The Trap Door The Trap Door E022 – Sniff That

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Oh, mon dieu. Oh, c'est pire que de cuisiner des choses vertes.
00:08Oh, ce n'est pas un boulot pour un garçon qui grandit.
00:13Il y a une chose que j'ai mangée, c'est de ne pas bloquer les drains.
00:18Eurgh, c'est pas bon.
00:21Oh, c'est froid.
00:26Berk's been a long time un-blocking net drain.
00:30And he's left the trap door open.
00:33I'm a little worried something might come out.
00:38Oh, dear.
00:40Oh, dear, oh, dear.
00:42I still can't shift this blinkin' blockage.
00:45More I need is something to suck it out with.
00:48What's that?
00:53Ah, bony, bony!
00:56Something big and horrible with lots of eyes just came out of the drain!
01:00No, it didn't.
01:02It came out of the trap door which you left open.
01:06Oh, globbits.
01:08Oh, globbits!
01:11We got another one.
01:13A brown one.
01:15One's all eyes.
01:18This one's all a great big mouth.
01:23Oh, he sucked old bony up his massive gob.
01:26Oi, you spit him out!
01:30Right, now you've really got my back.
01:36Right, ta-da!
01:38Now that got bony out.
01:40Now where you going?
01:42Oh, globbits, it's not my day.
01:45Now we got two of them weirdo whatsit things running about the place.
01:48Oh, come on, dragon.
01:50We'd better go and get them back while we're upstairs, won't we?
01:53I say, what about me?
01:56You can't leave me up here, I might fall!
02:01Right, where they got to then?
02:06Well, I suppose they could be anywhere by now.
02:08You sniff them out, drat!
02:11Ah, there you are.
02:12Now you stick close, mind.
02:14These things are going to have it of creeping up behind you.
02:17You never know where they might be hiding.
02:21Did you hear something?
02:24We found old eyeballs!
02:27Stay where you are!
02:30Get back or I'll set the dreaded draught on you!
02:38Ah, there's the brown one!
02:44You see that?
02:46He just sucked him up like...
02:48I don't know what he sucked him up like.
02:53This could be the very thing I've been looking for!
02:57Right, any of you?
03:00Come on, dindins!
03:03Scuff that lot, big mouth!