Michelle O'Neill says sorry for going to Bobby Storey funeral, May 14, 2024

  • 4 months ago
Michelle O'Neill says sorry for going to Bobby Storey funeral, May 14, 2024
00:00Ms O'Neill, there's no reflection, I don't think, nor any insight in your witness statement
00:09about any of the hurt or any of the problems that you caused by attending the funeral of
00:17Mr Storey. Do you agree?
00:20I think I have addressed that in my statement and in previous statements, but if you'll
00:24allow me, I'd be happy to address it right now.
00:28Thank you, and maybe perhaps even to go directly to the families, because it's those people
00:33that have been impacted by my actions, and if that's OK, I would like to address them.
00:36I'm afraid, Ms O'Neill, you're here to give evidence, not to address people. I think you
00:40need to give your evidence.
00:41The question is for me.
00:42OK, OK, sorry, my lady. I mean, I have to say up front, and I do want to direct, I'm
00:48glad that we're actually able to speak about this so early on in the evidence, because
00:53there is no doubt that the families themselves have been through an experience that there
00:56is no coming back from. I also know that my actions also angered the families, and
01:01for that, I'm truly sorry. I am sorry for going, and I'm sorry for the hurt that's been
01:06caused after that, and I want to make that statement very clear on the record again today.
01:11Did you realise at the time the hurt and anger that going to the funeral would cause?
01:16I didn't, but I ought to have.
