ReBuild 2024, Cugno: "Coinvolgimento aziende non space valore aggiunto a programmi spaziali"

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Oggi più che mai, con lo sviluppo che stanno prendendo le attività di esplorazione spaziale e in genere nello spazio, il coinvolgimento di aziende non space che hanno tecnologie che possono portare un valore aggiunto ai programmi spaziali e viceversa”. Con queste parole, Walter Cugno, vicepresidente del dominio esplorazione scienza di Thales Alenia Space Italia, è intervenuto al Panel “Abitare e vivere nello Spazio. La sfida di chi costruisce infrastrutture per altri pianeti”, uno dei tanti appuntamenti previsti alla decima edizione di ReBuild - Meeting the next built environment, la manifestazione dedicata all’innovazione sostenibile dell’ambiente costruito, in svolgimento al Centro congressi di Riva del Garda il 14 e 15 maggio 2024.


00:00Today, more than ever, with the development that the space exploration activities are taking place in space in general, the involvement in general of non-space companies that have technologies that can bring an added value to space programs and vice versa, is extremely important.
00:29It is also important for the real estate sector, for the construction sector, where synergies can be evaluated, which potential reciprocal contamination is possible, both for the interiors of the homes,
00:46and on this I am convinced that synergies and possibilities of contamination are there, both for the exploitation of the resources present in space and especially when infrastructures will have to be developed on the surface of the Moon,
01:03where the current transport costs of 1.5 million per kilo, and not only for these reasons, it will be extremely necessary to use the resources available on the ground.
01:16In this respect, it is necessary to evaluate how much is available in the real estate sector, in the construction companies on the ground, and how much of these technologies can be further developed for use in space environments,
01:37with the extremely heavy characteristics they have on the infrastructure, on the development of any space infrastructure. This becomes very important and an added value for both.
