Aptrindo: Selesaikan Masalah Penumpukan Kontainer

  • 4 months ago
Kalangan pelaku usaha truk, yang tergabung dalam Asosiasi Pengusaha Truk Indonesia (APTRINDO) mengaku, sempat terdapat 26.000 kontainer yang tertumpuk tidak bisa keluar dari pelabuhan. Penumpukan kontainer ini telah terjadi dari bulan Januari hingga Mei 2024 ini, walau telah dilakukan revisi Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan dari mulai Nomor 3 Nomor 7 tahun 2024.


00:29 The majority of the truck operators who joined the Indonesian Truck Operators Association or APTRINDO
00:34 admitted that there were 26,000 containers that were piled up and could not be removed from the Tanjong Priok Jakarta port and Tanjong Perak Surabaya port.
00:41 The piling of the containers was due to technical considerations in the Ministry of Trade related to imported goods.
00:49 The General Chairman of APTRINDO, Gemilang Tarigan stated,
00:53 "The piling of these containers has been going on since January 2024 until now.
00:58 Although a revision has been made to the order from the beginning of March 3, 2024,
01:03 it is considered to have not changed the situation."
01:05 So after the order for March 8, 2024 was issued, which included removing the technical regulations of several imported goods,
01:13 Gemilang Tarigan admitted that he could reduce the piling of containers in the port.
01:50 Tarigan stated that the losses experienced by the truck operators were quite large due to the piling of containers due to the consideration of the technical regulations of the Ministry of Trade.
02:00 Where the losses were estimated to reach tens of millions of rupiahs in one month for one container load.
02:06 So that with the appearance of this number 8 boom, it is expected to speed up the flow of shipments.
02:11 From Jakarta Rikian War, AYUD Action.
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