Kent Tonight - Friday 24th May 2024

  • 4 months ago
Catch up on all the latest news across your county with Sofia Akin.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hello and welcome to Kentonite live on KMTV.
00:29 I'm Sophia Akin and here are your top stories
00:32 on Friday the 24th of May.
00:34 The end of an era, two Kent MPs stand down
00:37 ahead of general election.
00:39 - It's never an easy decision to step away
00:42 from something that you love.
00:43 - I forgive him, Folkestone mum speaks out
00:46 as William Brown's hit and run driver pleads guilty.
00:50 - But we as a family forgive him.
00:52 We would just love him to come together
00:54 and do some restorative justice and make a change.
00:57 - And one year of a red medway.
00:59 We sit down with the Labour council leader
01:01 to assess his first year in office.
01:04 - It's great to wake up every single morning
01:07 and know that I'm gonna be trying to make the place
01:09 that I call home that nearly 300,000 people call home better.
01:14 (upbeat music)
01:16 - But first tonight, two Kent MPs have announced
01:26 they won't fight the shock July election
01:28 called just 48 hours ago.
01:30 The South Thanet MP, Craig McKinley
01:32 and the Tunbridge Wells MP, Greg Clark
01:34 made their announcements within an hour of each other
01:37 raising questions of who will be running
01:39 for the Conservative Party in those constituencies.
01:42 Oliver Leader de Sacks has the story.
01:45 - It was just two days ago that South Thanet MP,
01:48 Craig McKinley returned to the spotlight
01:51 after his fight with sepsis,
01:53 revealing the extent of his amputations
01:55 and pledging to fight the next election.
01:58 Now that will no longer be the case.
02:00 In a statement released on Facebook,
02:03 McKinley says the life of an MP
02:05 will be difficult to sustain after his illness.
02:08 - I think it's very sad because I know that
02:11 Craig was very determined to stand and fight his seat
02:15 at the next election.
02:17 I suspect what has happened and I don't know
02:19 because I haven't spoken to him.
02:21 I suspect what has happened is that the election
02:23 was called rather sooner than he was or felt medically able
02:28 to not only walk into the House of Commons,
02:32 but to fight a six week fairly gruelling election campaign.
02:36 And my guess is that he and Cotty, his wife,
02:38 will have discussed it and decided that
02:41 it was probably an ask too far.
02:45 - The Labour candidate has also expressed her sympathies,
02:48 but says the news won't change how she campaigns.
02:51 - It's never an easy decision to step away
02:55 from something that you love
02:56 and Craig definitely loves politics.
02:59 And I have no doubt he is gonna be a formidable campaigner
03:01 for increasing sepsis awareness
03:03 and supporting those who experience something similar to him
03:07 in terms of multiple amputations.
03:10 I have to say from my perspective,
03:12 I'm entirely focused on getting out and knocking on doors
03:15 of the people of Thanet, have done before this news
03:20 and will do now that Craig has stood down.
03:24 - On the other side of the county in Tunbridge Wells,
03:27 former minister Greg Clark has been the MP there
03:30 for nearly 20 years.
03:32 In a statement released earlier today,
03:35 the MP says it's time to pass on the baton
03:38 due to the five year commitment attached
03:40 to being elected in July.
03:43 The local Liberal Democrat candidate
03:45 says Clark's resignation has made his job easier.
03:48 - There's been a long run up to this election
03:51 with the Lib Dems taking more and more seats
03:53 on the local council and just this month,
03:56 we took a very large majority on the local council,
03:59 not only with the Conservatives going back,
04:02 but also losing vote sharing
04:03 and we beat them by 4,000 votes.
04:06 And I think that as across the blue wall,
04:09 Tory MPs are looking over their shoulders
04:11 at Lib Dem challengers and that's what's happened here.
04:15 - McKinley and Clark joined three other MPs
04:18 who are standing down, Natalie Elphick in Dover,
04:21 Gordon Henderson in Sittingbourne and Sheppey,
04:24 and Tracy Crouch in Chatham and Aylesford.
04:26 Whatever the future holds for Kent's political landscape
04:29 after the election, the one thing for certain
04:33 is it will be a very different landscape from today's.
04:36 Oliver Leeder-Dessacks for KMTV.
04:38 - Now the mum of a seven year old boy
04:41 killed in a fatal hit and run says she forgives
04:44 the man who'd fled the scene.
04:46 Stuart Powell from St. Mary's Bay pleaded guilty
04:48 to two charges in Folkestone Magistrates Court
04:51 and could face up to six months in prison.
04:54 William Brown had been playing in his garden
04:56 when he stepped into the road to collect a football
04:59 and was hit by Powell's van.
05:01 Despite all efforts, he died at the scene.
05:04 His parents have been calling for justice since
05:06 and today, Abbie Hook was at the court.
05:08 Abbie, what can you tell us about today's events in court?
05:15 - Well, Sophia, today was actually a huge day
05:17 for William's family, a day they've been waiting for
05:19 since they lost him back in December
05:21 and actually a day for forgiveness too.
05:24 Now in court, the defendant, Stuart Powell,
05:26 pleaded guilty to both charges,
05:28 one of failing to stop at the scene of a collision,
05:30 which he could get a maximum sentence
05:32 of six months in prison for
05:34 and for driving without insurance.
05:36 Now, defence argued a court order should be imposed
05:39 to keep Powell's address anonymous.
05:41 The reason, for fear of what may happen to him
05:44 in such a tight-knit community, he has teenagers at home.
05:47 The defence argued he has a disabled wife
05:49 and they were worried for what may happen to him.
05:52 But the bench threw this application out
05:55 saying that actually there was no evidence
05:57 that harm could come to Powell.
05:59 And after the media stood up and contested
06:03 that this is a right of open justice reporting.
06:06 Now, the prosecution highlighted
06:08 how William had been playing in his garden
06:10 and a ball went out onto the road.
06:12 And we know this, he went to retrieve the ball on the road.
06:15 And this is when Powell hit the seven-year-old
06:17 and it propelled him into another car.
06:19 Now, the key thing the prosecution highlighted
06:22 was the contrast between the actions of Rebecca Clayton.
06:25 Now, she was in the other vehicle, the second car,
06:28 and she had three children
06:29 with her in the vehicle at the time.
06:31 Now, she stopped, she got out the vehicle,
06:33 she checked William's pulse
06:34 and proceeded to try and save his life
06:36 alongside some paramedics
06:37 that just happened to be in the area driving by.
06:40 Now, it was at this point that Powell
06:42 had got back into his van and driven off,
06:45 something William's mum, Laura,
06:47 had to go through all over again today in court.
06:51 But actually, today what she told us
06:53 was that she forgives him.
06:55 - I think he was protecting himself.
06:57 He wasn't thinking of William.
06:59 He wasn't thinking of the family.
07:00 He wasn't thinking about William dead in the road.
07:03 He was just literally thinking about protection of himself,
07:06 which is really sad because if he was
07:10 doing the honourable thing, he should have stopped.
07:12 He should have got out, protected William,
07:15 should have stayed, been able to speak to the police, explain.
07:18 Obviously, William was playing in the garden.
07:20 He did climb out, so that isn't Stuart's fault.
07:23 Children do crazy things
07:24 and that's just unfortunate what happened.
07:27 But I just think his actions after have been quite callous,
07:30 but we, as a family, forgive him.
07:32 We would just love him to come together
07:34 and do some restorative justice and make a change.
07:38 - That was Abbey Hook joining us from court earlier today.
07:41 Now, dramatic dashcam footage shows the moment
07:43 driver Aaron Bond lost control of his car
07:46 and crashed into the back of a lorry on the M2
07:48 as he tried to avoid missing the birth of his child.
07:52 Bond was reported to have been driving
07:54 between 84 and 91 miles per hour when the crash happened.
07:58 His passenger, Kerry Yates, faced two operations
08:01 and lost full function of her hand following the crash.
08:04 Bond was handed a two-year jail sentence
08:06 at Maidstone Crown Court,
08:08 which was suspended for 18 months due to the circumstance,
08:11 with Bond also being banned from driving for two years.
08:15 Now, a teenager from Swale has appeared in court
08:19 after a woman was injured during a serious assault.
08:22 The victim was walking along a footpath in Conyer Road
08:25 near St. Mary's Church in Tenham
08:27 at around 1.30pm on Wednesday
08:29 when a person approached her from behind.
08:32 It's believed she was then pushed to the ground and assaulted.
08:35 The woman in her 50s was treated at hospital
08:37 but has since been discharged.
08:39 Later the same day, a 15-year-old was arrested.
08:41 For legal reasons, he can't be named,
08:43 but he's been charged with attempted grievous bodily harm with intent.
08:46 He's due back in court at the end of this month.
08:49 Now, an online video has caused outrage
08:53 with accusations of brutality aimed at Margate police officers.
08:57 The video depicts officers grabbing and shoving
09:00 a 14-year-old boy to the wall
09:02 before kneeing him in the midriff
09:04 and bringing him to the ground.
09:06 A dispersal order had already been put in place
09:08 for the group of teens gathered in the Dane Park area,
09:11 allowing officers further powers to remove them.
09:15 Next tonight, a woman from a village near Canterbury
09:20 says she's devastated after finding out a family of birds
09:23 that had nested inside her letterbox
09:25 were killed by a council worker
09:27 who had ignored warnings not to use the box.
09:30 KCC has since apologised for the incident,
09:32 but Lindsay Gorham says more people should be aware
09:34 of how to care for nesting birds.
09:36 Bartholomew Hall has more.
09:38 Kent County Council is apologising
09:41 after one of its workers killed eight birds
09:43 which were nesting inside a letterbox.
09:46 Lindsay Gorham found a nesting great tit
09:49 alongside eight eggs by accident
09:51 when looking for letters at her village farmyard
09:53 in Staple near Canterbury.
09:55 The 61-year-old says she quickly took measures
09:58 to protect the birds by taping the letterbox shut
10:01 and adding a sign to deter any posties from using it.
10:05 But when she discovered the hatchlings had died
10:07 as a result of a council letter,
10:09 which she said had been forcibly delivered inside of the box,
10:13 Lindsay was devastated.
10:15 Absolutely so sad,
10:17 because the nest must have taken her weeks to make.
10:21 It was absolutely beautiful, all moss.
10:24 The nest was to one side,
10:25 and it's obvious from the letter
10:27 that she'd been trying desperately
10:29 to get it off of the babies,
10:31 so she could feed them,
10:32 which she couldn't do because she'd have to stand on the letter
10:34 while trying to flick it over.
10:37 And she obviously gave up and left them, and they died.
10:40 The letter was a notice from KCC
10:42 about drainage works taking place in Ripple,
10:45 a village more than 10 miles away
10:47 from where she lives in Staple.
10:50 Lindsay's now calling for people
10:51 to be more aware of nesting birds during the spring.
10:55 Just have a look, a stop and look,
10:58 and think, "Ah, they've obviously written that on there
11:01 "and taped up their post flap to stop anything going in."
11:05 The postman, he was good with it straight away.
11:09 And then the irony of it is,
11:11 when you look at the letter that killed these birds,
11:15 it wasn't even for this area.
11:17 It was for about 15 mile away.
11:20 So that makes it even more sad
11:22 that it needn't have gone in there at all.
11:24 A spokesperson for the council says it's written to Lindsay
11:27 to offer its sincere apologies for the incident,
11:30 and that it wants to assure Lindsay
11:32 that this was a genuine mistake,
11:34 and that council staff had no intent
11:36 of causing any harm in any way.
11:39 So as it may not have been a happy ending
11:41 for this family of birds,
11:42 Lindsay hopes that with their story shared around,
11:45 more can be protected in the future.
11:48 Bothell and Muehl for KMTV.
11:50 Time for a break.
11:51 See you in a few minutes.
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15:07 - Hello, and welcome back to Kentonite live on KMTV.
15:18 The leader of Medway Council says he's proud of the work
15:21 his team have made in their first year in charge.
15:24 The Labour Party took over control
15:26 of running the cash-strapped council a year ago today.
15:29 But in that time, many residents say
15:31 they simply haven't seen improvements
15:33 with roads getting worse.
15:35 Our local democracy reporter, Gabriel Morris,
15:37 sat down with Vince Maple to look back at his first year.
15:40 So Vince, one year being in charge of Medway Council,
15:44 what has been your highlight so far?
15:46 - Well, it's been an absolute privilege.
15:48 It's the best job in the world
15:49 and it's great to wake up every single morning
15:52 and know that I'm gonna be trying to make the place
15:54 that I call home, that nearly 300,000 people call home,
15:58 better.
15:59 There are things that we've done
16:01 which have continued throughout the year.
16:03 So we've been working on our local plan
16:05 that started very early on, that will continue.
16:08 We've done some great individual things for myself.
16:11 I think I'm really proud of the cost of living plan.
16:14 We know families have been struggling,
16:15 particularly perhaps families who have never had to reach out
16:19 for support in the past.
16:20 So we've produced that plan within our first hundred days,
16:23 signing the local leadership pledge,
16:26 making sure that we're making positive progress on things
16:29 like tackling the issue of temporary accommodation.
16:32 And of course, when Ofsted came
16:35 and inspected our children's services
16:37 and told us very clearly children matter in Medway
16:41 and gave us a good rating for the first time
16:43 in the history of Medway.
16:44 - We've been speaking to residents today.
16:47 Many of them say they haven't seen many changes
16:49 in the past year.
16:51 I think the most common thing that people will say
16:53 is the sheer amount of potholes on the roads.
16:56 If you do drive around, there are a number of them.
16:58 It's hard to tell just by looking if there are more than usual.
17:01 But what would you say to residents?
17:03 Because potholes are one of the most visual things
17:05 that they can see.
17:06 They're not being repaired.
17:07 What would you say to residents?
17:08 - Well, a couple of things.
17:09 Firstly, you'll get honesty from me.
17:12 As I said, when we got to our election last year,
17:14 I said we'd have an administration with honesty,
17:17 integrity, accountability and compassion.
17:20 So I'm not going to say that the roads are in the state
17:22 that I'd want them to be in.
17:24 There is more work to be done.
17:25 We fixed 16,000 potholes last year, a record number.
17:30 But there's, of course, a lot more to do,
17:32 which is why myself and Simon Currie
17:34 wrote to central government to say we need £50 million,
17:37 not just to fix potholes, as the minister,
17:40 I think, on purpose misinterpreted,
17:44 but to actually get our roads to a decent level
17:46 and a decent standard.
17:48 - Now, you say you're going to be an open and honest leader.
17:51 And you say you have been for the past year.
17:53 If Keir Starmer was to become the next prime minister,
17:57 if you weren't to see increased funding for Medway Council,
17:59 would you be open to us journalists, to the public,
18:01 and actually turn around to Keir and say,
18:03 we need more money?
18:05 - I'm really clear that whoever is the secretary of state
18:08 for local government in particular,
18:11 that dialogue will be there.
18:13 Michael Gove has not been a friend to Medway,
18:16 certainly over the last 12 months.
18:17 He took away £170 million.
18:20 He criticised our council when it was his own party
18:23 that failed to deliver a local plan for two decades.
18:27 I think we'll have a better relationship
18:29 with our Labour administration in Westminster.
18:33 So we will be working closely with them to deliver,
18:36 ultimately, in one sense, deliver their priorities,
18:39 many of which have to work with local government.
18:41 Of course, there'll be question marks
18:43 around things like devolution,
18:45 the kind of binary choice that we had before.
18:47 We've spoken about that before around, you know,
18:49 do we want a mayor of Kent and Medway?
18:51 What does devolution look like?
18:53 I'm genuinely hopeful we'll have a more mature conversation
18:57 with an incoming Labour government than we've had,
19:00 certainly from my perspective over the last year,
19:02 or with the Conservative government.
19:04 - But if that's not there,
19:04 would you be honest and open about it?
19:06 - Look, I'm here to champion Medway.
19:09 I am Medway Council's leader,
19:12 elected by the people of Medway.
19:14 I'm here to champion Medway.
19:16 I will do everything I can to get the resources we need,
19:19 to get the structures and systems in place.
19:22 I've just had a session with our brilliant,
19:24 hardworking Medway Council staff.
19:27 80% of them are Medway residents,
19:29 as well as working for the people of Medway.
19:31 We were talking about public transport.
19:33 There's a really good example
19:35 where actually an incoming Labour government
19:37 could empower, for example,
19:38 myself and Roger Gough as the two upper-tier authorities.
19:41 We wouldn't have to have an elected mayor.
19:43 You know, that's not necessarily a given.
19:45 There's other ways of giving us those powers to, again,
19:48 improve things like public transport,
19:50 which have a really positive aspect,
19:52 both for people's quality of life,
19:54 but importantly, for the environment as well.
19:56 - I'm Gabriel Morris with Vince Maple,
19:59 a year after the Labour Party took control of Medway Council.
20:03 Now, from the owners of Nanusrac card shop retiring
20:07 to Westcliff Hall turning into an 89-bed seafront hotel.
20:11 There's lots to break down in this Business Roundup.
20:13 Here's Naoka Gordon.
20:15 (upbeat music)
20:18 - First up, after 30 years,
20:23 the owners of Nusrac card shop and post office
20:26 in Grove Green, Maidstone,
20:28 are retiring and passing the torch to family friends.
20:31 Deepak Myangirand, Nilo Kuntuwala, and Deepak's wife, Usha,
20:35 who opened the shop next to Tesco Superstore in 1990
20:39 after migrating from Zambia,
20:40 express gratitude for their long service to the community.
20:43 Their son, Nish, proposed a handover
20:45 to prevent a commercial takeover
20:47 and preserve the community feel.
20:49 The Rantanju family, originally from Zambia and Malawi,
20:52 will continue their friend's legacy,
20:54 keeping the shop as a local fixture.
20:55 Next, exciting news for Ramsgate.
21:01 The long-abandoned Westcliff Hall is set to be transformed
21:04 into an 89-bed seafront hotel.
21:06 The iconic site, derelict from nearly 20 years,
21:10 is now up for auction with a guide price of £325,000.
21:14 Chairman of the Ramsgate Heritage and Design Forum,
21:16 David Gullick, says positive contributions to the town,
21:19 both modern and sensitive, are welcome.
21:22 With positive feedback from the Thanet District Council,
21:25 the multi-million pound project has already attracted interest.
21:28 The sale, handled by Seville's, takes place on May 29th.
21:32 And finally, Tentadent's first Domino's opens tomorrow at 11am,
21:39 following a soft opening today.
21:41 Located in the former Lloyds Bank on High Street,
21:44 the site had been empty since 2017.
21:46 The first 100 customers will get a free pizza.
21:49 Despite some residents' concerns about chain stores,
21:52 Ashford Borough Council approved the conversion last November.
21:55 Now, Kent's largest concert is going to be returning this summer.
22:08 The Leeds Castle concert will once again be taking place
22:11 on the historic castle grounds,
22:13 with a line-up including the world-famous Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
22:17 and an ABBA tribute act to celebrate 50 years
22:20 since the group won the Eurovision.
22:22 Earlier, I had a chat with John Rigby
22:25 to ask what to expect from the concert.
22:27 Well, it's about the 13th year, I think,
22:29 that I've actually been involved in this concert,
22:31 and it's absolutely huge, Sophia.
22:33 We've got the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra,
22:35 we've got a range of soloists,
22:37 we have a flyover with a display with a spitfire.
22:43 I mean, there really is everything thrown at this concert.
22:46 It's usually quite an event,
22:48 and there's about 10,000, 12,000 people, I think, turn up.
22:51 So it's one of the highlights of the social calendar, I think, for Kent.
22:55 Well, you say you've done this for 13 years now,
22:57 so you will have sort of been there during things like COVID,
23:01 when that would have really changed how it ran.
23:03 So what was that like during COVID?
23:05 And I guess it's nice to have it back up and running again.
23:08 It's wonderful.
23:09 I mean, there was only one year that we actually missed.
23:11 I think it was 2020, I think.
23:15 You lose track with COVID, don't you, as to what years we lost.
23:20 But no, it's great.
23:22 It's wonderful to be back.
23:23 I think this is our third year back since COVID,
23:27 and it's just an extraordinary event.
23:28 I mean, there really is nothing quite like live music,
23:31 and especially having it in a setting like that,
23:34 and Leeds Castle, it's so magnificent.
23:36 And I know the orchestra always enjoy it.
23:39 And it's such a great community event as well.
23:41 We have families there.
23:42 We have all kinds of generations,
23:45 and we really try very hard to do a programme that caters across generations
23:50 and for everybody who turns up.
23:53 Tell us about some of the acts,
23:54 because I hear that there are some acts returning.
23:56 There are some brand new acts.
23:58 So it sounds like there's quite a range of performers.
24:02 We've got four completely new soloists this year.
24:04 I mean, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra turn up every year and play their hearts out.
24:09 But we've got four fabulous performers from the world of opera.
24:13 We have Jesus Leon and Laura Martins,
24:16 who will be giving us some operatic highlights in the first half.
24:19 And then in the second half, we have Alicia Paul Moses,
24:22 who's currently starring in Tina the musical.
24:25 She's playing the lead role in Tina in the West End.
24:28 And Sandy Grigelis, who's currently been on tour with Sir Tim Rice,
24:33 touring the country with Tim Rice.
24:34 So we've got some wonderful world-class soloists,
24:37 both from opera and from musical theatre.
24:39 And obviously we've got pieces in the programme to bring out their strengths.
24:44 And can you tell us, like, how long does this event go on for
24:47 and how much is it going to cost someone if they want to come along?
24:51 Oh, I think you can get the ticket prices from the website, Leeds Castle Concert, I think it is.
24:59 But I don't think they're particularly expensive.
25:02 And it starts, the gates open at four o'clock.
25:05 We have a warmer pact called Capital Voices,
25:08 who are doing a tribute to ABBA,
25:10 celebrating the anniversary of ABBA winning the Eurovision Song Contest.
25:15 So we've got a tribute to ABBA from, I think, around about five o'clock that starts.
25:20 And then after that, the Royal Philharmonic are on at 7.30,
25:24 and the concert is usually down shortly after 10 o'clock.
25:27 Well, John, thank you for joining us.
25:28 Sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun.
25:30 Thanks for giving us those details.
25:33 Time now for the weather. Let's see if we're going to have a nice, sunny bank holiday.
25:37 [Music]
25:43 Tonight, temperatures ranging between 9 degrees in Margate up to 11 degrees in Dover, staying dry.
25:49 Some sunshine tomorrow morning, highs of 16 in North Kent.
25:52 Some rain in the east of the county.
25:55 It's going to get even hotter into the afternoon,
25:58 rising as far as 20 degrees over Dartford,
26:00 slightly lower temperatures throughout the rest of Kent.
26:03 And here's the outlook for Kent for the rest of the week.
26:05 Sun with light showers through to the bank holiday Monday.
26:08 And some rain too.
26:09 [Music]
26:18 Well, you've been watching Kent Tonight live on KMTV.
26:22 There's plenty more news made just for Kent throughout the evening.
26:25 Don't forget, you can always keep up to date with the latest news across your county
26:28 by logging on to
26:31 Stick around because straight after the break,
26:33 we'll have a brand new episode of Invicta Sports,
26:35 all the latest sports news from across Kent.
26:37 But from me, have a lovely bank holiday weekend and I'll see you next week.
26:41 See you soon. Bye-bye.
26:43 [Music]
26:54 [Music]
26:55 [Music]
