Attack on Rauf Hassan: Hamle Ke Peeche Kon?? Tafteesh Kaha Tak Pohnchi??

  • 4 months ago
Attack on Rauf Hassan: Hamle Ke Peeche Kon?? Tafteesh Kaha Tak Pohnchi??
00:00Zulkarnain, how far has the investigation of the police reached so far?
00:04And also tell us, the FIR that was filed, the way Rahul Hassan wanted the FIR to be filed, has it been filed?
00:16First of all, I would like to tell you about the FIR, because the PTI demanded that the 788 request be included in it,
00:26because only the request for the execution was included.
00:30For that, the police have not yet included it themselves.
00:33For that, either they will have to take the support of the court,
00:36they will have to request the court to order them to include 788 in it,
00:40or they will have to request the IG of Islamabad to include it.
00:44The police never include it themselves.
00:47A committee is formed for that, and after taking the support, they decide.
00:51The second thing is that the investigation has not yet reached any important point,
00:57to say that there has been a breakthrough.
00:59There has not been a breakthrough.
01:00Even the medical report has not yet been taken from the hospital.
01:05I would like to say that neither have we contacted Rahul Hassan,
01:09nor have we contacted the police regarding the medical legalities.
01:15The report has also not been made yet.
01:17As far as the CCTV footage is concerned,
01:21we have not yet found any clue that those assassins have been seen elsewhere.
01:27Only the CCTV footage that has been released,
01:30there are only two places, one is the terror area and the other is G7,
01:33where they were attacked, that footage has been released.
01:35Apart from this, the police have not yet received any such footage,
01:38or any such assassins have been seen elsewhere.
01:43The community of the assassins, their gurus, are also in close contact with them.
01:48It has also been said from their side that we have seen them somewhere.
01:51Therefore, we cannot say that there has been a breakthrough.
01:53However, the blade that was found there and some other things,
01:58they have also contacted the FIA to get help from them as well.
02:03Mr. Zulkarnain, the last question I have for you is that
02:06you have been doing crime reporting in this city for a long time.
02:09For you, this is such a strange incident,
02:12that the way they came, they did not wear a mask at all.
02:16Obviously, they must have come in a car, they must have sat in a car.
02:20Or they disappeared in the air, I don't understand anything.
02:25Till now, we have not received any clue as to which side they entered,
02:28where they left the car, where they got out of the car,
02:31which car they sat in.
02:34If we talk about proper investigation,
02:39and the one who does the investigation knows,
02:42then within an hour, all the clues can be obtained.
02:46The reason for this is that the CCTV cameras in Islamabad,
02:50they are present near all the major roads and markets.
02:54The second thing is that the system is also present near Nadar.
02:58When the CCTV is found, we have seen many such cases,
03:02their data is also found and they reach a point
03:06where they feel that they can arrest the person.
03:11But till now, we have not seen this with sincerity.
03:14Thank you very much, Mr. Zulkarnain, for sharing all these details.
03:18Mr. Kalvi, first of all, I will come to you.
03:20The reason for this is that this accusation is being given to Pakistan's leadership
03:26that they are making this incident their own.
03:30They are a political party and as a political party,
03:34their spokesperson, who is obviously their Central Information Secretary,
03:39they have been attacked.
03:42What colour should they give this incident?
03:44The best solution to this is that the people who have carried out this action,
03:48should be brought forward.
03:50This was the reason for the invitation to them.
03:54The 8-10 people who came with Rauf Hassan,
03:57have nothing to do with this.
04:00So why is this happening so slowly?
04:02I mean, the incidents that happen in the city where you live,
04:06but what will you say about this incident?
04:09With whom will you take responsibility?
04:11No, your question is, are you talking about the investigation,
04:14or are you talking about the delay?
04:16My question to you, Mr. Kalvi, is that
04:19this accusation is being made against Tehreek-e-Insaab,
04:23against their opponents, that I don't know what happened,
04:26I don't know what happened.
04:28You mean the investigation?
04:30Yes, they are saying that, and obviously,
04:32the investigation is in front of you, our reporters are telling you.
04:34And there will be a delay, obviously.
04:36Look, we have always been listening and watching,
04:40this is a very obvious thing,
04:44that the police always start their work with suspicion.
04:48Whenever the police start investigating a case,
04:51they start with suspicion,
04:53and then they reach a conclusion.
04:55If, God forbid, this incident had happened to me,
04:59which happened to Rauf Hassan,
05:01and I would have gone to the police,
05:03filed an FIR, and told them my entire issue,
05:05then I would have cooperated 100% with the police,
05:08so that they, if I am right,
05:11so that they investigate it from all angles,
05:13and talk about the suspicions they want to create,
05:16and talk about the angle from which they want to investigate,
05:21but they should start their investigation immediately.
05:25And I would have cooperated in the investigation,
05:27because I want to reach the conclusion of this incident,
05:30this crime, that who did this, and why did this happen.
05:33If I am right, you…
05:35Listen, let me finish.
05:37Mr. Nagvi, Mr. Nagvi, your point is…
05:40No, no, no, my point is…
05:42I am giving you time, I am not going to someone else.
05:45Mr. Nagvi, listen to my question.
05:47Who are you asking for cooperation?
05:49An incident has happened,
05:51all the evidences are there.
05:53Who are you asking for cooperation?
05:55I am going to you.
05:57You didn't let me speak,
05:59you interrupted me in the middle.
06:01I didn't interrupt you, sir.
06:02Let's move forward.
06:03You need clarification.
06:04Listen, listen to what I want to say.
06:06Yes, yes, please go ahead.
06:07I went to a police station to get an FIR filed,
06:11so I am demanding for an investigation.
06:13That's what I am doing.
06:14Now, this is…
06:15Children talk that the police always start their work with suspicion.
06:18Now, I will fully cooperate with the police,
06:21so that this investigation, this result,
06:23comes to light as soon as possible.
06:25And if I want this to be decided as soon as possible,
06:27then I will have to fully cooperate with the police in the investigation.
06:31This is one thing.
06:32The second thing is,
06:33whatever happened with Mr. Rahul Faisal,
06:35I fully condemn it.
06:37I condemn it a lot.
06:39And this is definitely an attack.
06:40But if Mr. Rahul Hassan cooperates,
06:43then it will be revealed,
06:44who attacked him and how.
06:46Your point has been revealed.
06:47Hassan, I mean,
06:49I didn't understand anything.
06:51I mean, Mr. Naqvi has an argument.
06:52How can Rahul Hassan cooperate here?
06:55He was attacked.
06:57It is the responsibility of the state
06:59whether he cooperates or not.
07:01The state is responsible for my and your safety.
07:04That's why the police are here.
07:05Everything happened in front of everyone.
07:07If Mr. Rahul Hassan is not even cooperating,
07:10then they will come and say,
07:12whether you cooperate or not,
07:13these are the people,
07:14you have to pay them.
07:15You have done injustice to them in the past.
07:18That's why they did this to you.
07:20Mr. Khawar, unfortunately,
07:22our system,
07:23the system in Pakistan,
07:25the person who is the applicant,
07:28he is the case.
07:29He is the plaintiff.
07:30An application has gone to Mr. Rahul Hassan
07:33on which an FIR has been registered.
07:36Now, if he is not cooperating,
07:38I don't have any such knowledge.
07:40If he is not cooperating,
07:41then he should.
07:42What do you mean?
07:43He is saying,
07:44Mr. Naqvi was saying,
07:46that he is not cooperating,
07:47and if he is not cooperating,
07:48then he should.
07:49You should follow your case yourself.
07:51But let me tell you,
07:52there is a lot of stabbing in London too.
07:55And there are many such cases
07:58that you don't understand at that time.
08:00They cannot be traced.
08:02But after a year,
08:03two years,
08:04even three years,
08:05it is found out later
08:06that the police reach those people.
08:09this is a criminology case.
08:11Now, this crime has been committed.
08:13What is the mindset of the criminal?
08:15What is the reason?
08:16Even the police
08:17have to look at it from every angle.
08:18The investigation has to be carried forward.
08:20Two days have passed now.
08:22In such cases,
08:23while investigating,
08:25there can be a breakthrough within an hour.
08:27And it may also take time.
08:29Now, in this specific case,
08:31I don't think it should take much time.
08:33That is the point.
08:34It should take time.
08:35This is my opinion.
08:36But I am not an investigator.
08:38What is your opinion?
08:39Hassan, is there any evidence in front of you?
08:41There are some things.
08:43your safe city,
08:45its cameras are operational.
08:47Look at the timing.
08:48How many people are there?
08:50You can trace them.
08:51Then, apart from this,
08:52geofencing can be done.
08:53There is not one person,
08:54who is talking about Omar Farooq.
08:55There is not one person
08:56who has done something secretly.
08:57There are 8-10 people here.
08:58The people who have telephones,
09:00they have used telephones.
09:01We can reach them.
09:02If there is an intention to reach,
09:04then we will reach.
09:05I told you that
09:06we don't see any direction yet.
