Panayam kay Department of Science and Technology Usec. Leah Buendia ukol sa automated greenhouse para sa lettuce at tilapia

  • 4 months ago
Panayam kay Department of Science and Technology Usec. Leah Buendia ukol sa automated greenhouse para sa lettuce at tilapia

00:00 Automated greenhouse for Leto in Tilapia, our Alamin
00:03 together with the Department of Science and Technology, Undersecretary Leia Bendia.
00:08 Josec Bendia, good afternoon and welcome to Bago Pilipinas.
00:11 Good afternoon.
00:13 Josec, we heard that there is another innovation developed by DOST
00:18 for the fisheries of our fishermen.
00:22 For our countrymen, can you explain what is Aquaponics Technology?
00:28 This is called Project Atlantis and this is Aquaponics Technology.
00:34 Two words that are combined are Aquaculture and Hydroponics.
00:39 What this means is the production of fish along with planting plants.
00:49 This is a closed system.
00:53 This means that the fish and the waste of the fish is used as fertilizer for the plants.
01:01 That is Aquaponics.
01:03 It's like a cycle.
01:04 It's a cycle.
01:05 They are together.
01:06 They are together.
01:07 Josec, how is the Internet of Things, IOT, and Artificial Intelligence
01:15 in Aquaponics Greenhouse Farming utilized?
01:17 How is this process facilitated?
01:21 First of all, Aquaponics has been a technology for a long time.
01:25 But what's new here is that it is spread by AI or Internet of Things.
01:30 This means that data is gathered and sensors are placed
01:38 in different parts of that closed system
01:43 to measure and get the data of pH or the balance of acidity and base.
01:52 It also has sensors to measure carbon dioxide
02:01 and the different requirements of both fish and plants.
02:09 With these sensors, it measures the temperature.
02:15 Instead of getting it manually,
02:18 there are sensors that give every now and then on a regular basis
02:23 the temperature, pH, humidity, carbon dioxide,
02:30 and even the circulation of water.
02:35 That is also necessary.
02:37 Who is behind this project?
02:40 What is the purpose and inspiration of DOST for this project?
02:44 There is a private sector because of our program
02:49 called Science for Change Program
02:52 that has a partnership with the private sector
02:56 that needs a solution to a problem.
03:02 It partnered with Batangas State University to do this.
03:07 It is called Turbulent Drip Sales,
03:15 Incorporated at Batangas State University.
03:18 DOST funded this with 5 million pesos.
03:23 Alright, Yusef, how does Project Atlantis become sustainable and efficient?
03:29 And how does it happen?
03:33 Because it is a closed system, the food for the fish
03:38 is the same as the food for fish in fish pens or other places, or in ponds.
03:44 But the difference here is that the waste material
03:49 or the dirt that comes from the fish
03:53 is converted into fertilizers
03:59 that are used by our lettuce or other plant materials
04:08 that are grown through a water system.
04:15 The other thing is sustainability.
04:17 Because it is a closed system, it does not require a lot of water.
04:23 For one kilo of lettuce, for example,
04:28 it only requires 20 liters of water per year.
04:33 For the year?
04:35 Yes, that's how much.
04:37 Does the fish live?
04:38 The fish lives.
04:39 I mean, the requirement of lettuce is 20 liters per year.
04:45 So, this is very efficient when it comes to water.
04:50 Because when we water the soil,
04:54 we water the plants, not all of it is sucked or collected by the plants.
05:00 The only limit is that it is leached or there is only waste underneath.
05:07 So, here, it is very efficient.
05:08 Whatever the plant needs, that is the uptake of the plant.
05:13 And then all the rest goes around again.
05:16 So, that is one of the efficiencies of this technology.
05:22 Another thing is that it does not require fertilization.
05:25 Because the fertilizer is already there.
05:28 That is from the waste of the fish.
05:32 It also does not require spraying.
05:34 Because it is in an enclosed system, it has a greenhouse.
05:39 So, it controls all the atmosphere and all the aspects that are needed.
05:49 So, it does not require fertilizer, herbicide, or pesticide.
05:56 I have a question.
05:57 Aside from tilapia, can other fish like fish like mackerel, pomfret, and vegetables,
06:03 aside from lettuce, be used?
06:05 Vegetables are usually leafy vegetables.
06:09 But there are studies that say that tomatoes, cucumbers, and herbs
06:17 are used in the fish.
06:22 As for fish, we see tilapia, carp, and also koi.
06:31 How do you select the products or species?
06:38 There are studies that show the characteristics of fish
06:44 and the characteristics of plants that can be combined in one system.
06:50 They have balance and compatibility.
06:54 So, ma'am, during the time of the heat and aluminum,
06:57 was this technology effective?
06:59 How was the water management?
07:01 You said that it is only 20 liters for lettuce.
07:04 Is it the same for other plants or is it still being studied?
07:09 For other plants, lettuce is not too heavy on water.
07:15 But for others, it is not that heavy.
07:18 So, their requirements are different.
07:21 But the thing is, the water is taken up efficiently.
07:27 But for now, the focus of the project is on lettuce and tilapia.
07:32 First of all, tilapia is cheap because it is a food that the masses can eat.
07:41 And also, tilapia, we can see that in Laguna Bay,
07:45 there are a lot of pollutants like heavy metals, etc.
07:49 Here, it will be gone because that is the only thing that is moving around.
07:54 It doesn't have heavy metals.
07:56 It is not a food that is just wasted or that is just going to others.
08:03 But how is the production of this?
08:05 Is the production of tilapia and lettuce faster in this way?
08:10 In the study, they say that the growth is faster.
08:16 Why?
08:17 Because for 24 hours, there is a fertilizer.
08:21 There is access to fertilizer.
08:24 For example, lettuce grows for 2 months in the soil.
08:32 Here, it is only for 1 month.
08:34 You have a harvest.
08:35 It is fast.
08:37 But the 1 month harvest of lettuce in fish or tilapia?
08:43 I think it is fast because they are not stressed out.
08:49 Because when they are in the pond, there are stress factors,
08:53 for example, dirt or high carbon dioxide.
08:58 So, there is algal bloom, etc. in the fish.
09:02 But here, the environment is not stressed because the environment is clean.
09:08 And also, they do not get dirt that is otherwise coming from other sources
09:17 like industry, etc.
09:19 So, ma'am, where are you planning to promote this?
09:24 Is there a particular area that you will encourage?
09:30 Who would like to do this?
09:31 For now, because this is a collaboration with Turbulent Drip Sales,
09:37 a private sector in Tagaytay,
09:39 they are the first to get this technology
09:44 because they have input in terms of budget.
09:47 30% of their budget is from this technology,
09:53 so they have ownership in this technology.
09:57 But for now, we need to study the costing
10:03 because the initial cost will be a little bit higher
10:06 because you have sensors, computers,
10:10 you have systems that will be put in place.
10:14 So, we need to know what the return on investment is
10:19 when this is put up by private sector or even our small farmers.
10:26 Okay, ma'am, please message our fellow countrymen,
10:29 especially those who are interested in entering this business.
10:33 This project is just the beginning.
10:37 It started late 2022.
10:41 And my message is that in science and technology,
10:46 you will earn a lot from this business.
10:48 This is also the message of the Department of Science and Technology
10:52 through the leadership of Secretary Soliduno.
10:57 Thank you very much for your time,
10:59 Department of Science and Technology Undersecretary Lea Bendia.
11:03 Thank you, Ase.
11:04 Thank you.
