WEBINAR_ The Mission Of Achieving A Vision – An Entrepreneur’s Experience

  • 4 months ago
This webinar is fundamentally to share my actual experience as an entrepreneur of how I developed a vision for a long-term sustainable business. For over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur starting a business from zero with no capital to an Internationally recognized business as a food manufacturer.
In this webinar, I will candidly share my experiences from “The University of hard knocks “which will involve experiences and wisdom drawn from “impossible “challenges faced along the way of running the business. I will highlight key principles and attitudes which on hindsight contributed to the success or failure of the business. These are not text book theories and principles but actual hands-on lessons learnt along the way.
I hope those who are facing challenges in the current market uncertainty will be inspired to “cross the bridge “and those who are at the start up stage will be more prepared to face the challenges ahead. When I started the business, I had no capital, no experience in Food technology, no knowledge of manufacturing and only a plain simple foodie with a financial background!
Also, I started late in business as I was in the corporate world with EXXON for over 11 years and then with Sime Plantations for another 3 over years, before I decided to be on my own. If you want to see the real stuff instead of some theories, this webinar is for you!

Presented by Mickey Quah Kim Bong, Managing Director of Care Food Industries Sdn Bhd (https://carefood.com/index.html) and hosted by International Trade Council (https://tradecouncil.org). This webinar was presented on 18th of October 2023, 01:00 PM UTC+08:00.


