
10:20 The show shouldn't abandon
10:21 the how-catch 'em formula altogether,
10:23 but occasionally keeping the audience
10:25 and Elspeth in the dark wouldn't hurt.
10:28 - Have a hunch?
10:31 - I usually do by now, don't I?
10:33 But I don't.
10:36 - Like Monk, Elspeth could mix things up,
10:39 revealing the killer up front some weeks
10:41 and making other episodes a whodunit.
10:44 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
10:46 and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
10:50 You'll have the option to be notified
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10:53 If you're on your phone, make sure you go
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10:59 Number one, "Return to the Courtroom."
11:02 Elspeth is the third show set in this universe,
11:05 but the first to stretch beyond the legal drama genre.
11:08 - Excuse me?
11:09 - Don't worry, I can see it.
11:10 - Could you go downstairs, please, ma'am?
11:14 - Oh, sure.
11:15 - It's a police procedural,
11:16 although catching a criminal is only the first half
11:19 of "Law & Order."
11:20 Season two can bring back guest stars like Jane Krakowski
11:23 and Keegan-Michael Key, showing their characters on trial.
11:27 Elspeth could be summoned as a witness,
11:29 although given her background as a lawyer,
11:31 she might be compelled to do more than testify.
11:33 - I thought you are the police.
11:35 - Oh, no, they are.
11:37 I'm like the police police.
11:39 That is such a good way of putting it.
11:42 No, I'm just here to make sure everything is done right.
11:45 - If someone close to her were accused of a crime,
11:47 Elspeth may seek to represent them,
11:50 although she'd need to take the New York bar first.
11:52 While the show should keep Elspeth rooted
11:54 in the police department,
11:56 having her revisit the courtroom would be a welcome detour.
11:59 - Ooh, a challenge, how fun.
12:01 - What do you wanna see in "Elspeth" season two?
12:04 Let us know in the comments.
12:06 - Back to work.
12:07 - Aye, aye, Captain Charles Wallace Wagner.
12:10 - Do you agree with our picks?
12:13 Check out this other recent clip from "Ms. Mojo"
12:15 and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell
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12:19 (gentle music)
12:22 (gentle music fades)
12:25 (gentle music fades)
