Pocket Dragon Adventures E066 - The Unbearable Lightness of ZoomZoom

  • il y a 4 mois


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00:56 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Ready or not here I come.
01:03 Got you!
01:08 Got you, close! I told you I was good at this game!
01:15 You're just lucky. My research shows luck works better than research.
01:24 4 down, 1 to go. Zoom Zoom, I'm gonna find you!
01:28 Ok, Zoom Zoom, I give up. Come out, come out, wherever you are!
01:33 Look, that branch is broken. I bet he went that way.
01:36 Hey Stacks, wait up!
01:43 No time for games now. We have to find Zoom Zoom.
01:52 Here you are, we've been looking everywhere for you.
01:54 Hey Silbert, aren't they wonderful? We have to find out how we fly.
02:00 Wee! A flying!
02:08 Who's there? Come away and leave me be!
02:12 Excuse me, we were just...
02:14 Help! A thief has caught you!
02:17 He's not a thief, he just wanted to look at them and got tangled up.
02:20 Look with your eyes, not with your hands!
02:23 We're sorry, once we get him out of this we'll leave.
02:27 Tangled, twisted, all entwined. Quickly now, you must unwind!
02:32 I told you all to leave me alone!
02:38 As you're gathered here about, magic now will move you out!
02:49 Oh no, not you again!
02:51 That was swell! Can we do it again?
02:55 Oh, we interrupted your tea.
02:58 Here, let us pour you some.
03:00 Any cookies to go with it?
03:02 No cookies! I saw some Berkey berries outside, we could get you some.
03:06 Berkey berries go great with tea.
03:09 How do you do that?
03:17 Could you make me fly, please?
03:20 We found some berries!
03:26 But your door got stuck, I can fix that for you.
03:29 Try one, they're really good.
03:35 Why, so they are! Thank you.
03:40 Would you like some tea?
03:42 We'd love some!
03:45 My name is Mabby Tea. I used to perform sorcery for hire before I retired.
03:50 Sorcery? You mean like the wizard?
03:53 Wizard's magics are powerful spells. Mine are small, to help one person.
03:59 Like the spell that moves my mobiles. At least they're supposed to help.
04:04 You could help me fly.
04:05 I can't. My magic doesn't quite work right. I tried using it to send you away and now we're having tea.
04:13 We understand about magic not working right.
04:16 One time we wanted some pudding, only it just kept coming until it flooded the entire village.
04:21 Or when we turned everyone's hair purple with pink stars.
04:23 They got really mad, even though it grew out.
04:26 Eventually.
04:27 One rich woman wanted long hair. My spell gave her long hair, only it was a beard.
04:34 I had to leave my village because of that. It's been very lonely.
04:38 You mean friends. How about us?
04:41 You would come to visit me?
04:43 It will be more than that. It will prove your magic is really good.
04:47 And just how will you prove my magic is good, little friend?
04:51 Easy. Cast your mobile spell on me. I'll fly around and show everyone how wonderful your spells really are.
04:58 The spell was designed for non-living objects. I don't know how it will affect a live creature.
05:03 Oh no no no, it's much too dangerous.
05:05 Please?
05:07 Very well, I'll try it. But it's against my better judgement.
05:12 Yes! I'm gonna fly! Kazoodle!
05:16 Floating free without a care.
05:21 Lift from the ground into the air.
05:24 I'm flying! I'm flying!
05:32 My research says that birds control their flight by moving their wings.
05:37 Now even this spell has failed me.
05:50 It's wonderful!
05:52 How can he control his flight?
05:54 I don't know. My mobile just float. They don't go anywhere.
06:00 I'll fly forever!
06:03 We better talk to the wizard. Let's figure out a way to get you back.
06:06 We could put a sail on him. No, no wait, something better.
06:09 We tear the sail into strips and make a tail like a kite.
06:12 I got it! A rudder!
06:14 We can take one of the mobiles and...
06:16 How about a rope around his waist and we just pull him along?
06:19 Yeah, it'll work, but it isn't very clever.
06:23 Captain Zoom-Zoom flies through a hurricane.
06:28 Captain Roma can't swim.
06:31 The wind has taken us home.
06:34 Zoom-Zoom!
06:36 Go up!
06:45 Zoom-Zoom-Zoom!
06:48 I've got you.
06:50 I've got you.
06:57 Slowly, slowly, one at a time, please.
07:00 Zoom-Zoom is flying away and you have to stop him.
07:03 Our new friend, Nappity, the cast is still on him and he can't control it.
07:07 By my calculations, this windstorm will take him over the mysterious land.
07:12 Oh my, that'll never go. We'll have to bring him back.
07:15 Can you bring Zoom-Zoom down, Wizard?
07:18 I'll certainly try, but first we have to find him.
07:25 Flying's great, but I wish this wind would stop.
07:28 Here comes a tall tree. Pull up! Pull up!
07:33 I can't control where I go.
07:35 Look out!
07:37 Oh no, we're headed right into the mysterious land.
07:41 I don't like the look of this.
07:43 They're coming this way. Get ready.
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