It's The Wolf It’s The Wolf S01 E006 Super Sheep Sitting Service

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 [musique]
00:10 [voix de l'homme] "Oh oh, looks like we've got company. Keep an eye on the TV screen, Lamsy."
00:15 "I'm gonna star in a new TV show called Wham! The Wolf."
00:19 [voix de l'homme] "Will do, Bristlehound. Oh, great protector of little old me."
00:23 [musique]
00:29 [voix de l'homme] "Now I'm gonna relax, whilst this TV camera keeps an eye on you."
00:34 "I'll be able to sit right here and see that Mildew doesn't grab you. How does that grab you?"
00:39 "Can I give it a try, Bristle?"
00:41 "Ok, Lamsy."
00:43 "Testing, testing."
00:45 "It's the wolf!"
00:46 "That's who it is, the wolf."
00:48 "It's the wolf!"
00:49 "That'll do it. That'll bring me a-running, Lamsy."
00:52 "Now you can get on with your frolicking."
00:54 [musique]
00:57 "I'll keep you zeroed in on my TV."
00:59 "I must frolic and gamble gracefully."
01:02 "I've never been on TV before. What's this?"
01:06 "Tiki-taki housing tract."
01:10 "Oh, goody!"
01:12 "Kids just can't resist playing around houses while they're being built."
01:16 "And lams is kids."
01:18 [rires]
01:20 [musique]
01:23 "Hiya, sonny. Want someone to seesaw with ya?"
01:27 [musique]
01:30 "Hey, who are you?"
01:31 "A cuckoo carpenter from Cuckamonga?"
01:34 "Or, um, cunning craftsman from Connecticut?"
01:38 "Uh-uh. I know who it is."
01:41 "It's the wolf!"
01:42 "That's who it is, the wolf."
01:43 "It's the wolf!"
01:45 "Uh-oh. Mildew's at it again."
01:47 [musique]
01:48 "Into the can, my little canned brunch."
01:51 [musique]
01:54 "Uh-huh? Why, hello there."
01:57 "Nice day or something."
01:59 [explosion]
02:01 "Let's go, Lamsy."
02:02 [musique]
02:07 "Oh, this is the only way to watch my favorite TV show."
02:11 "Starring who else? Little old me, Lamsy."
02:14 [musique]
02:17 "I hope that lamb chop comes back soon. It's way past my lunch time."
02:22 [cackles]
02:24 "Hark! I hear calories."
02:27 [cackles]
02:28 [musique]
02:29 "Oh, boy! A fireplace. Oh, and a chimney."
02:33 "One chimney going up."
02:36 [musique]
02:39 "Who is that? Is it a brawny bricklayer from Birmingham?"
02:43 "Or a happy hog carrier from Hoboken?"
02:47 "Mm-mm. It's the wallop, it's the wallop!"
02:50 "Uh-oh. Old Russell to the rescue."
02:53 [musique]
02:55 "Come to Mildew and we'll skadoodoo."
02:58 [musique]
02:59 "Uh-oh. Don't do anything rash."
03:02 "You might hurt little Lunchy. I mean, Lamsy."
03:05 [musique]
03:12 "Got you, Lamsy."
03:13 "Thank you, Crystal."
03:15 [musique]
03:19 "Did your analyst ever tell you you had a mean streak?"
03:23 [musique]
03:34 "I gotta find out how that dumb sheepdog stays on top of things the way he does."
03:39 [musique]
03:42 "Baa! Baa! Baa!"
03:45 "So that's it. Closed-circuit TV."
03:49 "That's doggone clever, that doggone dog."
03:53 "Baa! Baa!"
03:55 "I'll just open up a few of these closed circuits."
03:59 [vroom vroom]
04:01 "Baa!"
04:03 "Uh-oh. What went wrong?"
04:06 "Baa! Baa! Baa! Baa!"
04:10 "Hi there, Sonny. How's about taking a ride in my nice new dump truck?"
04:14 [musique]
04:16 "With Bristle watching me on TV, I'm safe."
04:20 "Sure. Why not?"
04:22 "Let's see. I think the yellow wire hooks onto the craps dancer and the blue wire hooks onto the clavisier."
04:29 "I'm gonna show you a dump truck that really dumps. Watch this."
04:33 [musique]
04:36 "How about a barbecue or two?"
04:38 "Mildew doesn't know it, but Bristle's watching us on TV."
04:42 "Oh, boy. Are you gonna get it?"
04:46 "Maybe the red wire goes to the tuning frenzy."
04:49 "I wonder what's keeping Bristle."
04:51 "Relax. He's just having a little TV trouble."
04:55 "I sure hope it works."
04:58 [vroom vroom]
05:00 "It's the wallop!"
05:01 "That's who it is, the wallop."
05:03 "It's the wallop!"
05:04 "It's the wallop."
05:05 [laughter]
05:07 "Just keep your sheepskin on, Lamsy."
05:10 [musique]
05:11 "Hey, Mildew, guess what? You're on TV."
05:15 "Huh?"
05:16 [musique]
05:18 "You look terrible for TV. Here's some makeup."
05:23 "Hey, watch it, will ya? I can't see."
05:26 [musique]
05:28 [explosion]
05:30 [musique]
05:33 "All right, Mildew. Where's Lamsy?"
05:36 "Up here, Bristlehound. Safe and secure."
05:39 "Hey there, Mildew Wolf. What's up?"
