Busytown Mysteries Busytown Mysteries E005 Little Orphan Egg

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:02 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:07 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:10 - Hey, Loli!
00:11 Try and hit this one!
00:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:15 - Hum!
00:16 (sifflement)
00:17 - Oh!
00:19 - Wow!
00:20 - It's out of the park!
00:22 - I'll get it!
00:24 - Another home run for me!
00:26 - Hi-hi!
00:27 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:29 - Hum!
00:30 I wonder where it is.
00:31 It has to be here somewhere.
00:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:38 Found it!
00:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:42 Hold on!
00:43 This isn't the ball.
00:44 It's an egg!
00:46 - Yeah!
00:47 (alarm blaring)
00:48 - Busy town action circus!
00:50 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:53 - Dog Bug here, reporting live from the park,
00:55 where a search for Loli's home run ball
00:57 has led to an unexpected discovery.
01:00 Huckle, you were one of the first ones on the scene.
01:03 Can you tell us where that egg came from?
01:05 - It must have fallen out of a nest.
01:08 - And where do you think this nest might be?
01:10 - That's a mystery!
01:13 - And when it comes to solving mysteries,
01:15 Huckle and his team are the best!
01:17 - All right, then.
01:18 We need to find out where this mystery egg came from
01:20 and get it back to where it belongs.
01:22 - Yippee! - Yahoo!
01:24 - Could you hold this a minute, please?
01:25 Thanks.
01:26 - Oh!
01:27 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:31 - Zip-zap!
01:32 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:35 - ♪ Everybody ♪
01:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:39 ♪ Solve a mystery ♪
01:40 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:42 ♪ All together ♪
01:44 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:46 ♪ Huckle, Cat, you and me ♪
01:48 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:49 - Everybody!
01:50 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:54 - Let's get Baby Cat!
01:55 - Go!
01:57 - Thanks, Goldbug!
01:59 - Well, there you have it.
02:01 Huckle and his team are going to solve
02:03 the lost and found egg mystery.
02:05 Stay tuned for further exciting developments.
02:07 I'm Goldbug, and that's the buzz in Busytown.
02:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:13 - Where do we start looking, Huckle?
02:15 - Well, let's think.
02:17 Where do eggs come from?
02:19 - Hey, the grocery store has eggs.
02:21 - Yeah, dozens and dozens of eggs.
02:24 - Then that's where we need to go first.
02:26 Let's get Busytown!
02:28 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:30 - Whoa!
02:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:34 - Okay, let's check out these eggs.
02:37 - Hmm, these eggs are all white.
02:39 - And ours is beige with spots.
02:41 - That means our egg must have come from somewhere else.
02:44 - But where?
02:45 - Hmm.
02:46 - Did you hear that?
02:48 - There's something tapping inside this egg.
02:50 - And it's trying to get out.
02:52 - Oh! Maybe it's a baby dinosaur!
02:55 - Baby dinosaur?
02:57 - I want an egg like that!
02:59 - I want a dozen eggs like that!
03:01 - Ha, ha, ha!
03:02 I've always wanted a pet dinosaur.
03:04 - Hey, you guys.
03:06 Dinosaurs don't exist anymore.
03:09 - Oh! Ha, ha, ha!
03:10 I knew that. - No, you didn't.
03:12 - Yes, I did. - No, you didn't.
03:13 - Yes, I did! - No, you didn't.
03:15 - Then if it's not a dinosaur egg,
03:16 what kind of egg is it?
03:18 - Some kind of bird egg.
03:20 - By the sounds of it, I don't think we have much time
03:22 to get this egg back to its nest
03:24 before the baby bird hatches.
03:26 Let's get going!
03:27 (musique inquiétante)
03:30 (musique inquiétante)
03:32 - There you go.
03:33 I'll take good care of you and keep you nice and cozy
03:36 until we find your real nest and your real mother.
03:39 Look!
03:40 Maybe that's the mother bird!
03:42 (musique inquiétante)
03:43 - Come on! Follow that bird!
03:45 It might lead us to its nest.
03:47 (musique inquiétante)
03:50 (chantonne)
03:53 (musique inquiétante)
03:55 (cris de joie)
03:56 (musique inquiétante)
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04:15 (rire)
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04:20 (rire)
04:23 (musique inquiétante)
04:26 (musique inquiétante)
04:27 - Look!
04:28 (chantonne)
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07:00 (chantonne)
07:01 (chantonne)
07:02 (chantonne)
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07:04 (chantonne)
07:05 (chantonne)
07:06 (chantonne)
07:07 (chantonne)
07:08 (chantonne)
07:09 (chantonne)
07:11 (chantonne)
07:12 - Oh, c'est si mignon!
07:13 - Salut!
07:14 (chantonne)
07:16 - Quack?
07:17 Je sais ce que ce type de oiseau dit, "quack"!
07:19 - Moi aussi! C'est un oiseau.
07:21 (chantonne)
07:22 - Mais les oiseaux ne vivent pas près de l'eau?
07:25 - Exactement!
07:26 Nous avons regardé dans les endroits inutiles.
07:29 Nous devons regarder près de l'eau.
07:30 - Il y a un pont dans le parc!
07:32 - Près de là où nous avons trouvé l'œuf.
07:34 - Bien sûr! Le nôtre doit être proche
07:36 de là où nous avons trouvé l'œuf au début.
07:39 (chantonne)
07:40 - Au parc, c'est parti!
07:41 - Allez, équipe!
07:42 (chantonne)
07:43 (chantonne)
07:44 (chantonne)
07:45 - Comment allons-nous trouver
07:47 son oiseau dans ce long bois?
07:49 - Nous devons continuer à regarder, c'est tout.
07:51 Il doit être ici quelque part.
07:53 (chantonne)
07:54 - Hé! Reviens, petit oiseau!
07:57 (chantonne)
07:58 (chantonne)
07:59 (chantonne)
08:00 (chantonne)
08:01 - Je l'ai trouvé! Je l'ai trouvé, l'oiseau!
08:03 - Le petit oiseau a trouvé son oiseau.
08:06 Mais ici il est!
08:07 (chantonne)
08:08 (chantonne)
08:09 - Oh non!
08:10 On est trop tard!
08:11 Ces oeufs ont déjà hatché.
08:12 Cela signifie que la mère et les autres oiseaux sont morts.
08:15 Comment allons-nous trouver ce petit oiseau
08:18 pour la famille?
08:19 (chantonne)
08:20 - Hum! Ce petit oiseau a vraiment un bruit fort.
08:23 (chantonne)
08:24 (chantonne)
08:25 - Attends!
08:26 Ça a plus l'air d'un grand oiseau.
08:28 - Allez, petit oiseau!
08:30 (chantonne)
08:31 - Regarde! Il y a sa mère!
08:33 (chantonne)
08:34 - Et son père!
08:35 - Et ses frères et soeurs!
08:37 - On a trouvé toute votre famille!
08:39 - Je t'ai dit que je t'aiderais.
08:41 (chantonne)
08:42 (chantonne)
08:43 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:44 (chantonne)
08:45 (chantonne)
08:46 (chantonne)
08:47 (chantonne)
08:48 (chantonne)
08:50 - Yippee!
08:51 (chantonne)
08:52 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:53 - Goldbug ici, en direct de la partie
08:55 avec une nouvelle nouvelle!
08:57 As-tu résolu le mystère de l'oeuf perdu et trouvé, Puckle?
09:00 - Oui, Goldbug.
09:01 Voici comment ça s'est passé.
09:03 ♪ ♪ ♪
09:04 On a comparé notre oeuf
09:05 à l'autre que nous avions trouvé à la zone de la ville
09:08 jusqu'à ce que nous ayons trouvé le bon oeuf.
09:10 (gazouillis)
09:11 Mais nous avons trouvé la famille des oeufs.
09:13 - Grâce à Puckle et son équipe,
09:15 un autre mystère d'oeufs a été résolu!
09:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
09:21 Je suis Goldbug et c'est le buzz de la ville!
09:25 ♪ ♪ ♪
09:27 ♪ Tout le monde ensemble ♪
09:28 ♪ a résolu un mystère avec Puckle ♪
09:31 ♪ Tu peux en résoudre un, deux ♪
09:35 ♪ ♪ ♪
09:36 - Hurray for Puckle!
09:38 - And hurray for the best team in Busytown!
09:41 ♪ ♪ ♪
09:42 - Hey, look! Another egg!
09:44 - Maybe there's a little duck inside that one, too.
09:47 - Another duck?
09:48 I get to look after this one!
09:50 - Oh!
09:51 - Oh!
09:52 - Now you don't. - Yes, I do.
09:54 - Now you don't. - Yes, I do.
09:55 - Now you don't. - Yes, I do.
09:56 - Now you don't. - Yes, I do.
09:58 - Now you don't. - Yes, I do.
09:59 - Now you don't.
10:00 - Ha! Ha! Ha!
10:01 There's no duck in here.
