Labour: Mandatory national service a 'ridiculous gimmick'

  • 4 months ago
Labour's Bridget Phillipson brands Rishi Sunak's idea to bring back mandatory national service a "ridiculous gimmick" adding that the Tories "can't set out how they would pay for it". The shadow education secretary also says that if Labour win the general election, the party would "carry out a strategic defense and security review, so that we can make sure that we're well prepared for all of the challenges we face as a country into the future". Report by Czubalam. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
00:00This ridiculous gimmick unravels further and further with every passing hour.
00:04The Conservatives can't set out how they're going to pay for it.
00:07There are so many problems with what they've identified.
00:10What we're focused on is delivering better life chances for all of our young people
00:14and the only way we can get that is with a change of government on the 4th of July.
00:18What we've seen over the last 14 years is a hollowing out of our armed forces,
00:22our army at its lowest level for hundreds of years.
00:24The answer to that is not to get volunteers to step in
00:28in the way the government have described,
00:30but to have a serious plan for how we keep our country safe.
00:33And that's why a Labour government, if we win the next election,
00:36will carry out a strategic defence and security review
00:39so that we can make sure that we're well prepared
00:40for all of the challenges we face as a country into the future.
