Avenger Penguins Avenger Penguins S02 E006 The Jewel in the Crown

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Avengers, Avengers penguins
00:04On est born to fight, Marvel needs the fight
00:07Oh, oh, oh, big city
00:11When tomorrow comes, and the corner's turned
00:14This big, big city won't be big enough
00:17Marvel and the boys, we'll be cutting off the roof
00:20And it's the end of the line for Corrupted Costume
00:24I'm a robber, help me!
00:26I'm a robber, help me!
00:28Avengers! Avengers! Avengers!
00:33Pringles! George and Mike!
00:46It says right here in the paper,
00:48the club Oasis must be round about here someplace,
00:51or my name's not the...
00:57It sure is, Bluey.
00:58Not the kind of place a well-brought-up Avenger penguin
01:00would normally walk.
01:01Especially after dark.
01:03Lighten up, Marlon. It's just an alleyway.
01:06The way you're talking,
01:07you'd think this was the start of something,
01:09you know, scary.
01:12Ah, here it is!
01:14The club Oasis!
01:16Hey, look!
01:20And there she is!
01:22The woman of my dreams!
01:28Oh, Dolores, I'd climb mountains,
01:31swim oceans, wash dishes,
01:33anything just so as I get to see you,
01:35my Wonder Woman!
01:37I wonder what she'd say if she could see the state of the bathroom
01:40once he's been in it.
01:41What was that?
01:42I said, in we go!
01:53Est-ce que tu peux croire ce mec?
01:55J'ai entendu de meilleurs bruits
01:57venant de notre unité de déchets.
01:59Oh, je ne sais pas.
02:00Hey, je pense qu'il a vraiment quelque chose.
02:02Oui, une nerve.
02:04Bluey a l'air d'aimer lui, OK?
02:06Rocky, Bluey est notre ami,
02:07mais il n'est pas un connoisseur de musique.
02:09Je ne peux pas attendre qu'il finisse.
02:11Ensuite, il sera temps pour...
02:13Je sais, je sais.
02:14Le temps de Dolores Divine.
02:16Hop-là, hop-là.
02:22Sir, you're the infamous Kung-Prawn Boys.
02:25Mr. Doom, I presume.
02:28I'm a busy man.
02:29World domination's my game.
02:31And time and tide, et cetera, et cetera,
02:34if you catch my drift.
02:36Now, where was I?
02:39Ah, same.
02:40Oh, right.
02:41So, polite niceties over.
02:43Have you got it?
02:47I have come all this way on a night
02:49when my favorite TV program is on air.
02:52A night to boot.
02:53When my video is on the fritz
02:55so I can't even tape it
02:57to get the mystical Wazimoto Diamond.
02:59And with it untold ancient powers
03:01and a leg up to world domination.
03:04And you only say perhaps?
03:06Patience, Mr. Doom.
03:08Sit down and have a drink with us.
03:10Listen to the pretty lady sing.
03:12Then we'll do business.
03:16You have the merchandise.
03:19Safe and sound.
03:20Ladies and gentlemen,
03:22the moment you've all been waiting for.
03:24Direct from Hollywood,
03:26the Oasis Club is proud to present
03:29the one, the only,
03:32the phantasmagorical
03:34Miss Dolores Pettibine!
03:39Well, hello, sugars.
03:41And a big kissy-wissy
03:43to all my fans out there.
03:48That one was right on target.
03:52I'm here to sing you my latest hit.
03:57Forget the floozy.
03:59We're talking money here.
04:00Gimme, gimme, let me see the...
04:09Twenty million.
04:11Twenty million?
04:13Ten million.
04:15My final offer.
04:18Twelve, you bloodsuckers.
04:20Thirteen, you crustacean criminals.
04:23Thirteen-point-fifty, you deep-sea mollusks.
04:26Thirteen-point-sixty million.
04:29I just happen to have
04:31thirteen-point-five-six-three-four-six-two-recurring million.
04:34Take it or leave it, scampi-breath.
04:38It's a deal.
04:39I agree.
04:41The gem.
04:42A Wuzzy motor diamond.
04:44All mine.
04:45Let me look at you, you precious ancient thing.
04:48Let me admire the beauty of your form in the spotlight.
04:53Say, hold it, maestro.
04:56I've just seen an old friend.
05:02Gee, Marlon.
05:03I kinda think she means, uh...
05:06Could be, Rocky.
05:07She's certainly on a collision course.
05:09Moony, moony.
05:12Big boy.
05:13I knew it was you, even without looking.
05:16There's a sort of...
05:18Sort of...
05:19Draft in here?
05:22Between you and me.
05:24Ever since I met you back in Hollywood.
05:27Please see the earlier episode.
05:29Ladies and gentlemen.
05:32I'd like you to give a great, big, wet club oasis welcome
05:36to my good friends Rocky, Marlon and Bluey.
05:40The Avenger Penguins.
05:50Is this the cue for a song?
05:52I know that diamonds are a girl's best friend.
05:55But this is so sudden.
05:57Unhand that diamond this instant, you...
06:00You starlet.
06:02Return it to its rightful owner or I'll...
06:07Yes, it's me.
06:08What of it?
06:10What a big one.
06:11How come you're toting a diamond the size of the writs around a seedy nightclub
06:15and in the company of the notorious Kung Prawn Gang
06:18and on a month with an R in it?
06:20Answer me that!
06:21I'll answer you nothing.
06:23Actions speak louder than words and I came prepared for action.
06:27Have you ever seen one of these before?
06:31It's a super-duper state-of-the-art cryo penguin freezer and ice cube gun.
06:35I always wondered what it was.
06:37Thanks for letting me know.
06:38Now I can use it.
06:40Freeze, penguins!
06:41You'll never get away with this, Doom!
06:46I always do, silly bird.
06:48And what's more...
06:50Doom to Slime!
06:51Doom to Slime!
06:53Are you receiving me?
06:54Roger, Mr. Doom.
06:55Hearing you loud and clear.
06:57Come get me, Slime.
06:58I need transport and I need it now!
07:01On my way.
07:02There in 3...
07:10How's about that?
07:11Harry Slime, right on time!
07:13Just let me freeze the pants off these guys
07:15and then we're out of here!
07:16Where are we going, Mr. Doom?
07:19That would be giving the plot away.
07:20But it would be helpful to know
07:22if I have to drive you there.
07:24The Molothorn knows.
07:25The machine's programmed to take me to the distant, ancient land
07:29of Shangri-La, la-la, la-la-la-la-la-la!
07:32And once there, I will place this gem,
07:35this jewel into the ancient crown of King Wazimoto.
07:39And then...
07:40And then?
07:41Oh, you know.
07:43Ultimate power, world domination,
07:45that sort of stuff.
07:46It's kooky, but I love it.
07:48And all that stands between me and the power I crave
07:51is you three flightless birds as ever.
07:54The big chill awaits.
07:56So long, suckers!
07:59One, two...
08:08Did you see that?
08:09And just as I was winning,
08:11now I'll have to take the bus.
08:15Rocky, hon, what do you think?
08:17You think maybe I should have it a little more curly?
08:20Oh, shucks, Dolores.
08:23You look great.
08:24Don't change a thing.
08:26You get my vote too, Mr. Vine.
08:28I'm Harry, by the way.
08:30I'm single and a Virgo.
08:34Keep your mind off the lady slime
08:36and turn this oversized corkscrew around.
08:39My buddies are all iced up back there
08:41like a couple of penguin sundaes.
08:44I can't.
08:46The controls won't respond.
08:48Didn't that rather large gentleman say something
08:51about this little vehicle being,
08:53oh, I don't know, programmed?
08:55And doesn't that mean...
08:58It drives itself?
09:00You know, she's got a point there, Harry.
09:02Is there a TV here?
09:03We had one, but Mr. Doom sat on it.
09:07Where? Where?
09:08Oh, I hate their little hands.
09:10No, rats!
09:11If there's no TV,
09:13then I'm going to miss my very favorite show
09:16in the entire world,
09:18Chugga the Space Dog.
09:21That's my favorite too?
09:24How well we are matched.
09:26We're meant to be together.
09:29I know.
09:30To cheer us up,
09:32I'll sing the Chugga the Space Dog song.
09:35The what?
09:36Oh, goodie.
09:38Stand up, sit down,
09:40make your head spin round.
09:42Here comes Chugga the Space Dog.
09:45With a wagging tail
09:47on the cosmic trail.
09:49We love Chugga the Space Dog.
09:53Woof, woof, woof.
09:55Arf, arf, arf.
09:57Chugga, Chugga, Chugga the Space Dog.
10:02Isn't she great?
10:08Well, this must be the place.
10:18How would I know?
10:19I've never been here before.
10:21This is one of Mr. Doom's schemes.
10:23I'm just along for the ride.
10:25Hey, you know,
10:26I've been thinking,
10:27since Dolores still has the rock,
10:29you know, the, uh, the, uh,
10:31Mosey-Ward, uh, the, what,
10:33the Mwazimodo, uh, whatchamacallit, uh,
10:35maybe we could try to, like,
10:37find the crown thing
10:38and put the two together.
10:41You mean,
10:43gain the power to rule the world before breakfast?
10:46Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
10:48Le roi Harry Slime, le premier,
10:51sa reine...
10:53Reine Dolores de Vigne.
10:56On y va!
10:57Il vaut mieux qu'on soit rapides, alors.
10:59J'ai un rendez-vous
11:00avec un analyste de Yoongi
11:01à 10h
11:02pour vérifier tout dans mon cerveau.
11:04Ensuite, il y a un beau-métier
11:05que j'ai passé.
11:06Et maintenant,
11:07j'ai une femme
11:08quand je mange avec
11:09Steven Spielberg,
11:10vous savez,
11:11le grand producteur de Hollywood
11:12qui fait des films en métal
11:14comme, comme Rivet.
11:15Et le producteur...
11:17Je me demande s'il y a un téléphone quelque part.
11:18Je vais lui appeler
11:19et lui dire que je serai peut-être un peu en retard.
11:20Je dois vraiment avoir un téléphone.
11:25Quelle femme!
11:27Vous parlez d'une femme
11:29que j'adore.
11:33qu'est-ce que tu penses
11:34si nous regardions ici?
11:35Il y a une chance
11:36de trouver le crown.
11:37Je suis ta créature.
11:39Mais souviens-toi,
11:40nous sommes gardiens.
11:48Oh mon Dieu!
11:50C'était moi
11:51ou c'était une fille inquiétante?
11:53Je dois réparer mon maquillage.
11:55Qui sait
11:56quels gens importants
11:57se rencontrent
11:58comme moi
11:59en cherchant un téléphone
12:00dans un temple oriental ancien.
12:07Qu'est-ce que c'est?
12:08Je ne pense pas
12:09que je vais aimer ça.
12:10La porte,
12:11le toit,
12:13Quelque chose a dû
12:14s'éteindre, Harry.
12:15Avez-vous touché
12:16quelque chose
12:17ou bougé quelque chose?
12:19J'ai connu une actrice
12:20qui s'est rencontrée
12:21avec un très, très
12:22célèbre réalisateur
12:23pendant qu'elle
12:25sur un rivier
12:26dans une flamme.
12:27Tout son matériel
12:28flottait devant elle
12:29et sa vie
12:30flottait devant elle.
12:33elle avait la présence
12:34de la tête
12:35pour prendre un combe
12:36et le tirer
12:37à travers son cheveu
12:38juste avant qu'il et elle
12:39ne soient plus
12:40sur le rivier
12:41de 100 mètres.
12:42Dix mois plus tard,
12:43quand ils ne sont plus
12:44en plastique,
12:45il les a séparés.
12:47c'est juste pour montrer.
12:48Comme les scouts.
12:49Soyez prêts.
12:51Je vais être écrasée.
12:52Je suis trop jeune
12:53pour être écrasée.
12:54Non, tu ne l'es pas.
12:55Je suis aussi vivant.
12:56Je fais ce genre de chose
12:57quand j'ai l'intention
12:58d'être écrasée.
12:59C'est un trait.
13:00Ça marche dans la famille
13:01comme un pied plat.
13:02Tu vas avoir
13:03un pied plat
13:04pour matcher les pieds
13:05si on ne sort pas
13:06d'ici bientôt.
13:07Tu penses peut-être
13:08que le hurlement de terre
13:09est plus agréable.
13:40Je ne sais pas
13:41d'où commencer, mon bébé.
13:42Où dois-je commencer?
13:43Comment sais-je
13:44d'où commencer?
13:45Juste commence.
13:46Qu'est-ce qu'il y a
13:47de plus dégueulasse
13:48que ça?
13:49D'accord, Sugars.
13:50N'y va pas.
14:01C'est dégueulasse.
14:11C'est un petit petit pied plat.
14:14Peut-être que j'ai juste
14:15le temps de voir
14:16si la magie fonctionne.
14:17Après tout,
14:18j'adore les surprises.
14:23Moi aussi.
14:24Surprise, surprise.
14:26Le transport public
14:27n'est pas toujours rapide,
14:28mais tu y arrives
14:29à la fin.
14:32Bienvenue à la maison.
14:33Bienvenue à ta mère.
14:40Le pauvre petit Robin.
14:43Je n'ai pas été contre ça.
14:46So long.
14:47It's been a while
14:48didn't knowin' ya.
14:49You're quick.
14:50You sure had your moments.
14:54Farewell, Henry.
14:56All I can say is
14:58it is a far, far better thing I do
15:02than I have ever had done
15:03to be before to you.
15:07You are by any chance
15:08a film producer, are you?
15:09No, I'm a megalomaniac.
15:11Oh, I used to be with them,
15:12but then my contract ran out.
15:14Oh, well.
15:15Oh, by the way,
15:16Rocky and Mr. Slime
15:18are getting squished out there.
15:19So what's that got to do
15:20with the price of fish?
15:21I just thought.
15:22Don't think, that is.
15:25Thinking, well,
15:26it's just not your strong point.
15:28You say the sweetest things.
15:31Now, to work.
15:33According to the book
15:34I got from the library,
15:35all I have to do
15:36is place the diamond
15:37of Wazimoto into the crown
15:41What the?
15:44Who summoned the mighty Chang Wazimoto
15:46from the world beyond?
15:48Me, dummy.
15:49Karaktikus P2.
15:51And what do you want?
15:54Ultimate power.
15:55An A to Z of world domination.
15:57Free rides on the fun fair.
15:59You name it, I want it.
16:01Get a move on.
16:02I don't like your attitude.
16:04In fact,
16:05I don't like you.
16:06A feeling's mutual,
16:07so just give me what I'm asking for
16:09and I'm out of here.
16:10I'll even throw in the girl
16:11for goodwill.
16:13Listen up.
16:14It can't be.
16:15But it is.
16:16The law is divine.
16:18I've seen all your movies.
16:19I've got them on video.
16:22You bet.
16:23Asteroid Vampires,
16:25The Bathroom Bear,
16:26and my favorite,
16:28The Chef, The Dentist,
16:29His Wife and Her Pet Zombie
16:31called me.
16:32You're cute.
16:33You weren't perhaps
16:34casting anything just now,
16:36only I'm free.
16:37Well, inexpensive.
16:39Cut the tittle tattle.
16:40Give me what's coming to me.
16:42Shut your gab.
16:44Shut yours.
16:45I am the great Galacticus P. Doom
16:47and I demand what's coming to me.
16:51You asked for blob features.
16:53It's mollusk time.
16:58No, no.
17:01Is that poetic justice or what?
17:05How did you do that?
17:07Are you any good at
17:08anti-squishing tricks?
17:10Try me.
17:11Two of my biggest fans
17:12next door.
17:18How's about that?
17:20I wasn't afraid.
17:22I've been in tighter quarters than that.
17:25That was a piece of cake.
17:38It sure is good to see you two guys again.
17:43That's right, buddy.
17:44Being a frozen penguin is not cool.
17:46And thanks to you, Mr. Wazimoto,
17:48for thawing the guys out.
17:51And now, at great expense,
17:54the Oasis Club brings you
17:56the great,
17:57the stupendous,
17:58L'incroyable, le divin d'horreur, Chugger, le chien de l'espace !
18:28Chugger, Chugger, le chien de l'espace !
18:35Chugger, Chugger, Chugger, le chien de l'espace !
18:46Ouais ! C'était fantastique !
18:48Ouais, c'était une chanson intéressante !
18:51C'était génial, Dolores ! Vraiment chaud !
18:56Pardonnez-nous, les garçons, mais Wasey, Moto et moi avons un vol à attraper.
19:00Le fort Moto a décidé d'aller dans les photos.
19:03Et je suis juste une fille qui ne peut pas dire non.
19:05Nous commençons à filmer un film d'aventure la semaine prochaine.
19:08Arizona Smith et la Chapelle de joie.
19:10Ça va être un délire !
19:13A la prochaine fois !
19:17Rocky ! Rocky ! Réveille-toi, Rocky !
19:20Oh mon dieu, là on y va encore.
19:25Ne vous inquiétez pas, Mr. Doom.
19:27Il dit qu'il y a un bus dans 8 mois.
19:29Quoi ? 8 mois ?
19:31On peut passer le temps en jouant à un jeu.
19:34Je sais !
19:36Je souris avec mon petit oeil.
19:39Quelque chose qui commence avec...
19:40Slime !
19:41Quoi ?
19:42Taisez-vous !
19:43Désolé, Mr. Doom.
19:55Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
