Crusader Rabbit Crusader Rabbit S01 E003

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 [Musique]
00:15 [Narrateur] In our preceding episode, we left Crusader Rabbit and Rags the Tiger starting out across the Great White Plains for Texas.
00:22 Blissfully unaware that each and every waterhole, for nigh on to 200 miles, has plumbed dried up.
00:28 [Musique]
00:30 [Rabbit] Bestest bunch of waterholes I ever saw. Ha ha ha ha ha.
00:33 [Narrator] Oh yes, this gruesome character is known as Vernon the Vulture.
00:36 He's planning a little dinner party with Crusader and Rags as the main course.
00:40 But come, let us see how our two stalwart friends are making out today.
00:44 Uh oh. This doesn't look so good. Could it be that our powerful chum Rags is tiring?
00:51 [Rabbit] Yeah, could be. Uh oh.
00:55 [Musique]
00:59 [Rabbit] Rags? Rags, old pal? Where are you?
01:02 [Rags] Yeah, hello.
01:04 [Rabbit] Don't do that.
01:06 [Narrator] Although they had discarded everything but the bare essentials for survival,
01:10 still the strain of the journey began to tell on our two brave compatriots.
01:14 If only they had some water. Hour by hour, their thirst grew greater, and the mirages along the way didn't help one bit.
01:21 [Rags] Oh boy, run away.
01:23 [Narrator] Now here's what I call a high class mirage.
01:27 [Rags] Gee, a swimming pool. Let me at it.
01:29 [Rabbit] Oh brother, he sure learns the hard way.
01:32 [Rags] Watch me.
01:34 [Narrator] Presenting Sergeant Tiger in the difficult three and one half gaiters.
01:39 [Rabbit screams]
01:41 [Narrator] Poor old Tiger wouldn't last long at this rate.
01:45 So as soon as Rags regained consciousness, Crusader gave him a full scientific explanation of mirages.
01:51 [Rabbit] You see, a mirage is something that when you see it one place, you really only think you see it.
01:56 Because it's really some place you can't see. See?
01:59 So it's foolish to waste your energy chasing something you think you see when you really only, only...
02:06 [Narrator] And so the two travelers expended their last bit of strength.
02:10 This of course played right into the hands of Vernon the Vulture, who seemed very anxious to have our friends for dinner.
02:16 [Music]
02:26 Rags, however, gracefully declined the invitation and poor little Crusader stretched out on the burning sand.
02:32 Could this be the end of his campaign against the Lone Star State?
02:35 The end before his two-man army had even reached the Texas border?
02:39 [Rags] But I wouldn't give right now for a nice snowstorm.
02:42 [Rabbit] Say now, that's what I call service. Snow in the desert. Snow.
02:47 [Crusader] Well, maybe it isn't snow, but it's a reasonably accurate facsimile.
02:52 [Narrator] And so Crusader too found the view of the situation much better from the top of a desert canyon.
02:58 Nevertheless, this didn't discourage Vernon.
03:01 He knew the two comrades had reached the end of their rope, so he set about tightening the noose.
03:06 [Crusader] Oh, I'm a cat.
03:08 [Rabbit laughs]
03:10 [Narrator] Well, it certainly looks as though Crusader and Rags will be dropping in for dinner after all.
03:16 Ah, but don't count Crusader out. He may still have a trick up his sleeve.
03:22 Anyway, we'll find out in the next episode. It's called "The End of the Trail."
03:26 [Music]