Raúl Batres Martínez - Raúl Batres Martínez

  • 2 months ago
In the heart of night, where shadows dance,
Beneath the silver moon's soft trance,
There lies a tale of dreams untold,
In whispers hushed, in secrets old.

The stars above, like diamonds gleam,
In velvet sky, a cosmic stream,
They sing of love, they sing of loss,
Of souls entwined, across the gloss.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
Where eagles soar, and rivers sigh,
The earth, a canvas, painted bright,
With hues of day, with hues of night.

In every leaf, in every flower,
There lies a tale, of timeless power,
Of growth, of change, of seasons spun,
In endless circles, never done.

Yet in this dance, this grand ballet,
Where moments fleet, then fade away,
There beats a rhythm, strong and true,
Connecting me, connecting you.

So let us savor, every rhyme,
In this grand symphony of time,
For in each word, in each refrain,
Lies the essence of our shared domain.\n\nRaúl Batres Martínez

