Chaim B - This Is A Draft, And Has No Title

  • 2 months ago
Come, brother, join with me
Share your unreality
Where fairer realms hold truer promise
And hope endures beyond the rain

Sit, brother, speak with me
Stir the passions simmering
Where far below your dreams dwell deep
And thrive eternal sacred fires

Drink, brother, and forget
So deepest Truth is left to you
Where you and I once walked before
And may still meet there once again

Walk, my brother, arm in arm
And wend in words a finer tale
Where blessings find themselves revealed
And worth is in your arms to free

Hear, brother, truest words
To seek the thing that won't be found
Where we have known our purpose lies
And all good hearts may hope to sleep

Hope, brother, against all hope
And bide with me against the tide
Where we are carried in good faith
And brethren wait to share our tale

Here, brother, we must part
To strive within this paler land
Where our bluebirds must lie hidden
And say only that
we'll meet again.\n\nChaim B
