新古毛补选迎来投票日 彭小桃的票已过半

  • 4 months ago
八点最热报 | 根据非官方成绩,希盟候选人彭小桃得票已经过半,多数票预料超过3千张,成功守住这个在过去3届都由行动党胜出的选区,也让国盟喊出的“4-0”目标破灭。(主播:庄文杰)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:03 After two weeks of campaigning, the election of the new Gu Mao of Xuezhou was finally held today.
00:10 According to the data of the election committee, the voting rate was low.
00:13 Until 4 p.m., the voting rate was only 55.79%.
00:17 The chief of the National Police, Lajia Luding, said when he went to the new Gu Mao voting center to inspect the election,
00:21 "During the 14-day campaign, the police did not receive any headlines related to the 3R subject,
00:26 and the authorities also issued a warning today to maintain order on the scene,
00:30 especially to protect the safety of voters and election workers."
00:34 After two weeks of campaigning, the new Gu Mao of Xuezhou was finally held today.
00:40 Early in the morning, a large number of voters had already lined up outside the voting center for a long time, waiting in silence.
00:46 As time went by, voters entered the voting center in a steady manner,
00:50 ready to cast their own vote.
00:53 They did not hesitate to cast their vote.
00:56 The 75-year-old voter, Luo Sili, needed to rely on a wheelchair to cast his vote,
01:00 but he still went to the voting center early in the morning to fulfill his civic duty.
01:04 He said he had never missed any election,
01:07 and called on young voters to consider carefully about the vote in their hands.
01:12 "I think the new Gu Mao voters are very thoughtful.
01:15 It is for their own future, not just for the present.
01:20 It is important for us, for the country, for the people, for the country."
01:25 As for another voter, Zulma Ji, who is 63 years old,
01:29 despite being paralyzed, could only lie down on a wheelchair,
01:33 but he still went to the voting center to fulfill his civic duty.
01:36 He entered the voting center with the help of medical personnel.
01:39 Zulma Ji said he hoped that politicians would stop provoking racial and religious issues.
01:44 In the end, no matter who is elected, he hoped that the YB could take care of the people.
01:49 "My hope is that the YB could take care of the people.
01:52 If we are to determine our country's future,
01:56 we should not be so political.
01:59 We should work."
02:01 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
02:07 Thanks for watching!
