Can Europe's push for critical minerals work?

  • 4 months ago
The EU's Critical Raw Materials Act sets into force aiming to bring production of minerals into Europe and cut dependence on other countries. DW visited a lithium refinery that is now getting started in Germany.


00:00Tanks, soon to be filled with lithium hydroxide concentrate.
00:04This refinery in Germany's eastern town of Bitterfeld-Wolfen is set to step up production
00:09of homegrown lithium, a vital ingredient for the batteries that are supposed to power the
00:13green transition.
00:14AMG Lithium, a conglomerate dealing in various commodities and technologies, set their eyes
00:20on the growing demand for minerals in Europe.
00:22The processing steps are difficult and are spread over the entire globe, starting in
00:26a mine in Brazil.
00:27And in the first phase we ship this spodumene concentrate, is the name for it, to China.
00:35And the reason for this is simply because there is no other conversion plant who is
00:40able to use this material at this moment.
00:44And then we get back from China a technical intermediate into Bitterfeld where we do the
00:52refining to the final battery grade.
00:55China is still part of AMG Lithium's supply chain, but the company aims to phase the country
01:00Europe, as a whole, is largely dependent on commodities from abroad.
01:04China provides all of the heavy rare earths elements the EU uses, Turkey has a grip on
01:10boron and South Africa supplies most of the bloc's platinum needs.
01:14The EU's Critical Raw Materials Act is supposed to change that.
01:18It sets targets that 10% of materials should be mined inside the EU, 40% refined on the
01:25continent and 15% recycled within the bloc itself.
01:31Ambitious goals to reduce dependency on imported mineral supplies.
01:36But the amount of money being put into ramping up production doesn't match what's needed
01:40If we put these figures, funds in perspective, for lithium alone you're looking at like a
01:52mid single digit billion euros of investment needed just to meet EU's 2030 target.
02:03Public support for projects currently stands at just 2.5 billion euros.
02:08AMG Lithium's refinery here in Germany is set to come online later this year.
02:13The first delivery contracts are already signed.
