CJ the DJ CJ the DJ E026 Boogie Knights

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 *musique*
00:24 -Fail.
00:25 -Fail.
00:27 -Hein ?
00:28 *bruit de mouette*
00:29 -Pass.
00:30 -Miss Miles, excellent as usual.
00:33 -Aww, thanks Mr Truman.
00:35 -And James, top of the class.
00:37 -Cool, you cheated !
00:41 -No I didn't !
00:42 *surprise*
00:43 *musique*
00:45 *bruit de mouette*
00:46 -So you believe I didn't cheat, don't you Sy ?
00:48 -Oh sure, but I don't think Leslie feels the same way.
00:51 -Yeah, well, this is the first time I've beaten her in anything remotely educational.
00:55 She just has to deal with it.
00:56 *bruit de mouette*
00:57 -Look, Leslie, I'm as shocked as you are, but believe me when I say I didn't cheat.
01:02 I studied for once.
01:04 -Aww, like I didn't do that too.
01:06 -How'd you do it CJ ?
01:07 -Mirrors, did you see my exam ?
01:09 -How can you believe that little creep Lyle over me ?
01:11 -Ok guys, cool it, we gotta go.
01:13 Tickets for Step Up go on sale soon.
01:15 -What are you talking about ?
01:16 -Step Up, that dancing show on TV.
01:18 They're recording it at Radio Bump tonight.
01:20 We've been talking about it for weeks.
01:22 -So you're still coming Leslie ?
01:23 -What's the point ?
01:24 You're probably cheating that too.
01:26 -You can't steal my dance moves and call them your own.
01:28 -Oh...
01:29 -Great Leslie, you're a real friend.
01:31 Come on Sy, let's go.
01:33 Leslie, we'll talk.
01:35 -Yo my peeps, this is DJ Glamour.
01:40 Tonight, for one night only, Step Up on BUMP TV.
01:45 Now, let it roll, 'cause you're all dance hotties.
01:50 -Oh, don't worry about it Siege, Leslie will get over it.
01:54 We're seeing Glamour.
01:56 -Yeah, you're right Sy, this is cool.
01:59 Hey Les, you decided to come ?
02:02 -I did, I thought, why not ?
02:04 -Uh, cool.
02:06 So, what's with the two tickets ?
02:08 You taking a friend ?
02:09 -It's a dance competition CJ, you have to have a dance partner.
02:13 -What ?
02:14 It's not a ballroom dancing competition.
02:16 You don't need a partner.
02:18 -Isn't it ?
02:19 Or are you saying that because you want to win ?
02:21 -Leslie look, if it's about the science exam,
02:23 I didn't cheat off of you, or anyone else.
02:26 -What science exam ? Who cares about that ?
02:29 -Ok then, I'm hungry, let's get some food.
02:32 Coming ?
02:33 -Not me, I'm busy.
02:34 -Ok then, later.
02:36 -I'm dead, I'm dead.
02:43 Arnus is gonna kill me if I don't get a ticket.
02:45 -Lyle, I want that prize.
02:47 So I've enlisted some computer geeks to assist.
02:50 Said geeks will rig the voting, ensuring whomever I choose to dance, will win.
02:54 -Huh ?
02:55 -And that's where you come in.
02:56 You're dancing tonight Lyle.
02:57 -Me ? Why me ? I don't dance.
02:59 -It doesn't matter Lyle, just get a ticket to step up, or you're history.
03:03 -Oh gimme, gimme !
03:05 -Mine Lyle.
03:07 -Look nerd, I need that ticket.
03:09 I'll do, um, I'll do anything.
03:12 -Hmm, you ready to rumba ?
03:15 -What's Leslie's problem ?
03:19 -She thought you better in science, now she wants to beat you in something you're good at, dancing.
03:23 Make her feel good about herself.
03:25 -Wow Dr. Sy, you been reading my girl magazines again ?
03:28 -Uh, uh, nah, not me.
03:30 -We are litters here.
03:32 -If it ain't cheaty cheat pants CJ.
03:34 -Out to pull another swifty shifty.
03:36 -Tonight is step up.
03:38 -Oh cool it Patel, CJ's not like that.
03:40 She's an awesome dancer, she don't need to cheat to win.
03:43 -Come on Sy, A-tracks now.
03:45 Listen to some tunes, I'll clean my head.
03:47 -Booyah !
03:48 -You run.
03:49 -But you can't hide girly girl.
03:51 -Y'all got no chance against a full fresh four shaft cold ice crew.
03:54 -What ?
03:55 -Arnus, you around ?
03:57 -Hey !
04:00 -Dwayne, Gordon, Wang, what are you doing here ?
04:03 -Uh, it's top secret.
04:06 -I spill the beans Dwayne.
04:08 -Ok, ok, we've been hired to rig the voting for some TV show tonight.
04:12 -TV show ? You mean step up ?
04:14 -Yeah, we've developed quite a neat algorithm that will guarantee Lyle's victory.
04:18 -That's cheating.
04:19 -CJ, out.
04:20 Nerds, get back to work.
04:22 -We prefer hackers to nerds.
04:25 -Yeah we're hackers.
04:26 -That's just outrageous.
04:29 -Oh it's Arnus, CJ, you're such a sneak.
04:31 -Yeah but it's not like him to work with Dwayne and that.
04:34 I didn't even think they knew each other.
04:36 Unless Leslie...
04:38 Something weird's going on here Sy.
04:43 Leslie doesn't listen to this music.
04:45 -Oh, freaky, looks like Leslie found the dance partner.
04:54 -Whoa, so Leslie's in on the scam.
04:57 It all makes sense, she knows Dwayne.
05:00 -Nah, not Leslie.
05:01 -She'll do anything to beat me, you said so yourself.
05:05 [Générique de fin]
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06:37 [Cris de joie]
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08:35 [Rires]
08:36 [Cris de joie]
08:38 Et enfin, c'est arrivé !
08:40 Vous avez tout gagné !
08:42 Notre danseur de la plus grande foule pour ce soir, Lyle !
08:45 Euh... "To the posse, back home, get clickin'"
08:49 "Fond de Lyle style" ?
08:51 Attends une minute. Je sais ça, Cap.
08:54 Honnête ! Honnête de A-TRACK RECORDS !
08:56 Tu sais, c'est le show des enfants.
08:58 Non, non, c'est moi, Lyle.
09:01 Tu sais, "Give it up for the Lyle style" ?
09:04 Yo ! Security !
09:06 [Rires]
09:08 [Gémissements]
09:10 Eh bien, Lyle, un autre scène détruit par ton ineptitude.
09:16 Je ne comprends pas !
09:18 Tu es un idiot.
09:19 Oh, ouais. Désolé, Cap.
09:21 Tous nos votes sont en.
09:24 Alors, DJ Glamour, le gagnant de ce soir sur Step Up est...
09:29 Ice Cold Crew !
09:31 [Cris et applaudissements]
09:34 [Musique]
