The Story of Moses: From Basket to Freedom | Moses, Bible story, Exodus, Israelite slaves, Pharaoh, Egypt, Red Sea, burning bush, Sunday school, God's miracles, faith, freedom, children's Bible stories, inspirational,

  • 20 days ago
The Story of Moses
A long time ago, in a land called Egypt, the Israelites were slaves. They worked very hard and were treated badly by the Egyptians. A cruel king named Pharaoh ruled over Egypt. He was afraid that the Israelites were becoming too many, so he ordered that all baby boys born to the Israelites should be killed.

One day, a baby boy was born to an Israelite family. His mother loved him very much and wanted to save him. She hid him for three months, but when she could no longer keep him hidden, she made a small basket, coated it with tar to make it waterproof, and placed the baby inside. She then put the basket in the reeds along the Nile River.

Pharaoh's daughter came down to the river to bathe and saw the basket among the reeds. She sent her servant to get it. When she opened the basket and saw the crying baby, she felt sorry for him and decided to keep him. She named him Moses, which means "drawn out of the water."

Moses grew up in the palace as if he were an Egyptian prince, but he always knew he was an Israelite. One day, when Moses was grown, he saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite slave. Angered by this, Moses struck and killed the Egyptian. Fearing for his life, Moses fled to a land called Midian, where he became a shepherd.

Many years later, while Moses was tending his sheep, he saw a strange sight. A bush was on fire, but it did not burn up. When he went closer to investigate, he heard the voice of God speaking to him from the bush. God told Moses to go back to Egypt and lead the Israelites out of slavery to a land flowing with milk and honey.

With his brother Aaron by his side, Moses returned to Egypt and asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites go free. Pharaoh refused, so God sent ten terrible plagues upon Egypt, each one worse than the last. Finally, after the tenth plague, which took the lives of all the firstborn sons of Egypt, Pharaoh let the Israelites go.
Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and toward the Red Sea. When Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after them, God parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry ground. When the Egyptians tried to follow, the sea closed over them. Safe on the other side, Moses and the Israelites thanked God for their deliverance. Moses would go on to lead his people through the wilderness for many years, guiding them with faith and courage.
The story of Moses teaches us about courage, faith, and obedience to God. Moses was just an ordinary person, but he trusted God and did what He said. We can also trust God and do great things for Him.Amen