Pusbarindo: Harga Bawang Putih Juni 2024 Harus Stabil

  • 4 months ago
Pelaku Usaha Bawang Putih dan Sayuran Umbi Indonesia (Pusbarindo) angkat bicara, terkait tingginya harga bawang di tanah air. Bahkan pelaku usaha mendorong, agar pemerintah menetapkan harga acuan untuk komoditas bawang.


00:00 Meanwhile, the chairman of the business shareholders who are included in the group of business shareholders of Bawang Putih and Sayuran Umbi Indonesia or Pusbarindo,
00:08 is talking about the high price of onions in the country.
00:11 Even the shareholders are pushing for the government to set a reference price for the onion commodity.
00:16 Member of Pusbarindo, Bambang, mentioned the high price of onions in the country due to the quality of onions imported in 2023 is less good.
00:27 Thus, businessmen are confident that the price of onions will be stable with the addition of onion imports in June as much as 50,000 tons with good quality.
00:36 This adds to the number of onion teams that are currently 50,000 tons, so that it can meet the needs of onions until the end of the year.
00:44 On the other hand, Bambang welcomes the initiation of the Commission for Business Competition Supervision or KPPU, which pushes the government to set a reference price for onions.
00:56 The price of onions has been set in 2018.
01:00 Now it's 2024, it's been six years, right?
01:03 There should be a change, because every year we have inflation.
01:09 In 2019, the dollar was influenced by the price of onions, so we imported it.
01:16 At that time, the reference price was USD, at that time it was 12,000.
01:20 Now it's 16,000. There should be a change.
01:23 [Music]
