1.500 Warga Suku Badui Menjalani Tradisi Upacara Seba

  • 4 months ago
Sebanyak kurang lebih 1.500 warga suku Baduy dari Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten, Sabtu (18/5), tiba di Alun-alun Barat Kota Serang, untuk menjalani tradisi upacara Seba.
00:00 As many as 1,500 people of the Baduy tribe on Saturday, May 18 came in clothes and headbands
00:10 in the process of carrying out the tradition of the ancestors, namely the ceba ceremony.
00:15 They visited the Governor of Banten office as a series of traditions.
00:21 Ceba ceremony has been carried out since the reign of Sultan Maulana Hassanuddin Banten
00:28 as a symbol of welcoming local leaders who were aged by bringing the earth's results as a special gift,
00:36 such as bananas, rice, palm sugar and Laksa food stored by the people in the basket.
00:44 According to the Baduy people, the tradition of ceba is also a expression of gratitude for the natural results given by the Creator.
00:54 In the hope that the people can live in peace and prosperity.
00:59 It is also a tradition, it is also our duty, every year we should do it if we are healthy.
01:08 What does ceba Baduy mean to the people?
01:13 Ceba means the same as the word "salatul rahmi" in Bahasa Surah.
01:27 Ceba Baduy is a tradition of the Salatul Rahmi, so it is considered as a form of gratitude.
01:44 Thousands of Baduy people have been traveling to Serang city from Kannekes, Lebak regency since Friday afternoon.
01:52 They have traveled to Serang city for about 50 kilometers.
01:57 There are thousands of outsiders who travel by car.
02:03 While the people of Baduy Dalam travel by foot because it is prohibited to use vehicles.
02:11 From Serang city, Banten, Susniyatun Hayati, Gantor Berita Antara reported.
02:17 Thank you.
02:19 Thank you.
02:21 Thank you.
02:23 Thank you.
