হাইকোর্টের রায় ভুল! TMC-কেই ভুগতে হবে? SSC নিয়ে যা বললেন তাবড় নেতৃত্ব

  • 5 months ago
এসএসসি মামলায় সোমবার রায় ঘোষণা করেছে কলকাতা হাইকোর্ট। এই নিয়ে ক্ষুব্ধ মুখ্যমন্ত্রী। অপরদিকে গোটা ঘটনার দায় তৃণমূলের ওপরেই চাপালেন বিজেপি নেতৃত্ব


00:00 The SSC has announced a new ruling in the High Court of Kolkata.
00:04 The judge Debanshubhashak and the judge Mohammad Shabbat Rashid's division bench
00:09 have rejected the 2016 panel of Group C, Group D, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade.
00:17 Not only that, the unemployed people who have got jobs, they will have to pay the salary.
00:22 The 12% of the salary will be paid by the government.
00:25 And the politicians of the government are opposing this.
00:29 The Chief Minister Mamata Pandeya is very angry about this ruling.
00:33 Her question is, how will the unemployed people pay the salary?
00:39 It is impossible.
00:40 I have brought 26,000 unemployed people.
00:43 I say it is not that easy.
00:45 Yes, there are a few rulings that can be given.
00:50 All the rulings are not in my favor.
00:54 There is a High Court to appeal against the ruling.
00:58 The High Court has already satisfied this ruling.
01:04 Then the High Court said that the ruling will be renewed.
01:10 These are the rulings of the Abhijit Ganguly.
01:12 So you know, the rule of the crow is the same.
01:20 The crow's crow never changes.
01:24 We are going to the Supreme Court against this ruling.
01:29 Whether it is the students or the teachers,
01:34 the ruling of the ruling is that the unemployed people will have to pay the salary.
01:41 Will they say that they will have to steal the money?
01:46 Or will they have to rob the money?
01:48 Those of you who work in the government,
01:54 tell them that if someone says that you have earned a lot of money by working,
02:00 will you be able to return it?
02:04 The current Minister of Education, Mr. Mukholen Raj, is angry about this ruling.
02:09 I have not received the ruling yet.
02:11 I will be able to say more clearly after seeing the ruling.
02:14 But I have spoken to the SSC.
02:16 According to the report given by the SSC,
02:20 the unemployed and the teachers were all in the same category.
02:31 Nearly 26,000 people lost their jobs.
02:34 That is, the 19,000 people who are employed,
02:38 their jobs were lost.
02:40 The SSC has been told that the new ruling will be passed after the tender process.
02:48 And the membership of the SSC will be re-evaluated.
02:55 Now, as the SSC wants,
02:59 and we will take legal action to see if we can go to the Supreme Court against this ruling.
03:05 I can say as a representative of the people,
03:09 if the employment of 19,000 people is lost,
03:14 I think it is a worry.
03:18 And the way the BJP leaders are celebrating the employment of the unemployed,
03:27 it is a worry for the society and the unemployed.
03:36 And if we listen to the legal procedure,
03:39 if we think it is right, then we will definitely go to the Supreme Court.
03:44 The entire incident was covered by the BJP's taboor administration on the basis of the ruling.
03:50 The result of the incident will have to be borne by the Supreme Court.
03:55 The Supreme Court has to bear the consequences.
03:58 The people's right to work has been taken away.
04:01 There are less than 15,000 people.
04:03 The Supreme Court has removed the entire panel of the employees of the high-core workers
04:08 who were employed by the illegal workers.
04:11 This is definitely a historic event.
04:14 But the people of the West Bank would be very happy
04:18 if the people who were employed by the illegal workers
04:23 were declared false by the leaders and chief ministers of the West Bank.
04:32 Because they tried to cover up the illegal education through the word "joint responsibility".
04:39 They tried to save the jobs of the illegal families who were paid by the super-numeric votes.
04:47 Today, it has been proven again that the West Bank is being manipulated by the government.
04:55 And it has been confirmed that the possibility of two people being employed
05:03 by the government in the future will be very strong.
05:11 The government and the ministers who are employed by the government
05:18 will not be able to do anything about this.
05:22 On this side, we have the Minister of Education of the Bidai Centre.
05:25 He is also the Vice President of the Bakura Lok Sabha Centre.
05:29 What did the Supreme Court say about the Supreme Court's ruling?
05:33 The Supreme Court ruling is a historic event.
05:37 The Supreme Court ruling states that 23,750 people have lost their jobs
05:46 because of the illegal workers.
05:49 The Supreme Court ruling states that the people who were employed by the government
05:57 will be given jobs by the government and will be given jobs with pleasure.
06:07 And as a political person, I would say that this is a big scam.
06:15 The former Minister of Education of the state is in jail.
06:19 The officials of the School Service Commission are in jail.
06:22 This means that the state government sponsors are designing
06:27 a scheme to help the state government.
06:31 The SSA case was filed in the middle of the hearing.
06:35 This case was filed on Monday.
06:38 The Supreme Court ruling was passed by the Supreme Court
06:43 and the Supreme Court ruling was passed by the Supreme Court
06:47 and the Supreme Court ruling was passed by the Supreme Court.
06:52 The Supreme Court ruling was passed by the Supreme Court
06:57 and the Supreme Court ruling was passed by the Supreme Court.
07:01 Bureau report, One India, Bangla.
