AI换脸诈骗又一宗! 韩国女子被骗近24万令吉

  • 4 months ago
新闻报报看 | 最近,韩国一名女子在社交媒体IG上被“假马斯克”搭讪。一开始,女子还有所怀疑,不过视讯接通以后,亲眼看到马斯克出现在荧幕上,还跟自己表白,让女子深信不疑,自己就是被马斯克万中选一的幸运儿!于是,在“假马斯克”的说服下,女子被说服进行投资,最终被骗走了刚刚提到的大约24万令吉。(主播:颜江瀚、洪欣仪)


00:00Fraud groups use more and more powerful A.I. face-switching technology to commit fraud.
00:06This kind of news is actually not new.
00:08It is also because this A.I. face-switching technology is too real,
00:11so the victims fall into these traps one by one.
00:14Recently, a Korean woman fell into a love scam.
00:19She thought she was in love with the world's richest man, Musk.
00:24But the reality is so cruel.
00:26The woman didn't get Musk in the end.
00:29Instead, she was cheated out of about $50,000.
00:32The current exchange rate is about $240,000.
00:37A Korean TV station recently revealed in a program
00:40that in July last year,
00:42the woman was faked by Musk on her social media account.
00:45In addition to sending her many photos,
00:47including her ID card and work photos,
00:50the scammer also told the woman
00:52that he usually takes a helicopter to Tesla
00:55and a SpaceX to work.
00:57Of course, the world's richest man is usually so busy at work
01:00that he always needs to relax.
01:03This is also why he will randomly select fans
01:07to contact the other party to chat.
01:09And the woman is the one who is adored by the goddess of luck.
01:13Hearing this,
01:14maybe friends in front of the TV
01:16will think that the so-called Musk
01:18that the woman recognizes on her ID
01:20sounds fake, right?
01:22In fact, the woman is in the process of talking to the other party several times
01:26and has doubts in her heart.
01:28However, after the video was transmitted,
01:30she saw Musk appear on the screen
01:32and confessed to her that she loved her.
01:35Oh, the woman was so convinced
01:38that she was the lucky girl chosen by Musk.
01:42So under the fake Musk's persuasion,
01:44the woman was convinced.
01:46She also invested,
01:47and was eventually cheated of the $240,000 she just mentioned.
01:50After the woman was cheated,
01:52when did the woman realize
01:54that she had a problem with the Musk she was in love with?
01:58This is because the liar sent her a very obvious
02:01voice message that can be heard as AI synthesis.
02:05The liar recommended her to use a cryptocurrency trading platform in the message.
02:10It was later confirmed to be a fishing website.
02:12The program also mentioned that
02:14South Korea currently lacks the relevant laws to prevent this type of online fraud.
02:18And in the case of a love scam like the woman,
02:21it is more difficult for the law enforcement to intervene in such money transactions.
