Body Count (1995) Full Movie

  • 4 months ago
Two New Orleans cops must capture the escaped and trigger-happy assassins they once set up before they can take their revenge on them and their city.
00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:00:43 [EXPLOSION]
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00:01:32 It's as though history were repeating itself.
00:01:34 For the third time in as many years,
00:01:36 the Gianelli brothers were taken to court,
00:01:38 faced with what seemed to be irrefutable evidence
00:01:41 against them, and once again were acquitted.
00:01:44 In this latest case, the Gianellis
00:01:46 were charged with 33 counts, including
00:01:48 two counts of murder and a variety of drug and pornography
00:01:51 charges.
00:01:53 Reporting from criminal court, Lynn Ganser, WNPZ News.
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00:02:47 Champagne.
00:03:08 Just a little bit, you see?
00:03:14 Enjoy the party.
00:03:15 Ciao, bella.
00:03:16 Ah.
00:03:39 Enjoy, Gianelli.
00:03:41 Ciao.
00:03:42 Hey there.
00:03:47 How are you?
00:03:48 Good for you.
00:03:49 This is the only time Secanchi sold you girls.
00:03:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:55 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:28 Good to see you.
00:04:29 Welcome to my party.
00:04:31 [LAUGHTER]
00:04:34 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:04:39 [BELL RINGING]
00:04:47 Silencio.
00:04:49 Gianelli.
00:04:53 Gianelli.
00:04:58 To justice.
00:04:59 To justice.
00:05:01 To American justice.
00:05:02 [GUNSHOT]
00:05:05 [SCREAMING]
00:05:08 [GUNSHOT]
00:05:09 [SCREAMING]
00:05:12 What's going on?
00:05:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:16 Oh, my God.
00:05:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:28 Eddie, we got a hole, but we ain't got a bullet.
00:05:38 Check the nasal cavity.
00:05:44 The nasal cavity?
00:05:46 Yeah.
00:05:48 Sometimes they get lodged up in there.
00:05:50 Hard to find.
00:05:51 All right, I'll get my men on it.
00:05:53 You should check the brain matter.
00:05:54 There is an headache.
00:05:55 What do you mean there is an headache?
00:05:56 There's not.
00:05:57 There's no exit wound.
00:05:58 No exit wound.
00:06:00 That's a new one on me.
00:06:08 Hey, Eddie.
00:06:11 How long have we been after these guys?
00:06:13 Almost eight years.
00:06:16 Eight years?
00:06:18 Then one night some guy moseys up and blows them both away?
00:06:23 Amazing.
00:06:24 We should put him on the payroll.
00:06:25 [CHUCKLES]
00:06:26 I figure the hit happened somewhere out there.
00:06:33 High-powered sniper rifle.
00:06:36 Must have been a hell of a shot.
00:06:39 How much do you think someone paid for a hit like that?
00:06:43 More than we can afford.
00:06:46 Hey, come on.
00:06:49 We agreed to $100,000 fucking dollars.
00:06:52 Per hit.
00:06:53 Per hit.
00:06:54 So what's the problem?
00:06:55 You hit the giannullis and I brought your money.
00:06:57 Two hits.
00:06:59 Oh, man, don't try that with me, man.
00:07:02 That was one hit.
00:07:03 Bang, bang, you're dead.
00:07:05 That extra hit ain't worth $100,000.
00:07:07 Yes, it is.
00:07:08 Well, what do you want me to do?
00:07:10 Go back in there and tell them I need an extra $100,000?
00:07:13 Okay, look.
00:07:18 I'll get you your money.
00:07:20 It's no problem, all right?
00:07:21 I just need to talk to the man.
00:07:22 It's no problem.
00:07:23 I'll get you $100,000.
00:07:24 I just need to talk to the man.
00:07:25 What's that there?
00:07:36 Ooh, could have gotten us good.
00:07:38 T.C., you're next.
00:07:40 Hey, what's happening, man?
00:07:41 Hey, man, you got any one of these bums
00:07:43 ready to fight a real man yet?
00:07:45 Two white men in the ring.
00:07:46 Oh, yeah?
00:07:47 Well, come on, put on some gloves, brother.
00:07:48 Come on.
00:07:49 Come on, speedy.
00:07:50 Get him!
00:07:51 Good work, Rizzo.
00:07:59 Take care, Richie.
00:08:00 Hey, good work.
00:08:01 See you guys, Tony.
00:08:02 Eddie, Rizzo, come on, we got a boogie.
00:08:05 What's that?
00:08:06 We're going to the quarter.
00:08:08 No, no, no, wait a second, Lieutenant.
00:08:10 I got to go to Catherine's sister's wedding.
00:08:12 This is not an invitation.
00:08:14 It's an order.
00:08:15 I put in for the kid.
00:08:18 I put in for this a month ago, Lieutenant.
00:08:20 Okay, what do you got?
00:08:21 We got a tip from one of the street performers.
00:08:24 Says he knows the guy who hit the G&L.
00:08:26 He's where he's being paid off.
00:08:27 You should let him keep the money.
00:08:29 Come on, he's a murderer.
00:08:31 Yeah, you should give him a citation.
00:08:33 Look, look, look, look, look.
00:08:35 Go to your wedding, okay?
00:08:37 We'll take care of this.
00:08:38 Come on.
00:08:39 Thank you.
00:08:40 We got to sing at the wedding.
00:08:42 I'm going to get my picture in the paper.
00:08:45 [sighs]
00:08:47 It's going to be the end of my relationship.
00:08:50 [sighs]
00:08:51 Why?
00:08:52 Riz, wait up.
00:08:54 [music playing]
00:08:57 [music playing]
00:09:09 [music playing]
00:09:12 [screams]
00:09:20 [music playing]
00:09:23 [music playing]
00:09:27 [music playing]
00:09:30 [music playing]
00:09:38 [music playing]
00:09:43 [screams]
00:09:53 [music playing]
00:09:56 [music playing]
00:09:59 How about a drink?
00:10:08 [music playing]
00:10:11 Hey, what's your pleasure?
00:10:16 [laughs]
00:10:17 [music playing]
00:10:20 [music playing]
00:10:23 [screams]
00:10:40 [music playing]
00:10:44 [music playing]
00:10:47 There's no need to count it.
00:11:00 May that not be.
00:11:01 [music playing]
00:11:12 [laughs]
00:11:13 [music playing]
00:11:16 Police!
00:11:33 Police!
00:11:34 Hold your fire.
00:11:35 Hold your fire.
00:11:37 Freeze.
00:11:38 Drop your weapon.
00:11:39 [screams]
00:11:40 [gunshots]
00:11:41 [screams]
00:11:42 [gunshots]
00:11:43 [screams]
00:11:44 Hold your fire.
00:11:45 Don't shoot.
00:11:46 Hold your fire.
00:11:47 Down, everybody, down.
00:11:50 Get down.
00:11:51 Get down.
00:11:52 [gunshots]
00:11:55 Get down.
00:12:04 Come on.
00:12:05 Go.
00:12:06 [gunshots]
00:12:09 [grunts]
00:12:10 [grunts]
00:12:13 I got the back.
00:12:14 Come on.
00:12:15 [gunshots]
00:12:18 [sirens]
00:12:21 [gunshots]
00:12:24 [sirens]
00:12:27 Hey, asshole.
00:12:30 [gunshots]
00:12:33 Suspect hit at the canal.
00:12:35 Send backup, code 2.
00:12:37 [music playing]
00:12:40 [inaudible]
00:12:41 [music playing]
00:12:44 [gunshots]
00:12:58 [sirens]
00:13:01 [gunshots]
00:13:05 [gunshots]
00:13:08 [gunshots]
00:13:11 [gunshots]
00:13:14 [music playing]
00:13:18 [music playing]
00:13:22 [music playing]
00:13:25 [music playing]
00:13:28 [music playing]
00:13:31 [music playing]
00:13:34 [music playing]
00:13:37 [music playing]
00:13:40 [music playing]
00:13:44 [music playing]
00:13:47 (eerie music)
00:13:49 (eerie music)
00:13:52 (eerie music)
00:13:54 (eerie music)
00:13:57 (eerie music)
00:13:59 (eerie music)
00:14:02 (eerie music)
00:14:04 (eerie music)
00:14:07 (gun clicking)
00:14:11 (gun firing)
00:14:27 - You okay?
00:14:33 - Shut the fuck up!
00:14:35 (eerie music)
00:14:37 (eerie music)
00:14:40 (eerie music)
00:14:42 (eerie music)
00:14:45 (eerie music)
00:14:47 (eerie music)
00:14:50 (eerie music)
00:14:52 (eerie music)
00:14:55 (eerie music)
00:14:59 (eerie music)
00:15:03 (eerie music)
00:15:07 (eerie music)
00:15:11 (eerie music)
00:15:15 (eerie music)
00:15:20 (eerie music)
00:15:48 (eerie music)
00:15:51 (eerie music)
00:15:59 (gun firing)
00:16:10 (gun firing)
00:16:12 (eerie music)
00:16:15 (gun firing)
00:16:17 (gun firing)
00:16:23 (eerie music)
00:16:25 - Nice shot.
00:16:38 Nice fucking shot.
00:16:44 - What's with the humming?
00:16:46 Ask him again.
00:16:47 - He says don't hum.
00:16:48 (gun clicking)
00:16:51 - Ask him again.
00:16:54 - Cheers, Samo.
00:16:56 - Hey, you wanna do some singing for real?
00:17:04 - Okay, Kimo Sabe.
00:17:09 You think you're bad, huh?
00:17:15 Think you're real fucking bad.
00:17:18 Ask him again.
00:17:19 (speaking in foreign language)
00:17:22 Again.
00:17:23 (speaking in foreign language)
00:17:26 I love this guy.
00:17:28 Why isn't he answering?
00:17:30 Huh?
00:17:31 - I don't think he's Chinese.
00:17:34 - What are you speaking to?
00:17:36 - Chinese.
00:17:37 - Get the fuck out of here, get out of here!
00:17:40 Give me somebody in here who can talk to this guy!
00:17:42 - You kicked his fucking ass!
00:17:44 - He'll talk then, I guarantee it!
00:17:46 - All right, take it easy, T.C.
00:17:48 - This is bullshit, I'm getting the fuck out of here.
00:17:50 - Walk away, man, walk away.
00:17:51 - Jameson, bring in the other one.
00:17:53 - Daniel, he speaks Japanese.
00:17:56 - All right, everybody back off.
00:17:59 Can't give him his rights.
00:18:01 (speaking in foreign language)
00:18:05 - Beat it up.
00:18:06 (speaking in foreign language)
00:18:11 (speaking in foreign language)
00:18:15 - You see, he understands now.
00:18:18 (speaking in foreign language)
00:18:22 - What'd he say?
00:18:25 What'd he say?
00:18:26 Come on, talk to us.
00:18:28 What'd he say?
00:18:29 - It's just a fucking circus.
00:18:32 - Oh, circus, it's a circus.
00:18:34 - Well, anyway, that makes us even.
00:18:40 - What do you mean, even?
00:18:41 - Three to three.
00:18:42 - No, no, no, that's bullshit.
00:18:43 - Four to three.
00:18:44 - No, it's four to three.
00:18:47 - Well, I don't know where you learned how to count,
00:18:49 but I think it's three times that you've saved my ass.
00:18:54 - Three times, all right.
00:18:57 Time at the warehouse, robbery on Royal Street.
00:19:01 - All right.
00:19:02 - Now.
00:19:03 - Uh-huh, that's it.
00:19:04 - No, you're forgetting the time the junkie chick
00:19:05 put a knife to your balls.
00:19:08 - Come on, you're not counting that, are you?
00:19:10 - Oh, yes, I am.
00:19:11 - How do you figure?
00:19:12 That wasn't life threatening.
00:19:14 - It wasn't life threatening?
00:19:15 - No.
00:19:16 - (laughs) Then I don't know what is, pal.
00:19:20 If you don't reach me at home later on, check the bench.
00:19:25 I'll be sleeping here.
00:19:27 I'm sorry. - I don't wanna talk about it, Eddie.
00:19:34 - I'm sorry, Catherine.
00:19:35 - I don't even wanna hear your explanation.
00:19:37 - I mean, you don't wanna hear my explanation?
00:19:39 - One night, one night, that's all I ask you for.
00:19:42 Is that asking too much?
00:19:43 - Okay, Henrik's bus came down.
00:19:44 - I don't give a damn if you're gonna show up dead or alive.
00:19:47 - Please, don't do this.
00:19:49 - You just don't get it, do you?
00:19:51 - Okay, at least take the flowers.
00:19:53 Catherine?
00:19:54 - Excuse me, how much you want for this coffee table?
00:20:05 (phone buzzing)
00:20:08 - I know a man like you suffers in a place like that.
00:20:15 I also know a man like you can take anything they give you.
00:20:20 Others have failed and betrayed you, friend,
00:20:22 but we have just begun.
00:20:25 I found the money where you left it, and it's safe.
00:20:28 We're apart, but not for long.
00:20:31 Sybil.
00:20:34 (ominous music)
00:20:37 (groaning)
00:20:44 (gagging)
00:20:52 (dramatic music)
00:20:56 (guns firing)
00:20:59 (dramatic music)
00:21:02 (groaning)
00:21:19 (humming)
00:21:22 - That's impossible.
00:21:30 - Say, boy, I don't like that kind of music.
00:21:36 - You're gonna be smart, are you?
00:21:42 (gun firing)
00:21:44 Answer me!
00:21:45 Answer me!
00:21:46 (gentle music)
00:22:01 - I'll take care of this, personally.
00:22:08 (gentle music)
00:22:11 (whistling)
00:22:19 - What you boys looking at?
00:22:20 Get back to work!
00:22:22 - You realize you're on federal property,
00:22:30 don't you, young lady?
00:22:33 - Oh, no, sir, I sure didn't.
00:22:38 You're not going to arrest me, are you?
00:22:41 - Oh, no, no, no, I don't think that'll be necessary.
00:22:45 It seems to be your problem.
00:22:49 - It's such a hot day, and I think
00:22:54 that it might just have gotten a little overheated.
00:22:58 - Let's take a look.
00:23:02 - I think it's that little old thing right down in here.
00:23:05 - Oh, I can't find anything wrong.
00:23:11 Better check your points.
00:23:13 - Check this one.
00:23:15 - Huh?
00:23:16 - Help!
00:23:21 Come quick, please!
00:23:22 Help!
00:23:23 (dramatic music)
00:23:27 (dramatic music)
00:23:30 - What is this?
00:23:38 What's wrong?
00:23:39 - I don't know, he just plunked over
00:23:40 like he fainted or something.
00:23:42 - I'll see.
00:23:45 - Please.
00:23:46 - He's dead.
00:23:51 (gun firing)
00:23:52 (gun firing)
00:23:55 (gun firing)
00:23:57 (gun firing)
00:24:00 (gun firing)
00:24:03 (gun firing)
00:24:06 - Please don't kill me.
00:24:15 I got a family, please don't.
00:24:17 Don't kill me.
00:24:24 - I won't.
00:24:25 (gun firing)
00:24:27 She will.
00:24:28 - Looks good.
00:24:39 - Yeah, spelled Eddie right and everything.
00:24:41 - Very nice, there's something missing,
00:24:42 something missing, something missing.
00:24:43 - Well, it's a strange color, but you know,
00:24:44 I'm sorry, but it's the one I had.
00:24:46 - Looks good.
00:24:47 - Candles, candles, who's got the candles?
00:24:48 - Hey.
00:24:49 - Good move.
00:24:50 - How old is this guy?
00:24:51 - Look, I want the two of you to stay away
00:24:52 from the cake, you and him.
00:24:53 And don't lick the candles like you did last year.
00:24:55 - Stick 'em in, stick 'em in.
00:24:56 - How many candles I put in?
00:24:57 - I don't know, how many in a box?
00:24:59 - 36.
00:25:00 - Get another box.
00:25:02 (laughing)
00:25:04 - You'll kill us.
00:25:06 - Come on.
00:25:07 - To the bathroom.
00:25:13 - Hey, Eddie.
00:25:15 You know, I finished up that paperwork last night.
00:25:18 Could you come look it over and sign it
00:25:20 so I can turn you into captain?
00:25:22 - Listen, Reinhardt, I'm running real late here.
00:25:24 - Hey, buddy, please, I'm really jammed up.
00:25:26 Do me a favor, would ya?
00:25:28 - Okay, just let's get you out of here.
00:25:32 You got it all organized now?
00:25:36 - Yeah.
00:25:37 ♪ For he's a jolly good fellow
00:25:45 ♪ For he's a jolly good fellow
00:25:47 ♪ For he's a jolly good fellow
00:25:51 ♪ Which nobody can deny
00:25:55 - Happy birthday, man.
00:25:57 (applauding)
00:25:59 - Yes, sir.
00:26:00 - Take your shot, here you go.
00:26:03 - Thank you.
00:26:04 Too bad it was last month.
00:26:06 - One year.
00:26:20 One year, six months, and 21 days of my life.
00:26:24 Being chained down like an animal.
00:26:32 Those who betrayed me,
00:26:49 we'll pay one by one.
00:26:51 - Relax.
00:26:57 We'll get them soon enough.
00:27:18 - Hey, Bill, play this for me, will ya?
00:27:20 - You got it, Captain.
00:27:22 - Hello.
00:27:31 - Yes, you're a very lucky man.
00:27:33 Very lucky.
00:27:34 - Bill, what happened to my music?
00:27:36 - Excuse me, waiter, this is not my beer.
00:27:39 - Very good, Detective.
00:27:40 Champagne.
00:27:41 - Afraid to ask what we're celebrating.
00:27:45 - It's a gift.
00:27:46 - I got this to my friends on Special Crime Force
00:27:49 for everything you've done for me.
00:27:51 There's a CD came with it, listen.
00:27:54 - It's not signed.
00:27:56 - Ah, yeah.
00:28:01 - I know this music.
00:28:06 - I thought that your idea of culture
00:28:08 is when the mold in your refrigerator grew an inch.
00:28:10 - Very funny.
00:28:12 (light music)
00:28:15 - You remember that bust we had
00:28:17 about a year, year and a half ago?
00:28:19 Asian guy.
00:28:20 - Mercado.
00:28:23 - Yeah, Mercado.
00:28:25 - Mercado.
00:28:26 - I wouldn't drink that champagne.
00:28:29 - Send it back.
00:28:31 - Got dispatch on Reinhardt.
00:28:38 - Yeah, I checked with Jensen's wife.
00:28:40 Find out where he's spending his vacation.
00:28:42 - You hear from TC?
00:28:45 - Uh, he's in paint.
00:28:48 Gotta get some guys on him and track him down.
00:28:50 - Right.
00:28:51 (crowd cheering)
00:28:58 - Two points, is that too much to ask for?
00:29:01 - All right, it's a free throw.
00:29:02 - You don't get paid to miss free throws.
00:29:05 - Oh, help.
00:29:08 Help.
00:29:09 - TV's off.
00:29:14 - That was the big game.
00:29:16 - Fuck the game.
00:29:17 - I got 50 bucks riding on that game.
00:29:19 - Why did you set up Mercado?
00:29:21 - Look, I didn't do it.
00:29:22 Look, I swear to God, I didn't.
00:29:24 When I heard that he got busted, I couldn't believe it.
00:29:27 - Don't you give me that little innocent babe
00:29:30 in the woods routine on me.
00:29:32 - I just dropped the money, all right?
00:29:34 Somebody hired me.
00:29:35 - Well, who?
00:29:36 Who had the Giannellis killed?
00:29:38 - I don't know.
00:29:39 I don't know his name.
00:29:40 - Well, think hard.
00:29:42 - I don't know, I swear to you.
00:29:44 It was a cop.
00:29:46 A cop gave me the money.
00:29:48 He wanted Giannelli killed, I don't know why.
00:29:51 - What cop?
00:29:52 - It was one of the ones that busted Mercado.
00:29:54 It was one of them special crime cops.
00:29:57 - The name!
00:29:58 - I don't know, I swear, I don't know his name.
00:30:01 I swear to God, I don't know.
00:30:03 (thudding)
00:30:05 (dramatic music)
00:30:08 (laughing)
00:30:10 - Never speak with your mouth full, buddy.
00:30:13 (dramatic music)
00:30:16 - Nice.
00:30:22 - Detectives Rizzo and Cook.
00:30:24 - Yeah, Officer Vinnie C. Rizzo at your service.
00:30:30 - Great.
00:30:31 I'm gonna be working with you boys.
00:30:33 - Good.
00:30:34 - Would you sign this?
00:30:36 - Sure.
00:30:37 Just follow me.
00:30:39 - That's a pretty snazzy pen for a cop.
00:30:42 - Who said I was a cop?
00:30:44 - Oh, I know.
00:30:46 You must be the new secretary we ordered.
00:30:49 They're being good to us.
00:30:51 Well, you're just in time to help us out with our research.
00:30:54 What's your name?
00:30:55 - Janet Hood.
00:30:56 - Janet.
00:30:57 Okay, Janet, welcome.
00:30:59 Tell you what, Janet,
00:31:02 you can help us out by getting us a little coffee
00:31:04 down the hall.
00:31:05 My partner, Eddie Cook.
00:31:06 - Very good idea.
00:31:07 I'd like mine black.
00:31:08 - I like it so.
00:31:10 - I'd like it sweet.
00:31:11 - He likes free sugars.
00:31:13 - That's right.
00:31:14 That's the way I am.
00:31:15 - You've got a lot of cavities.
00:31:16 - (laughing)
00:31:17 That's very cute.
00:31:18 Special agent, Janet Hood.
00:31:20 - Special agent?
00:31:22 - Mm-hmm.
00:31:23 What?
00:31:30 - Nothing.
00:31:31 - What did I just sign here?
00:31:33 - A release.
00:31:34 Giving me access to the Gianelli files.
00:31:36 - Wait, you just misled me to sign that.
00:31:38 - You don't want to sign it.
00:31:39 I can always get a court order.
00:31:41 I just figured I'd save you fellas
00:31:42 the unnecessary publicity.
00:31:43 - No, there's no problem.
00:31:44 You want the files, you can have the files.
00:31:46 We've got nothing to hide.
00:31:47 - That's right.
00:31:48 - Then I suggest you boys get started.
00:31:51 I want them on my desk by four,
00:31:52 and I don't allow smoking in my office.
00:31:55 - I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:31:57 - I don't allow smoking in my office.
00:32:00 - Ooh.
00:32:01 - Excuse me, Janet.
00:32:05 First of all, we're not Aaron boys.
00:32:07 And secondly, this is not your office.
00:32:10 - It is now.
00:32:13 - Wait a minute, she can't just barge in here
00:32:16 and take over our office like that.
00:32:19 Can she?
00:32:20 - I guess that.
00:32:24 Have fun.
00:32:27 - Shit.
00:32:28 - Oh Rizzo, on your way back,
00:32:32 I'd like a cup of coffee, black.
00:32:34 (laughing)
00:32:36 Thank you.
00:32:37 - It's the 90s.
00:32:40 Captain.
00:32:46 - Yo.
00:32:47 - I need to talk to you a second.
00:32:49 What'd you hear?
00:32:52 What the hell's the idea of having an outside agency
00:32:54 come into the office?
00:32:56 - Andy, I don't like it any better than you do.
00:32:59 When you cooperate with the feds,
00:33:00 you're gonna be crawling out of the jacks.
00:33:02 - I don't mind cooperation,
00:33:03 but does she have to take over my desk?
00:33:06 - She took your desk?
00:33:08 - Yeah, she plopped down like it was a living room.
00:33:11 - Yeah, well, I'll handle it.
00:33:14 - Thank you.
00:33:15 - I'll give her mine.
00:33:17 - Very funny.
00:33:19 (birds chirping)
00:33:23 (birds chirping)
00:33:27 (birds chirping)
00:33:31 (birds chirping)
00:33:34 - Would you mind if I--
00:33:57 - No.
00:33:59 - You don't even know what I was gonna ask.
00:34:01 - The answer is no.
00:34:03 I don't date cops.
00:34:04 - You're being very presumptuous.
00:34:09 I wasn't gonna ask for a date.
00:34:12 - Well, not directly,
00:34:14 but you would have gotten to it eventually.
00:34:17 - You're very sure of yourself.
00:34:20 (laughing)
00:34:22 No, what I was gonna ask was
00:34:23 if you would please put some water on the rocks.
00:34:27 - Your legs are broken?
00:34:28 - Well, as a matter of fact, I've got a bum leg.
00:34:32 - I'll do it.
00:34:35 I'll do it.
00:34:37 (sighs)
00:34:42 (water running)
00:34:48 (water running)
00:34:51 - You ladies are up awful early today.
00:35:09 - Maybe you're just working late.
00:35:12 - We're not doing nothing, Detective.
00:35:14 We're waiting for a bus.
00:35:16 - Oh yeah, doing them by the busload now, huh?
00:35:19 - Remember last time I talked to you
00:35:21 what I said to heaven if I caught you out here again?
00:35:23 - You were gonna take us in?
00:35:25 - That's right.
00:35:26 - That's right.
00:35:27 We're going for a ride.
00:35:29 - On my part.
00:35:30 (horn honking)
00:35:31 (tires screeching)
00:35:34 (dramatic music)
00:35:37 (tires screeching)
00:35:40 (dramatic music)
00:35:43 (tires screeching)
00:35:46 (tires screeching)
00:35:52 (dramatic music)
00:35:56 (tires screeching)
00:36:05 (tires screeching)
00:36:08 (dramatic music)
00:36:11 (tires screeching)
00:36:14 (dramatic music)
00:36:17 (tires screeching)
00:36:20 (dramatic music)
00:36:23 (tires screeching)
00:36:26 (dramatic music)
00:36:29 (tires screeching)
00:36:32 (dramatic music)
00:36:35 (tires screeching)
00:36:38 (dramatic music)
00:36:41 (tires screeching)
00:36:44 (dramatic music)
00:36:47 (tires screeching)
00:36:50 (dramatic music)
00:36:53 (tires screeching)
00:36:56 (dramatic music)
00:36:59 (tires screeching)
00:37:02 (dramatic music)
00:37:05 (tires screeching)
00:37:08 (dramatic music)
00:37:11 (tires screeching)
00:37:14 (dramatic music)
00:37:17 - All right, asshole, come on out.
00:37:19 - How you doing, Detective Reinhardt?
00:37:23 - Mr. Mercado.
00:37:29 I'm flattered you remember me.
00:37:31 - Well, I thought you were in the slammer for life.
00:37:35 - I have some unfinished business.
00:37:39 - Well, listen, pal, your business is finished.
00:37:43 - That's right, buddy, we're taking you in.
00:37:45 Let's go.
00:37:46 - Okay.
00:37:48 (speaking in foreign language)
00:37:52 (speaking in foreign language)
00:37:53 (gun firing)
00:37:54 (screaming)
00:37:56 (dramatic music)
00:37:59 (gun firing)
00:38:02 (screaming)
00:38:04 - I haven't seen drumsticks like that since Thanksgiving.
00:38:10 - You should see the tattoo on her ass.
00:38:15 - You're full of shit.
00:38:16 - Hey, man, look, we were following tips.
00:38:19 Tips, that's it.
00:38:20 - Not peep.
00:38:21 - Tips.
00:38:22 - From who?
00:38:23 - If I fucking don't know.
00:38:26 (speaking in foreign language)
00:38:29 - Turn around.
00:38:30 Turn around.
00:38:33 Oh, afraid of heights.
00:38:45 Now tell me, who give you the tip?
00:38:54 - I don't remember.
00:38:55 - One more time I'll ask you.
00:39:00 Who set me up?
00:39:02 - You ought to think about what you're doing.
00:39:06 - It was on the left cheek.
00:39:13 - Get out of here.
00:39:15 You're dreaming, you haven't seen a piece of ass
00:39:17 since Catherine left you.
00:39:19 - I will give you some more time.
00:39:23 - Yes, I will.
00:39:24 (screaming)
00:39:34 (dramatic music)
00:39:52 (indistinct chatter)
00:39:55 - God damn it.
00:40:03 Oh, fuck.
00:40:06 - I'll take care of it. - Damn it!
00:40:10 - You think it's the same guy who hit the Giannellis?
00:40:14 - Well, if it was, we're not gonna find any clues.
00:40:17 - I don't know, good detective should come up with something.
00:40:20 - Look, McConnell can kill anyone, anytime, anywhere,
00:40:22 and not leave a fuck of evidence, okay?
00:40:24 - Unless he wants us to find it.
00:40:26 - Well, why would he want you to?
00:40:28 - Why does a rattlesnake have a rattle?
00:40:31 - What is that supposed to mean?
00:40:33 Cook.
00:40:35 (indistinct radio chatter)
00:40:39 - Jesus.
00:40:40 Long fall.
00:40:44 (indistinct radio chatter)
00:40:48 (indistinct radio chatter)
00:40:51 - Ah, shit.
00:40:58 Shit.
00:41:00 Shit!
00:41:02 - Call downtown, get a criminologist on the scene.
00:41:08 - Yes, sir.
00:41:09 (eerie music)
00:41:12 - This guy's a fucking animal.
00:41:26 - What the fuck were these guys doing up here?
00:41:29 - Doesn't matter, Vince.
00:41:33 (eerie music)
00:41:37 (coughing)
00:41:39 (eerie music)
00:41:45 (gunshot)
00:41:46 (gunshot)
00:41:52 (gunshot)
00:42:01 (gunshot)
00:42:03 - He wasn't the one, was he?
00:42:11 (eerie music)
00:42:14 - When we find him,
00:42:26 he will pay for all the suffering he's caused.
00:42:30 - Would you?
00:42:34 (eerie music)
00:42:40 (clicking)
00:42:42 (eerie music)
00:42:52 (eerie music)
00:42:55 (eerie music)
00:42:58 (eerie music)
00:43:01 (eerie music)
00:43:04 (eerie music)
00:43:07 (eerie music)
00:43:10 (eerie music)
00:43:13 (eerie music)
00:43:16 [ Background noise ]
00:43:40 [ Background noise ]
00:43:50 >> What's so important about tonight?
00:43:52 >> You know I don't like it when you sneak up on me.
00:43:55 >> You called for this meet.
00:43:57 Is there a reason you should be nervous, Danny?
00:44:03 You seem a little tense.
00:44:07 >> Not me. I just don't want to be seen talking to you.
00:44:13 >> What do you got for me?
00:44:14 >> You know Benny the weasel, the dealer?
00:44:19 Well he's taking a really big shipment tonight.
00:44:21 Some high grade Mexican tar.
00:44:24 It'll be a really big score for you.
00:44:29 >> Where?
00:44:29 >> Isn't there a little ritual that usually happens right about now?
00:44:35 >> Yeah. Biz is biz, right?
00:44:42 >> Where?
00:44:44 >> It's at midnight down at the old pipe factory down River Road.
00:44:50 >> You sure I'm not going to be walking into something unpleasant?
00:45:01 >> You think I'm going to screw with you?
00:45:04 Why would I do that?
00:45:07 >> Maybe because I'm such a nice guy.
00:45:09 >> You're right.
00:45:10 I'm not going to do that.
00:45:11 >> Shake it easy, Danny.
00:45:20 I'll see you around.
00:45:21 [ Music ]
00:45:30 [ Music ]
00:45:57 >> Benny, I know you're in here.
00:46:00 [ Music ]
00:46:09 [ Gunshots ]
00:46:14 [ Music ]
00:46:32 [ Gunshots ]
00:46:34 [ Music ]
00:46:43 >> What the fuck are you doing, asshole?
00:46:46 >> Was it you?
00:46:48 >> I don't know what you're talking about.
00:46:51 Hey, I'm a fucking cop, asshole.
00:46:54 >> I know.
00:46:57 [ Music ]
00:47:05 >> I'm a cop.
00:47:06 [ Music ]
00:47:17 >> For Christ's sakes.
00:47:18 [ Music ]
00:47:23 >> Yes.
00:47:24 >> 12 years in this department.
00:47:26 Hendricks.
00:47:26 >> Hiya.
00:47:27 >> Nice smoking bullshit.
00:47:30 >> What's going on for you?
00:47:31 >> Cook.
00:47:32 >> Do you want to find your friend?
00:47:35 >> It's Mikado.
00:47:37 >> He's waiting for you.
00:47:45 >> Where?
00:47:46 Well, why don't you help us?
00:47:49 >> Address.
00:47:51 >> Gotcha.
00:47:53 >> We're out of place.
00:47:54 >> Let's go this way.
00:47:57 [ Music ]
00:48:26 [ Music ]
00:48:36 [ Music ]
00:48:46 [ Music ]
00:48:56 [ Music ]
00:49:06 [ Music ]
00:49:16 [ Music ]
00:49:26 [ Music ]
00:49:36 [ Music ]
00:49:46 [ Music ]
00:49:56 [ Music ]
00:50:06 [ Music ]
00:50:16 [ Music ]
00:50:26 >> Oh, shit.
00:50:27 [ Music ]
00:50:29 >> God damn.
00:50:30 >> What did they do to you?
00:50:32 [ Music ]
00:50:38 >> I'll lift that up for you, honey.
00:50:39 Lucky man.
00:50:41 Thank you, baby.
00:50:45 [ Music ]
00:50:53 >> What'll it be?
00:50:55 >> Scotch, straight up.
00:50:57 >> Good choice.
00:50:59 >> Get the fuck out of here.
00:51:02 You're going to meet me downtown, I'll explain.
00:51:04 >> Three bucks.
00:51:07 >> There you go. Keep the change.
00:51:08 >> Thank you.
00:51:10 Tony, I got to take care of a little business, babe.
00:51:12 I'll be back in about 20.
00:51:14 >> Yeah.
00:51:15 >> Excuse me.
00:51:27 >> What?
00:51:29 [ Screaming ]
00:51:33 >> Let's go.
00:51:35 >> I don't know what you're talking about.
00:51:40 [ Screaming ]
00:51:46 [ Music ]
00:51:50 >> Get back.
00:51:51 [ Music ]
00:52:00 [ Explosion ]
00:52:02 [ Music ]
00:52:08 [ Gunshots ]
00:52:10 [ Music ]
00:52:16 [ Explosion ]
00:52:18 [ Music ]
00:52:26 [ Music ]
00:52:37 >> Hey.
00:52:38 >> Huh? What?
00:52:40 Son of a bitch.
00:52:41 >> Police, move.
00:52:43 >> What the hell's going on here?
00:52:44 >> My lucky day.
00:52:47 [ Music ]
00:52:56 [ Gunshots ]
00:53:00 [ Music ]
00:53:12 [ Gunshots ]
00:53:17 [ Music ]
00:53:22 [ Gunshots ]
00:53:27 [ Music ]
00:53:32 [ Gunshots ]
00:53:37 [ Music ]
00:53:46 [ Gunshots ]
00:53:53 [ Music ]
00:54:05 [ Tires Screeching ]
00:54:07 [ Gunshots ]
00:54:08 [ Music ]
00:54:15 [ Gunshots ]
00:54:18 [ Music ]
00:54:26 [ Music ]
00:54:30 [ Applause ]
00:54:37 [ Music ]
00:54:42 [ Explosion ]
00:54:44 [ Music ]
00:54:55 [ Background Noise ]
00:55:02 >> Got any sleep last night?
00:55:03 >> None.
00:55:04 >> What about you?
00:55:05 >> I'm starting to think that it might be a good idea for us to hold up together.
00:55:18 Make him come to us.
00:55:20 >> Yeah, but then, you know, one bomb, guy's got three for one.
00:55:30 >> I don't know.
00:55:31 That's not really his style, though.
00:55:34 >> What is his style?
00:55:39 This guy's unpredictable.
00:55:41 >> That's true.
00:55:44 Still, I'd feel safer together.
00:55:47 >> Wow, thanks for the lunch invitation.
00:55:50 Listen, don't leave without talking to me.
00:55:53 I need to ask you boys a few questions.
00:55:56 >> I don't want to talk to her.
00:56:01 Let's eat quick.
00:56:03 [ Laughter ]
00:56:05 >> I hate eating that fast.
00:56:09 >> Yeah.
00:56:10 She'll never think to come this way.
00:56:13 >> Hey, didn't you hear me?
00:56:15 I want to talk to you guys.
00:56:17 Wait up.
00:56:18 >> We really don't have time right now, you know.
00:56:20 >> You are being rude.
00:56:21 You're sneaking out of here like a bunch of high school kids.
00:56:24 >> We're not being rude.
00:56:25 We just have an appointment.
00:56:26 >> Yeah, we're late.
00:56:27 >> I want to talk to you about Mikado.
00:56:29 >> You're going to have to wait until later.
00:56:31 >> It can't wait.
00:56:33 Indulge me in my questioning here for a minute.
00:56:36 Didn't you tell me that he can kill anyone, anytime, anywhere and never leave a shred of evidence?
00:56:42 >> That's right.
00:56:43 >> Then why would a guy like that leave the bullet molds, the key to his arrest in his freezer?
00:56:51 >> Well, it was -- we got this tip.
00:56:56 I mean, it was a good tip.
00:56:58 If we didn't get that, he'd probably be back in Japan right now eating whale meat.
00:57:03 >> That's right.
00:57:04 >> That's another thing I want to ask you about.
00:57:07 >> Well, you know, to be honest, I was a while ago.
00:57:11 I mean, you got all those files.
00:57:13 Have fun.
00:57:14 >> Hey, I hate to break it up, but we're here.
00:57:19 >> We're here.
00:57:47 >> Baby.
00:57:50 Daddy's here.
00:57:52 >> Come here.
00:58:01 >> What's wrong with her?
00:58:10 >> She disappeared when she was about 10.
00:58:14 When they found her, she was like that.
00:58:17 >> Did you pick that flower?
00:58:24 >> I see it.
00:58:27 >> My God, that's the smallest flower I've ever seen.
00:58:33 >> It's a pretty little flower.
00:58:39 >> Can I keep this?
00:58:44 >> She just sits, talks to her.
00:58:48 Sometimes for an hour, sometimes all day.
00:58:54 Just sits and talks.
00:58:56 She never answers back or anything.
00:58:59 >> I'll be here next week.
00:59:04 Just like always.
00:59:07 Always here.
00:59:10 Always will be.
00:59:12 Always will be.
00:59:14 >> Sure.
00:59:17 Sure.
00:59:23 >> Hey.
00:59:32 >> Have you seen Rizzo?
00:59:35 >> No.
00:59:37 >> I'm supposed to go to the funeral with him.
00:59:39 >> You need a ride?
00:59:42 >> Well, if he doesn't show up soon...
00:59:45 >> Eddie, I need to talk to you.
00:59:48 >> Talk?
00:59:50 >> In private.
00:59:51 >> Sorry, I do not date non-smokers.
00:59:54 >> I know who paid Mikado to kill the Giannellis.
01:00:00 >> You know, that's just such old news.
01:00:04 I'm on my way to bury a friend.
01:00:07 >> It was someone from Special Crimes.
01:00:10 >> I know.
01:00:12 >> What do you got?
01:00:35 >> Do you remember the St. Charles Street bank robbery in '92?
01:00:39 >> Do you have any idea how many robberies we have a year in this town?
01:00:42 >> How many of them involve you killing one of the perps?
01:00:48 >> What's your point?
01:00:55 >> If he was killed, what happened to the money?
01:00:58 >> Well, from what I recollect, it was recovered and logged in.
01:01:02 >> Not all of it.
01:01:05 >> You're saying one of us is a criminal?
01:01:07 >> What I'm saying is, I think the money was used to kill the Giannellis.
01:01:10 >> Oh, you think that I paid Mikado?
01:01:13 >> No. I think that if you wanted the Giannellis dead, you would have killed them yourself.
01:01:18 >> I don't have all the evidence.
01:01:23 >> But I need your help.
01:01:26 >> Expect me to help you bring down one of my friends?
01:01:30 >> I expect you to help me keep them alive.
01:01:33 [Silence]
01:01:36 [Bell tolls]
01:01:40 [Indistinct chatter]
01:01:43 >> I wonder which one of you guys is going to be next.
01:01:51 >> Make it sound like we're being led to the slaughter.
01:01:54 >> You saw what he did to Jensen. This guy isn't just killing. He's making a statement.
01:02:00 >> If any of you got any ideas, the suggestion box is officially open.
01:02:04 >> I have one.
01:02:07 >> I don't think he was talking to you.
01:02:09 >> Hang on. At this point, I'll listen to anything. What do you got?
01:02:12 >> Look, I think that if we...
01:02:13 >> Look, we don't really care what you think. Come on, man. Let's go get a drink.
01:02:16 >> Wait a second, okay? Just wait a second. Let's hear what she has to say.
01:02:20 >> Thank you.
01:02:22 >> Don't thank me. Just make it good.
01:02:24 >> If we pick who it is, we'll have a certain amount of control.
01:02:28 >> We make one of you visible. Only one. And then we stake out the area. He'll be trapped.
01:02:32 >> That's a great idea. Make one of us the bait.
01:02:35 >> If you don't throw out the line, you're not going to catch the fish.
01:02:37 >> That's easy for you to say. You're not the one being thrown out to the sharks.
01:02:40 >> Nobody's getting thrown anywhere. I won't have it.
01:02:43 >> Why not?
01:02:44 >> Well, for starters, because it's dangerous.
01:02:46 >> Well, it's not as dangerous as letting him pick the target.
01:02:49 >> Eddie, it's a lousy idea.
01:02:50 >> You got a better one? Huh?
01:02:53 >> What about you? You got a better idea?
01:02:57 >> Because I don't.
01:02:59 >> There's only one problem.
01:03:02 >> Yeah? What's that?
01:03:04 >> We have to decide which one of you is going to do it.
01:03:07 >> I volunteer.
01:03:13 >> You got it.
01:03:14 >> What the hell is that supposed to mean?
01:03:22 >> It means you'd look after my kid, right?
01:03:24 >> Of course.
01:03:25 >> Okay, then that settles it. I'm the decoy on this one.
01:03:28 >> Bullshit. Makoto is mine.
01:03:31 >> Oh, wait a minute. Who died and made you king?
01:03:34 >> That's the natural order of things, pal.
01:03:36 You just stay healthy so your daughter can grow up, have a father.
01:03:40 >> Fine. But if, you know...
01:03:43 >> I won't have to.
01:03:44 >> You know, I won't have to.
01:03:46 >> Hey, soldier.
01:04:11 >> How you doing?
01:04:14 >> Mmm.
01:04:16 >> Fine, thanks. Yourself?
01:04:18 >> Good.
01:04:20 >> Like your fortune, Red?
01:04:22 >> That depends on your specialty.
01:04:27 >> Got plenty.
01:04:30 >> Well, what are they? Tarot? Palm numerology?
01:04:36 >> Well, let's put it that way.
01:04:38 I do crystal ball.
01:04:44 And I look into your future.
01:04:47 >> Does it involve a tall, beautiful blonde?
01:04:51 >> Yes.
01:04:55 >> Yes.
01:04:57 [♪♪♪]
01:05:26 >> Tell me, who set me up?
01:05:30 >> I was hoping you'd give me the answer to that.
01:05:34 >> Sorry, but we don't have that kind of information.
01:05:39 [SIREN]
01:05:41 [GUNFIRE]
01:05:45 [GUNSHOTS]
01:05:47 [SIREN]
01:05:49 [GUNFIRE]
01:05:51 [GUNSHOTS]
01:05:53 [GUNFIRE]
01:05:57 >> What the fuck?
01:06:01 Where'd they go?
01:06:03 >> You get him? You all right?
01:06:04 >> Where'd he go?
01:06:05 >> You get him?
01:06:06 >> No, man, no.
01:06:07 >> For Christ's sake!
01:06:08 Open this up.
01:06:10 First lockdown every minute.
01:06:11 Five block, right here.
01:06:12 Be careful.
01:06:14 [♪♪♪]
01:06:18 [♪♪♪]
01:06:22 [♪♪♪]
01:06:26 [♪♪♪]
01:06:30 [♪♪♪]
01:06:34 [♪♪♪]
01:06:38 [♪♪♪]
01:06:42 [♪♪♪]
01:06:46 [♪♪♪]
01:06:50 [♪♪♪]
01:06:52 >> God damn!
01:06:54 Hey, cook, you sure you want to be down here?
01:06:59 [♪♪♪]
01:07:03 [♪♪♪]
01:07:07 [♪♪♪]
01:07:11 Son of a bitch, it stinks in here.
01:07:16 [♪♪♪]
01:07:20 [♪♪♪]
01:07:22 Hey, Tommy, slow down.
01:07:24 Yeah, right, like a million a hurry.
01:07:29 [♪♪♪]
01:07:33 [♪♪♪]
01:07:37 [♪♪♪]
01:07:41 [♪♪♪]
01:07:45 [♪♪♪]
01:07:49 [♪♪♪]
01:07:53 [♪♪♪]
01:07:57 [♪♪♪]
01:08:01 [♪♪♪]
01:08:03 [GRUNTING]
01:08:07 [♪♪♪]
01:08:11 [♪♪♪]
01:08:15 [♪♪♪]
01:08:19 [♪♪♪]
01:08:23 [♪♪♪]
01:08:27 [♪♪♪]
01:08:31 [♪♪♪]
01:08:35 [♪♪♪]
01:08:39 [♪♪♪]
01:08:43 [♪♪♪]
01:08:45 (guns firing)
01:08:48 (guns firing)
01:08:50 - Over here, over here, over here!
01:09:11 - Let me see which way, which way!
01:09:13 - I don't see him!
01:09:14 - Hold your fire!
01:09:17 (water splashing)
01:09:20 - We lost him!
01:09:26 - 24, Mary Queen 5, clear.
01:09:35 Call us if you need anything.
01:09:37 - SF-71, Mary Queen 5,
01:09:40 we're going to the underwater.
01:09:42 We need to meet them at...
01:09:44 - Yes, ma'am.
01:09:45 - Hey.
01:09:47 You all right?
01:09:48 - I've been better.
01:09:50 - I know what you mean.
01:09:52 - You have any of the leads?
01:09:54 - Nothing concrete.
01:09:56 All I have are the...
01:09:57 Serial numbers for the missing money.
01:10:02 Langley's running a search.
01:10:06 So far, there's no trace of the currency.
01:10:09 - It's probably sitting.
01:10:10 - Great, it's probably under a rock somewhere in Japan.
01:10:16 - He never got that far.
01:10:18 (siren blaring)
01:10:31 - Wouldn't it be easier to wait for a search warrant?
01:10:39 - If what you say is true,
01:10:41 by the time we got a search warrant,
01:10:42 this boat would be turned upside down.
01:10:45 - Thanks.
01:11:06 But I could have done it myself, you know.
01:11:08 - I don't doubt it.
01:11:10 (dramatic music)
01:11:13 - Huh.
01:11:26 - Well, maybe this wasn't such a great idea.
01:11:32 I mean, it's gonna be like looking
01:11:33 for a needle in a haystack.
01:11:38 - Oh, yeah.
01:11:39 - When I retire, this is what I want.
01:11:42 - I wouldn't mind, but I don't think I'm out of booze.
01:11:45 - I think the best thing is we start at the bow,
01:11:47 work our way back.
01:11:48 - That's a good idea.
01:11:50 - Hey.
01:11:51 - Get down, get down.
01:11:54 Do you think it's Mikado?
01:12:00 - I don't know.
01:12:07 - This could get dangerous.
01:12:10 - Do you have a problem with that?
01:12:13 - No, not if you don't.
01:12:15 (dramatic music)
01:12:25 (dramatic music)
01:12:27 - Where's that tattoo?
01:12:48 - I have a confession.
01:12:51 It was a stick-on.
01:12:55 (dramatic music)
01:12:58 (dramatic music)
01:13:01 (dramatic music)
01:13:04 (dramatic music)
01:13:07 (dramatic music)
01:13:27 (dramatic music)
01:13:29 - I don't like this.
01:13:46 You've been gone a long time.
01:13:48 - For years, I've been thinking.
01:13:55 Maybe we ought to put a stop to all this.
01:13:58 Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say.
01:14:03 Captain, they just throw you off the force.
01:14:07 Me, they'd lock up for 20 years.
01:14:09 - I wish we could unhook this boat
01:14:15 and sail to the other side of the world.
01:14:18 - Yeah.
01:14:19 Ow.
01:14:20 - What?
01:14:21 - Oh.
01:14:22 What is that?
01:14:25 - It's a compartment.
01:14:26 Wait a second.
01:14:34 Wait a second.
01:14:36 - Do you see anything?
01:14:38 - It's an envelope.
01:14:40 - I don't believe it.
01:14:42 Open it.
01:14:43 - Thank God for a sensitive ass.
01:14:46 - Eddie, give me the serial numbers.
01:14:47 - No, you got 'em.
01:14:48 - No, I gave you the serial numbers.
01:14:50 - No, you got 'em.
01:14:51 - No, I gave you the serial numbers.
01:14:53 - No, I gave 'em to you.
01:14:55 - You didn't?
01:14:56 - Yeah.
01:14:57 H1, H1.
01:14:58 - Oh, yeah.
01:14:59 - H15.
01:15:01 - Sorry.
01:15:02 - H156.
01:15:03 Okay, let's see.
01:15:04 H156063.
01:15:05 They correspond.
01:15:11 - Henrik's had access to that money.
01:15:16 - He's not the only one.
01:15:20 - What do you mean?
01:15:22 - I did some research.
01:15:24 I found out that the Gianellis are into child porn.
01:15:27 Oh, God, Eddie.
01:15:28 Rizzo knows they're responsible for Sherry's condition.
01:15:32 - Four men dead.
01:15:40 I mean, don't you have a conscience?
01:15:43 - Yeah.
01:15:47 Well,
01:15:51 I plan to go to confession.
01:15:53 - I wish it was that easy.
01:15:58 - Well, it was my daughter.
01:16:01 Remember?
01:16:04 - I know.
01:16:06 (car horn honking)
01:16:16 - Hello.
01:16:17 - Hello, Riz.
01:16:27 - Eddie?
01:16:28 - I need to talk to you.
01:16:30 - Yeah, um,
01:16:31 what is it?
01:16:33 - Not on the phone, in person.
01:16:35 - All right, will you hang on?
01:16:39 Someone on the other line, hang on.
01:16:42 Yeah?
01:16:46 Hello?
01:16:47 - Good evening, Rizzo.
01:16:49 - Who is this?
01:16:51 - You know who this is.
01:16:53 - Magaro?
01:16:56 - I was in the neighborhood,
01:16:59 so I thought I would stop by.
01:17:01 - Uh, yeah, well, I'm kind of tired tonight.
01:17:07 - Oh, what a shame.
01:17:09 - Uh, where are you?
01:17:14 - Where are you, Magaro?
01:17:16 - Close.
01:17:17 Very, very close.
01:17:20 - Shit.
01:17:25 (man screaming)
01:17:33 - Ow!
01:17:36 God damn it!
01:17:42 - Please tell me who set me up.
01:17:45 - I don't know.
01:17:47 - No!
01:17:49 - No, no.
01:17:51 - No, Eddie, okay, okay.
01:17:54 - Okay, okay, okay.
01:17:57 - No, no, no.
01:17:58 I'll tell you, I'll tell you.
01:18:01 - Okay.
01:18:03 - It was, it was my binder, Eddie.
01:18:06 Eddie Cook.
01:18:10 - No, no.
01:18:11 (man screaming)
01:18:14 - Move, you're helping the way.
01:18:23 (siren blaring)
01:18:25 - [Police Radio] Dr. Ellis, line four.
01:18:37 Dr. Ellis, line four.
01:18:39 (dramatic music)
01:18:47 Dr. Ellis, line four.
01:18:56 Dr. Ellis, line four.
01:18:58 (dramatic music)
01:19:01 - Hey.
01:19:19 - Hey.
01:19:21 You.
01:19:26 You got a lot of wires on you.
01:19:29 - Yeah.
01:19:30 - They're taking care of you.
01:19:42 You got everything you need, I think.
01:19:55 - I gotta tell you something.
01:19:57 You know why I did it, right?
01:20:03 - I know.
01:20:04 - For my girl.
01:20:05 - I know.
01:20:06 I know, but why didn't you confide in me?
01:20:10 Why didn't you trust me?
01:20:12 - I didn't wanna get you involved.
01:20:16 - I didn't wanna get me involved.
01:20:18 - I'm sorry.
01:20:24 (sobbing)
01:20:26 Eddie, bro, my heart bleeds.
01:20:32 I love you.
01:20:41 - I love you too, Eddie.
01:20:43 - Remember what you promised.
01:20:47 (dramatic music)
01:20:51 (coughing)
01:20:53 (dramatic music)
01:20:57 (coughing)
01:20:59 (dramatic music)
01:21:02 (grunting)
01:21:04 (dramatic music)
01:21:07 (grunting)
01:21:12 (dramatic music)
01:21:15 (dramatic music)
01:21:21 - It's dirty in here.
01:21:23 (dramatic music)
01:21:27 (dramatic music)
01:21:30 (dramatic music)
01:21:33 - Looks like Hendricks is going on a trip.
01:21:58 - Unless Mercado got to him first.
01:22:01 (grunting)
01:22:25 - Jesus Christ, Eddie, I thought it was Mercado.
01:22:28 - Where you going, Captain, on a fishing trip?
01:22:30 - I'm getting out of here, if you're smart,
01:22:31 you'll do the same.
01:22:32 - You're not going anywhere.
01:22:33 - I'm not going anywhere.
01:22:34 - Don't talk about it.
01:22:35 - I'm not going anywhere.
01:22:36 What went down?
01:22:37 What went down, Phil?
01:22:39 I got the goddamn money, what went down?
01:22:42 It wasn't supposed to go down like that.
01:22:45 Mercado got greedy.
01:22:47 - Why didn't you let me in on this?
01:22:53 We were trying to keep you guys out of it.
01:22:55 - Try to keep us out of it?
01:22:56 TC's out of it, huh?
01:22:57 Judson's out of it, Reinhardt's out of it,
01:22:59 now Rizzo, we're all out of it, Phil.
01:23:01 - Fuck, we did it, but Rizzo.
01:23:04 - Don't you, do you know what the GMLEs did to Sherry?
01:23:08 (tires screeching)
01:23:12 (dramatic music)
01:23:21 (tires screeching)
01:23:25 (tires screeching)
01:23:53 (guns firing)
01:23:55 (tires screeching)
01:24:14 (tires screeching)
01:24:17 - Damn!
01:24:26 (tires screeching)
01:24:29 (tires screeching)
01:24:41 (dramatic music)
01:24:44 (tires screeching)
01:24:58 (dramatic music)
01:25:01 (men shouting)
01:25:17 (guns firing)
01:25:19 (tires screeching)
01:25:22 (men shouting)
01:25:25 (tires screeching)
01:25:28 (guns firing)
01:25:38 - Get down, get down!
01:25:40 (guns firing)
01:25:43 (guns firing)
01:25:46 (guns firing)
01:25:49 (dramatic music)
01:25:52 (tires screeching)
01:25:55 (tires screeching)
01:26:06 (horn honking)
01:26:15 (dramatic music)
01:26:18 (tires screeching)
01:26:21 (guns firing)
01:26:25 (guns firing)
01:26:44 (dramatic music)
01:26:47 (guns firing)
01:26:50 (dramatic music)
01:26:57 (tires screeching)
01:27:12 (dramatic music)
01:27:15 (guns firing)
01:27:18 (men grunting)
01:27:26 (dramatic music)
01:27:28 (men grunting)
01:27:31 (dramatic music)
01:27:34 (men grunting)
01:27:37 (dramatic music)
01:27:39 (men grunting)
01:27:42 (men grunting)
01:27:48 (dramatic music)
01:27:50 (men grunting)
01:27:53 (dramatic music)
01:27:55 (men grunting)
01:27:58 (dramatic music)
01:28:00 (guns firing)
01:28:03 (dramatic music)
01:28:05 (tires screeching)
01:28:08 (dramatic music)
01:28:11 (guns firing)
01:28:14 (dramatic music)
01:28:16 (guns firing)
01:28:19 (dramatic music)
01:28:21 (guns firing)
01:28:24 (dramatic music)
01:28:26 (guns firing)
01:28:29 (dramatic music)
01:28:31 (guns firing)
01:28:34 (dramatic music)
01:28:36 (men grunting)
01:28:39 (dramatic music)
01:28:41 (water splashing)
01:28:44 (dramatic music)
01:28:47 (dramatic music)
01:28:50 (gun firing)
01:28:53 (dramatic music)
01:28:55 (gun firing)
01:28:58 (dramatic music)
01:29:00 (dramatic music)
01:29:03 (men grunting)
01:29:06 (dramatic music)
01:29:08 (men grunting)
01:29:11 (dramatic music)
01:29:13 (men grunting)
01:29:16 (dramatic music)
01:29:18 (men grunting)
01:29:21 (dramatic music)
01:29:23 (men grunting)
01:29:26 (dramatic music)
01:29:28 (men grunting)
01:29:31 (dramatic music)
01:29:34 (men grunting)
01:29:36 (dramatic music)
01:29:39 (water splashing)
01:29:42 (dramatic music)
01:29:45 (water splashing)
01:29:48 (dramatic music)
01:29:51 (water splashing)
01:29:54 (dramatic music)
01:29:57 (water splashing)
01:30:00 (dramatic music)
01:30:03 (water splashing)
01:30:06 (dramatic music)
01:30:09 (dramatic music)
01:30:12 (dramatic music)
01:30:14 (men grunting)
01:30:16 (dramatic music)
01:30:19 (men grunting)
01:30:22 (dramatic music)
01:30:24 - Learn the box, you asshole.
01:30:26 (dramatic music)
01:30:29 (water splashing)
01:30:32 (dramatic music)
01:30:35 (water splashing)
01:30:38 (dramatic music)
01:30:41 (water splashing)
01:30:44 (dramatic music)
01:30:47 (water splashing)
01:30:50 (dramatic music)
01:30:53 (birds chirping)
01:30:56 (dramatic music)
01:30:59 (water splashing)
01:31:02 (dramatic music)
01:31:05 (water splashing)
01:31:08 (dramatic music)
01:31:11 (water splashing)
01:31:14 (dramatic music)
01:31:17 (water splashing)
01:31:20 (dramatic music)
01:31:23 (water splashing)
01:31:26 (dramatic music)
01:31:29 - I quit the force.
01:31:31 (dramatic music)
01:31:34 (water splashing)
01:31:37 (dramatic music)
01:31:39 - You can't do that.
01:31:41 - I had to.
01:31:42 (dramatic music)
01:31:45 (water splashing)
01:31:48 - Why?
01:31:49 (dramatic music)
01:31:52 (birds chirping)
01:31:53 - You don't take cops.
01:31:55 (dramatic music)
01:31:58 (water splashing)
01:32:00 - I could always change.
01:32:02 (dramatic music)
01:32:05 (water splashing)
01:32:08 (dramatic music)
01:32:11 (water splashing)
01:32:14 (dramatic music)
01:32:17 (water splashing)
01:32:20 (dramatic music)
01:32:23 (water splashing)
01:32:26 (dramatic music)
01:32:29 (water splashing)
01:32:32 (dramatic music)
01:32:35 (water splashing)
01:32:38 (dramatic music)
01:32:41 (water splashing)
01:32:44 (dramatic music)
01:32:47 (water splashing)
01:32:50 (dramatic music)
01:32:53 (water splashing)
01:32:56 (dramatic music)
01:32:59 (water splashing)
01:33:02 (dramatic music)
01:33:05 (water splashing)
01:33:08 (dramatic music)
01:33:11 (water splashing)
01:33:14 (dramatic music)
01:33:17 (water splashing)
01:33:20 (dramatic music)
01:33:23 (water splashing)
01:33:26 (dramatic music)
01:33:29 (water splashing)
01:33:32 (dramatic music)
01:33:35 (water splashing)
01:33:38 (dramatic music)
01:33:41 (water splashing)
01:33:44 (dramatic music)
01:33:47 (water splashing)
01:33:50 (dramatic music)
01:33:53 (water splashing)
01:33:56 (dramatic music)
01:33:59 (water splashing)
01:34:02 (dramatic music)
01:34:05 (water splashing)
01:34:08 (dramatic music)
01:34:11 (water splashing)
01:34:14 (dramatic music)
01:34:17 (water splashing)
01:34:20 (dramatic music)
01:34:23 (water splashing)
01:34:26 (dramatic music)
01:34:29 (water splashing)
01:34:32 (dramatic music)
01:34:35 (water splashing)
01:34:38 (dramatic music)
01:34:41 (water splashing)
01:34:44 (dramatic music)
01:34:47 (water splashing)
01:34:50 (dramatic music)
01:34:53 (water splashing)
01:34:56 (dramatic music)
01:34:59 (water splashing)
01:35:02 (dramatic music)
01:35:05 (water splashing)
01:35:08 (dramatic music)
01:35:11 (water splashing)
01:35:14 (dramatic music)
01:35:17 (water splashing)
01:35:20 (dramatic music)
01:35:23 (water splashing)
01:35:26 (dramatic music)
01:35:30 (upbeat music)
01:35:34 (upbeat music)
01:35:37 (upbeat music)
01:35:42 (upbeat music)
01:35:47 (upbeat music)
01:35:52 (upbeat music)
01:35:57 (upbeat music)
01:36:02 (upbeat music)
01:36:07 (upbeat music)
01:36:12 (upbeat music)
01:36:17 (upbeat music)
01:36:22 (upbeat music)
01:36:27 (upbeat music)
01:36:32 (upbeat music)
01:36:37 (upbeat music)
01:36:42 (upbeat music)
01:36:47 (upbeat music)
01:36:52 (upbeat music)
01:36:57 (upbeat music)
01:37:02 (upbeat music)
01:37:07 (upbeat music)
01:37:12 (upbeat music)
01:37:17 (upbeat music)
01:37:22 (upbeat music)
01:37:27 (upbeat music)
01:37:32 (upbeat music)
01:37:37 (upbeat music)
01:37:42 (upbeat music)
01:37:47 (upbeat music)
01:37:52 (upbeat music)
01:37:57 (upbeat music)
01:38:02 (upbeat music)
01:38:07 (upbeat music)
01:38:12 (upbeat music)
01:38:17 (upbeat music)
01:38:22 (upbeat music)
01:38:27 (upbeat music)
01:38:32 (upbeat music)
01:38:37 (upbeat music)
01:38:42 (upbeat music)
01:38:47 (upbeat music)
01:38:52 (upbeat music)
01:38:57 (upbeat music)
01:39:02 (upbeat music)
01:39:07 (upbeat music)
01:39:12 (upbeat music)
01:39:17 (upbeat music)