火箭巫统关系渐好 新古毛补选马华是最大输家?

  • 4 months ago
八点最热报 | 从新古毛补选的成绩看来,巫统的确比较倾向于和行动党合作,除了因为行动党的确比马华更能赢取华裔选票之外,也因为行动党愿意放下旧恨,和巫统合作,反观马华却一直有意无意的威胁巫统。在这段三角关系中,巫统就像一般的男人那样,当然想左拥右抱,一方面维持和新爱火箭的关系,另一方面却不主动放弃马华,因此如果这段关系最后决裂,也只会是马华受不了巫统和火箭的关系而主动分手。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:05 After the victory of the new "Action Party" in the election,
00:07 the cooperation between Rocket and Wutong was greatly encouraged.
00:10 President Wutong and Vice Premier Amodjasi
00:12 also publicly praised Rocket the next day after the election,
00:15 saying that Rocket was doing well under the leadership of Secretary-General Lu Zhaofu.
00:19 He said that the number of members of Rocket's parliament was more than that of Wutong,
00:22 and that the number of ministers was less than that of Wutong,
00:24 but Rocket did not complain.
00:26 From the beginning of the media coverage, to now,
00:29 it is publicly praised that Wutong seems to be full of Rocket.
00:33 Is Rocket not a good candidate?
00:35 Is it like a match that was directly hit into the cold palace?
00:38 Before the election, it was said that it would not be a candidate.
00:41 After the election, it was said that it would be a candidate.
00:43 In this battle for the new "Action Party",
00:46 is it the one who lost the most?
00:49 Although Amodjasi publicly praised the "Action Party",
00:53 Vice Premier Kalinodin also came out to ease the situation and said that
00:56 the problem of the new "Action Party" is still not there
00:59 and the problem of the new "Action Party" is still not there.
01:03 This does not affect the relationship between Wutong and Amodjasi at all.
01:07 The relationship between Amodjasi and Wutong is still very good.
01:10 As for the relationship between Wutong and Amodjasi,
01:12 Professor Shaza, Vice Professor of International Islamic University,
01:14 pointed out during the interview that
01:16 the same is true in the "National Government",
01:18 but Amodjasi's approach is very different from the "Nationalist Party".
01:21 The "Nationalist Party" clearly knows that they are small.
01:23 They know that their actual influence in the "Nationalist Party" and the "United Government" is very small.
01:27 Therefore, his strategy is to work with the "United Government",
01:30 but Amodjasi is not willing to do so.
01:33 He said that Amodjasi's influence has gradually declined over the years,
01:36 and even reached a point where it is possible to have and not to have.
01:38 Therefore, doing so now will only highlight his own weaknesses.
01:42 He also pointed out that from the results of the new "Action Party" election,
01:45 Wutong is currently more inclined to work with the "Action Party".
01:49 In addition to the fact that the "Action Party" is more likely to win the Chinese vote than Amodjasi,
01:53 it is also because the "Action Party" is willing to let go of the hatred and sincerely cooperate with Wutong.
01:58 On the other hand, Amodjasi has been threatening Wutong with no intention.
02:02 He emphasized that in this triangle relationship,
02:05 Wutong is like a normal man,
02:07 of course, he wants to hug and hug,
02:09 in order to maintain a relationship with his beloved rocket,
02:12 but on the other hand, he does not take the initiative to give up Amodjasi.
02:15 Therefore, if this relationship is broken in the end,
02:17 it will only be Amodjasi who can't stand the relationship between Wutong and the rocket,
02:21 and will take the initiative to break up.
02:23 Will Amodjasi really fight alone like President Wei Jiaxiang said?
02:28 "Eight O'Clock Hot News" has been trying to contact the leadership of Amodjasi,
02:31 but has not received a reply until the deadline.
02:35 I do think that when we're thinking about the strategy,
02:38 yes, they are more comfortable with the DAP,
02:41 not just because the DAP is delivering,
02:44 but also because the DAP seems more open and sincere in working with Amno.
02:49 It seems that way, but they're more willing to put the past behind and really work it together,
02:54 whereas we see MCA still holds some grudges.
02:57 So I do see that Amno appears to be more comfortable with the DAP right now.
03:04 I think this time, Amno lost.
03:07 Because although the Chinese were dissatisfied with the movement of the West,
03:13 the Islamic State's contribution to the movement was not able to lift the movement.
03:18 And compared to the Indian state,
03:22 the Indian state was very smart in fighting.
03:25 No matter what, Amno owed it a little bit of money.
03:28 So in the current situation,
03:30 I think Amno's position in the country is lower,
03:35 and it's lower in the UN.
03:38 Professor Shahzad, a Vice-Professor of International Islamic Studies,
03:41 and a political scholar at the University of Swaziland,
03:43 both believe that the new Amno's election will further advance the relationship between the DAP and the movement.
03:47 On the contrary, Amno's election will make it worse for Amno.
03:51 He even believes that some of Amno's recent remarks,
03:54 such as "If someone changes his mind, they don't mind fighting alone,"
03:57 are all intended to show their disdain for the DAP.
03:59 But these threats have no killing power.
04:02 But I think those are empty threats,
04:04 because if MCA within the UN finds it difficult to find a footing,
04:08 what more does MCA have on its own?
04:10 So I think all of this is really political strategy,
04:13 political rhetoric by MCA to show that they're still important,
04:17 don't discount them, they're still here.
04:20 Strategically, they know they can't really go far without Amno or BN.
04:25 Shahzad believes that MCA's remarks are just to highlight their importance.
04:29 Political scholar Pan Yongqiang pointed out that
04:31 MCA's role in the United Nations is actually very awkward,
04:34 because in the political reality, they don't have many seats to run for office.
04:37 So perhaps leaving the state and joining the UN will be another option.
04:41 Because in the current United Nations government,
04:43 under the high pressure of the DAP,
04:47 it's impossible for MCA to win a new constituency.
04:50 MCA has only two constituencies to run for office,
04:52 one is IA, the other is DAP.
04:55 MCA's situation is very awkward or very bleak.
04:59 Just like last year's election in Europe,
05:01 MCA's constituency was basically unvoted.
05:03 So for MCA, if it joins the UN,
05:06 it can fight for more constituencies to run for office.
05:08 It can even run for election in some of the northern states.
05:12 From the beginning, MCA didn't come to the UN.
05:14 But will Wu Tong completely fall in love with the "third party"
05:17 and abandon Ma Hua, the original candidate?
05:19 Shazza thinks that, just like a man who has two boats with one foot in the water,
05:22 for Wu Tong, she doesn't need to make a choice.
05:24 If Ma Hua and Wu Tong's relationship is broken,
05:26 it will only be because Ma Hua is jealous of her and chooses to leave.
05:30 Wu Tong will never be the one who voluntarily abandons Ma Hua.
05:33 If that happens, it would not be because I'm not abandoning MCA,
05:37 it will be because MCA becomes too envious, too jealous,
05:41 and MCA is the one that chooses to leave this relationship,
05:43 because I feel that from UMNO's side,
05:45 they neither gain nor lose anything with MCA being there.
05:49 It's like MCA is there, no difference.
05:51 MCA is not there, also no difference.
05:53 So why make the choice?
05:55 Why force yourself to make this choice now?
05:57 Why rock the boat right now?
05:59 And if it comes to that point, and MCA forces UMNO to choose,
06:02 one way or the other,
06:04 I think UMNO would play chicken and just not make any move,
06:07 to the point that perhaps, like I said,
06:09 MCA is the one that will divorce from UMNO.
06:12 If they leave UMNO, will Ma Hua go to UMNO?
06:15 Pan Yongqiang stressed that if UMNO's votes are still going up,
06:19 they will need a more powerful Chinese political party than the Democratic Party.
06:22 So joining UMNO might be a good choice for Ma Hua.
06:25 For the two-way system, it might be a normal healthy situation.
06:29 But if the green tide starts to show its full bloom,
06:31 Ma Hua will have to reconsider.
06:34 But the new UMNO's election
06:36 will show that the green tide and the Democratic Party's momentum
06:40 are stopping, and are even weakening in the future.
06:45 Ma Hua will have no effect in the Chinese election,
06:49 no effect in the voting.
06:53 If you don't vote, it will be easier for others to win.
06:55 So perhaps for MCA,
06:57 they will have to reconsider,
06:59 whether to choose to join UMNO.
07:04 Professor Shazza of the International Islamic University,
07:07 thinks that after UMNO and the West Union worked together,
07:09 Ma Hua is already in a very awkward position.
07:12 If Ma Hua chooses not to work with the United Government,
07:14 and chooses to fight alone,
07:16 then Ma Hua's way out will be very limited.
07:19 He thinks that in the national politics,
07:21 it is difficult for Ma Hua to find a stronghold.
07:23 Not to mention leaving UMNO to find his own way out.
07:26 So what Ma Hua should do now is
07:28 to continue to stay in the national politics and wait for the day to turn over.
07:31 [Music]
07:35 [Music]
