百格街访|现代年轻人不“靠爸” 能养活自己吗?

  • 4 months ago


00:00 If you can support yourself with a bag,
00:02 when they are not around,
00:04 is it a deadline?
00:06 If the family is doing well,
00:08 and can live,
00:10 it's okay to rely on them occasionally.
00:12 But as long as I can rely on myself, I will rely on myself.
00:15 If they have the conditions,
00:17 why not rely on them?
00:19 In the past,
00:20 relying on the income of a family
00:21 to support the whole family is a common example.
00:24 But in today's economic environment,
00:26 young people, let alone raising a family,
00:27 as long as they don't be like their family,
00:29 seem to have reached the standard of "pass".
00:32 In this episode of "A Hundred Reasons to Visit",
00:33 I want to ask,
00:34 how many young people have to rely on their parents
00:36 to maintain their lives?
00:38 As society and environment change,
00:40 the life goals pursued by the new generation
00:42 are they completely different from the previous generation?
00:45 Can you support yourself with a salary?
00:51 Hmm...
00:52 How to ask?
00:53 Okay, I'm still learning.
00:56 Do you have money from your family?
01:00 Money from my family?
01:02 No.
01:03 My family has money from me.
01:04 When I first started working,
01:06 I started to support my family.
01:08 I also know a few friends,
01:09 they are about the same age as me,
01:12 but they don't have a job.
01:14 They rely on their parents to support them.
01:18 They don't even need to work.
01:20 It's a bit unfair to me.
01:23 But for me,
01:26 I'm so young,
01:28 I can learn more things when I start working.
01:30 I can improve myself.
01:32 I started working here after graduating from college.
01:34 You've been working here for 4 years?
01:36 Almost 4 years.
01:37 Can you support yourself now?
01:39 Barely.
01:41 I'm still working.
01:42 Still working?
01:42 Yes, still working.
01:43 Can I ask,
01:44 when you first started working,
01:45 did you rely on your family to support you?
01:48 Like, financially?
01:50 Maybe in the first month,
01:53 because I didn't get my salary yet.
01:55 So I had to rely on my family.
01:57 After that,
02:00 when I got a stable income,
02:01 I didn't rely on my family anymore.
02:04 But if you want to support your parents,
02:06 do you think you can do it?
02:07 I think I can.
02:10 Barely.
02:11 I don't need that much money.
02:12 I can earn less every week.
02:15 I can help a little.
02:16 My experience,
02:17 I've been working for the past 3 years.
02:20 This is my first job.
02:21 It has been quite tough for the first few months.
02:24 But as time went on,
02:26 I was able to manage my expenses.
02:28 I was able to plan out my needs and everything.
02:33 And now, I do not depend entirely on my parents.
02:37 In fact, I'm able to help them.
02:38 Malaysians are not paid that much.
02:41 It's quite hard to live.
02:43 Even in Malaysia,
02:44 with the current expenses and the economic crisis that we have,
02:47 it's actually quite hard to live on your own.
02:51 But when it comes to family,
02:55 when it's a joint support,
02:57 then it's quite possible.
02:58 But maybe it will take up to 3, 4, 5 years later,
03:02 then maybe I'll be able to live on my own.
03:04 Realistically, I would say that
03:07 it is impossible for us to rely on ourselves entirely
03:11 immediately after education.
03:13 We will still need support from our parents,
03:16 maybe for a year.
03:17 Probably.
03:18 Actually, everyone's family is like this.
03:22 I was able to rely on my parents at first,
03:24 but after that, I slowly learned to be independent.
03:28 Families need to be independent.
03:30 Do you still depend on your family now?
03:33 No, I don't.
03:34 I'm 33 years old,
03:35 it's not right to depend on my family for money.
03:38 Well, I'm pretty sure a lot of people
03:40 are depending on their parents now.
03:42 It's 2024, everything has changed so much from back then.
03:45 I know most people will depend on their family
03:47 to survive and everything.
03:48 Like studies, obviously,
03:49 but there's also some people who need scholarships
03:53 and everything, and that's good for them,
03:55 that they're working hard and everything.
03:57 But for people who are depending on their parents,
03:59 I just want to say one thing,
04:01 don't take it for granted.
04:02 They want you to do good in school,
04:03 that's why they're supporting you.
04:05 And after you graduate,
04:06 you are not a fan of them anymore, right?
04:09 No.
04:10 That's the purpose of them sending me here.
04:12 They want me to be smart,
04:13 get a degree or something,
04:15 get a good certificate and everything,
04:17 high education,
04:19 so that I could get a good job in the future,
04:21 for me to support myself.
04:23 If they have that condition,
04:25 why don't they depend on their parents?
04:27 Because a lot of people might say
04:30 that they shouldn't depend on their parents.
04:33 But I think if some people are born in that family,
04:37 I would choose to be a bad person.
04:38 So your family is considered a good family?
04:42 It's considered a good family.
04:43 If it's not a bad family, I don't want to work.
04:46 I heard that after you graduate,
04:49 you don't need to depend on your family anymore,
04:51 you can live well by yourself.
04:53 If they say no, I won't take it.
04:58 If they want to give me, I will continue to take it.
05:01 My life goal is financial freedom.
05:08 That's my biggest life goal.
05:10 Do you think that your life goals
05:14 are different from your parents' goals?
05:16 There's a big difference.
05:18 In the past, it was more traditional.
05:20 We needed to get married and have kids.
05:22 I think we only came to this world once.
05:26 I think it's important to live well.
05:30 It's not necessary to get married or have kids.
05:34 That's what I think.
05:36 My goal is to be around 25 years old
05:39 and buy a sports car.
05:41 We have more requirements compared to our parents.
05:46 Our parents can work in the same company for 12 years.
05:51 We young people need to do more things.
05:54 We have bigger goals.
05:57 I think my parents are more stable.
06:02 They don't need to save money.
06:03 But I want to be better than them.
06:05 My future life...
06:07 I love luxury stuff.
06:09 I love it so much.
06:10 But if I want all of that,
06:12 I need to work hard to get them.
06:15 I want to have beautiful cars.
06:16 I want a Lamborghini or something.
06:19 A big house.
06:20 Maybe with a wife as well.
06:22 I just want a beautiful life.
06:24 My dad wanted to be successful.
06:26 And thank God he's successful.
06:30 Now, I want to be successful as well.
06:33 But on my own.
06:34 It's nice that my parents are supporting me with my studies.
06:38 With my everything.
06:39 But soon in the future,
06:41 maybe I want to do everything by myself.
06:43 So I can pay them back.
06:44 I would want to be able to provide for my family.
06:46 Also bring them along with the travelling.
06:50 Financial freedom.
06:51 And then, if I'm able to,
06:53 I would want to stop working 9 to 5 and stay at home.
06:57 Is there a philosophy of life
06:58 or your outlook on life is really different from your parents?
07:02 I would say yes.
07:04 Because parents, they're coming from a generation
07:06 that is dependent on certain culture.
07:11 Or maybe their upbringing is such a way.
07:14 But we currently,
07:15 though we are brought up by our parents with such ideology,
07:18 we are exposed to a lot of things.
07:21 And we can learn things for ourselves.
07:22 So I would say there are some things that we can take from our parents.
07:25 But maybe not all.
07:26 I think now,
07:28 after becoming a full-time student,
07:29 my first goal is to make money.
07:32 If it were me, I would want to make money first.
07:36 And then I would look at other things.
07:38 I would look at other things after I make money.
07:40 Are your parents the same?
07:42 They are very conservative?
07:44 Every time I make money,
07:45 they would say,
07:46 "Don't keep talking about money."
07:48 They think that
07:51 health is the most important thing.
07:53 But for me, I think
07:55 if I have health, if I don't have money,
07:57 I would die if I'm still alive.
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