The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 195- 198

  • 5 months ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 195- 198
00:00 5.
00:01 "Goodbye, H-World."
00:03 Reporters began clamoring at Emma's entrance.
00:06 "Emma Miller?
00:07 Isn't that Emma Miller?
00:09 Why is she back?
00:11 Oh, God, Emma's getting involved.
00:14 Now we have a good show to watch."
00:17 They furiously snapped photos of her.
00:20 The moment things became interesting, she had suddenly returned.
00:25 Despite how the model was known for keeping a low profile, she seemed to leave a path
00:31 of destruction behind her, and the places she appeared always turned into battlefields.
00:38 As soon as Charlotte noticed her approaching the stage, she turned toward Lucas and gestured
00:43 for him to contain the situation before things became worse.
00:49 H-World's security promptly turned toward Emma.
00:52 However, to everyone's surprise, she had brought along her own professional bodyguards.
01:00 Security couldn't do anything except watch her walk to the stage.
01:05 Not too long ago, everyone had been certain that these two women were on good terms, especially
01:11 since Emma had praised Charlotte.
01:14 Yet, in a short period, their relationship had turned not only sour, they had become
01:20 enemies.
01:21 "How come you're back?
01:24 Shouldn't you still be in London?"
01:26 Charlotte sneered.
01:27 "If I didn't come back, I would have been defamed until you destroyed my career."
01:33 Emma removed her sunglasses and stared down at Charlotte.
01:37 Whenever she faced women, Emma always found herself towering over them, and Charlotte
01:43 wasn't the exception.
01:45 Charlotte glared at Emma with hate-filled eyes.
01:48 The scene playing out between them had slipped out of her control.
01:53 She originally thought Emma would speak, giving her a chance to argue back.
01:58 However, Emma simply had her bodyguards deal with the security around Richard, before telling
02:05 him, "Say what you want to say, and do what you want to do."
02:09 "What are you?"
02:11 Charlotte eyed her with confusion and suspicion.
02:14 "I'm simply here to protect my friend," Emma said sincerely.
02:18 "Richard, you can speak about your grief and suffering.
02:24 Once you let it all out, you can finally be free."
02:28 Richard looked at Emma, the unpredictable woman before him.
02:33 Back in the Brooklyn city center, for Lisa's sake, she had been willing to risk her image
02:39 by slapping Cheryl May and her manager.
02:42 Now, for his sake, she had flown all the way from London to put up a safety wall in front
02:49 of him.
02:50 He felt a rush of confidence as he lifted his head and faced the reporters.
02:55 Then, he pulled out his phone and played the original recording.
03:00 "The recording is real.
03:03 After this, I'll send it to be examined for authenticity.
03:07 As for what I mentioned earlier, about Charlotte being envious of her models, I'm sure everyone
03:13 already has a rough idea.
03:15 Previously, in an attempt to control Emma, Charlotte ordered her to have dinner with
03:20 Brad Riley the night before their shoot.
03:24 Emma refused, resulting in the messy aftermath.
03:28 Following that, Charlotte caused a series of incidents.
03:32 All of Emma's jobs were given to Cheryl and Hillary.
03:36 Fortunately, Emma's outstanding advertisement for LM managed to earn her back her well-deserved
03:43 recognition.
03:45 Then, in an attempt to prevent Emma from doing the interview with Talkmaster, Charlotte went
03:51 as far as kidnapping the grandfather of Emma's assistant, Lisa.
03:57 This required Emma to publicly ask for his return on the show.
04:01 Finally, the stalking incident during JK's show.
04:06 It's almost unbelievable that an agency CEO would actually hire a team to slander their
04:13 own model."
04:15 Richard shook his head in disappointment before continuing, "Despite that, Charlotte did everything
04:22 I just told you to Emma after she signed on with H-World.
04:27 And as her manager, I was a first-hand witness to it all."
04:32 As soon as he finished, the reporters were thrown into a frenzy.
04:37 H-World Entertainment had never been involved in such an extraordinary scandal.
04:43 No one thought their internal battle was so extreme and that so much drama boiled beneath
04:49 the surface.
04:51 Charlotte took a few steps back from the uncontrollable situation, as if she were being repulsed.
04:58 Richard had plenty of evidence to support his allegations.
05:03 She had no way of retaliating, nor preventing people from digging up the truth.
05:09 "I never thought Richard would be the one to expose everything," she bemoaned.
05:16 Barely able to withhold her anger, she turned to him.
05:21 "Richard, don't you want to survive this industry?
05:24 Do you have a death wish?"
05:26 "Do you think I still care about staying?"
05:30 He shot back coldly.
05:31 "From the time you pushed Arnie to her death to the times you've schemed to hurt Emma,
05:37 I've vowed to myself I'd make you pay someday, Charlotte," he scoffed in disdain.
05:44 "The industry?
05:46 As if I'd still care about that."
05:49 Bitter tears rolled down her cheeks from red eyes that glared at him.
05:55 Despite this, the reporters were still riled up and spewing their commentary.
06:00 "My God, if everything Richard said is the truth, then Charlotte and H-World Entertainment
06:07 are dangerous."
06:08 "I know, right?
06:10 Murder and kidnapping.
06:12 As a second-tier modeling agency, I never thought H-World Entertainment would be so
06:17 dirty.
06:19 Now I realize how wrong I was."
06:21 "I don't know about Arnie's incident, but I've heard my fair share about Emma.
06:27 Rumors have been circulating the industry about her being suppressed for quite some
06:31 time.
06:33 The only difference is that Emma isn't bullied as easily as Arnie."
06:38 Charlotte heard all the ridicule and speculation coming from the reporters and hysterically
06:43 yelled, "None of it is true!"
06:46 "Richard, you've said so much, but do you have any evidence?"
06:51 "If you can't show any evidence, then you'll have to pay for how you've slandered me today!"
06:58 she ranted.
06:59 "I see what you're trying to do here.
07:02 Everything was planned by you and Emma to destroy me!"
07:07 Charlotte's spectacle drew everyone's attention.
07:10 Compared to Richard, she was clearly flailing to talk her way out of the scandal and try
07:16 and frame them for everything.
07:18 "Charlotte, do you really want to see evidence?"
07:23 He looked at her from behind the bodyguards with an expression of ridicule and sadness.
07:29 She choked, unexpectedly speechless, as her thoughts churned.
07:34 "If I demand evidence, no stone will be left unturned online.
07:39 I can't come back from that!"
07:42 She was emboldened again by her silence.
07:45 "Do you know how much I wished that you had nothing to do with Artie's death, and that
07:51 you just lost your mind for a moment?
07:54 But after seeing how hard you tried to defame Emma, I realized that I could no longer remain
08:01 silent.
08:02 Emma just wants to be a successful model.
08:06 She's never had intentions of going against you, but you have endlessly tried to hurt
08:12 her and the people around her.
08:15 You even sacrificed me for your motives.
08:19 So I'm officially announcing my resignation from H-World Entertainment."
08:24 "What an awesome plot twist!"
08:39 Hearing that Richard wanted to leave, the reporters slowly started whispering amongst
08:44 themselves.
08:45 "Richard wants to leave?" one reporter exclaimed.
08:49 "Of course he wants to leave an agency like this!
08:53 If he sticks around, he's just waiting to be destroyed!"
08:57 "But if Richard leaves, what will happen to Emma?" someone asked.
09:01 "Emma's still H-World's model," another reporter answered.
09:06 He couldn't be blamed for wanting to leave.
09:09 After all, he had revealed all of H-World's secrets.
09:14 Regardless of how truthful his claims were, H-World would suffer a loss.
09:20 Every single incident mentioned was bound to leave a permanent stain on its name and
09:25 be endlessly used until Charlotte's demise.
09:29 Now that they had reached this point, it was impossible for him to continue working with
09:35 her.
09:36 "Richard, do you really think someone else would want you after leaving H-World?"
09:42 Charlotte asked.
09:43 Her sharp voice wavered as she spoke harsh and unpleasant words.
09:48 "You ignored the company's interests and exposed our secrets!
09:53 How could you continue in this industry?"
09:56 "No one will want you.
09:59 No one!" she shouted from behind the bodyguards.
10:03 So what?
10:04 He thought with a calmness he'd never experienced before.
10:08 "All the struggles and pain I've endured are finally in the past."
10:14 He simply smiled as he responded to Charlotte.
10:18 "Since I've decided to leave H-World, I have no intention of continuing as a manager."
10:25 In a firm but gentle voice, he told her, "Charlotte, you spent your entire life trying to control
10:32 others without succeeding.
10:34 In the process, you've lost yourself instead."
10:39 From the moment he announced his resignation, he'd already felt reborn.
10:44 He faced the reporters one last time and looked at Emma, saying, "To me, Emma is truly an
10:51 amazing woman.
10:52 She upholds her responsibility and maintains her individuality, even in such a glamorous
10:59 industry.
11:00 She couldn't possibly be the awful things that Charlotte and the paparazzi keep calling
11:05 her.
11:06 She enjoys walking on the runway because she believes it's her destiny.
11:11 She originally wanted to use H-World as a platform for achieving her dreams, but all
11:17 she experienced was endless pain caused by Charlotte."
11:21 "Toward Charlotte, I really have no more words."
11:26 He slowly shook his head in disappointment.
11:28 "I would like to ask everyone to no longer believe articles released by H-World about
11:34 Emma.
11:35 The reality is that H-World has hurt her more than they have helped her."
11:40 Finally, Richard faced Emma and asked her what she was planning on doing.
11:46 She laughed.
11:48 As she said from the start, she was only there to help a friend.
11:52 "I need to return to London.
11:55 Can you hurry up a little?"
11:57 The reporters laughed at her attitude toward the situation.
12:01 She truly appeared to be someone who didn't like trouble.
12:05 She seemed like she was honest and kept her promises.
12:09 At a time like this, she had no intention of striking back against Charlotte, making
12:15 her tolerance admirable.
12:18 Even with the ongoing battle, she managed to keep herself out of the situation.
12:23 It was obvious that she wanted to fade into the background because her main priority was
12:29 helping Richard rediscover himself.
12:32 As for what Charlotte owed her, she would deal with it later.
12:37 "Richard, you can't leave.
12:39 You'll be breaching your contract," said Charlotte.
12:42 "Don't forget, you'll need to compensate triple the amount if you leave now."
12:48 Her conceited attitude made her believe that Richard's name would be completely tarnished
12:54 and that he wouldn't be able to survive in the industry after leaving H-World.
13:00 Perhaps he had lost his opportunity to be a manager ever again, but that didn't mean
13:05 his life was destroyed.
13:07 He didn't get a chance to respond before four men dressed in stylish black suits entered
13:13 H-World's main hall.
13:15 From the looks of it, they were bodyguards.
13:18 Afterward, a slightly chubby middle-aged man approached Charlotte with the bodyguards and
13:24 smiled.
13:25 "Actually, Ms. Garcia, I really need to thank you.
13:29 As my most capable student, I've long wanted to send Mr. Collins to pursue a career in
13:35 California.
13:36 He's got a natural talent for film, so I'm planning to send him to become a director.
13:42 He's a promising future in Hollywood."
13:45 The man sniffed with disdain.
13:47 "As for your modeling agency, you can continue having fun with it on your own."
13:54 Though that was Richard's plan, Emma thought and finally breathed out a sigh of relief.
14:00 "Do you guys recognize this man?"
14:03 One of the reporters had a good eye and had immediately recognized the middle-aged man
14:08 in front of them, exclaiming, "He's the famous director, William Rose."
14:14 "Who would have imagined?
14:16 Not only has Richard been a great manager, but he has other talents as well," one reporter
14:22 stated with a glint in her eye.
14:25 Another reporter narrated doofily to the camera, "Has H-World embarrassed themselves too badly
14:31 this time?
14:32 Here, Charlotte was thinking Richard would be in the streets after leaving H-World.
14:37 Meanwhile, he'd already been scouted by a famous director.
14:42 Just like that, Richard has been snatched from right under her nose."
14:47 "What an amazing plot twist.
14:50 I really hope a better agency snatches Emma away too."
14:55 At Kaleidoscope Entertainment, Eric was sitting in his office watching the news.
15:00 Seeing Emma act as a human barrier for someone, he couldn't help but give a small grin.
15:07 The internet was already in an uproar as fans started leaving comments on her fan pages,
15:13 telling her to quickly find another agency.
15:17 After all, as many comments voiced, she couldn't keep working at H-World.
15:23 However, she felt this was the best time to work with him, because from now on, Charlotte's
15:30 every move would be under public scrutiny, preventing her from holding Emma back.
15:36 He understood what she was thinking, but it didn't stop him from hoping for something
15:42 else.
15:43 Nevertheless, just because she didn't leave with Richard didn't mean she didn't have other
15:49 plans.
15:50 By the time one of the reporters blurted out that they wanted her to go to a better agency,
15:56 Eric was already planning something.
15:59 Of course, he didn't forget to be happy for Richard.
16:03 Although he could no longer be a manager, he believed Richard would be able to have
16:08 a fresh start in a new city.
16:11 They may even have a chance to work together in the future.
16:15 Once again, the important mission of looking through Emma's contracts was returned to his
16:21 hands.
16:22 She'd always worried that he would grow tired of it, but from then on, it would be the norm.
16:28 H-World's main hall was a complete mess, especially when Emma and Richard started to leave.
16:35 Lucas watched as the two headed for the exit in front of the reporters.
16:40 In his eyes, they were rubbing salt in Charlotte's wounds as they left the room.
16:46 Can they really leave just because they want to?
16:49 He thought bitterly.
16:51 When were things ever that easy?
16:55 Everyone had neglected him as he stood to the side.
16:58 However, out of everyone in H-World, Lucas was the one they should have been the most
17:04 afraid of.
17:05 Episode 197, "Nothing But The Best."
17:18 Emma, although I can no longer be your manager, I'll forever remember the time that I spent
17:25 with you.
17:26 I feel very happy and lucky to have met you.
17:30 When the time finally came for Richard to leave, he stuck out his hand and gestured
17:35 for Emma to shake it.
17:37 She gave a gentle laugh as she grabbed his hand.
17:40 To be honest, you're truly an amazing manager.
17:44 If not for Charlotte's scheming, I had no intention of letting you go.
17:50 He let go of her hand.
17:52 For a moment, he refused to believe what was happening.
17:56 I also thought, at one point, that I'd be able to accompany you to the end.
18:01 If not, I hoped at least to help you become a supermodel.
18:06 However, it doesn't matter.
18:08 Although I'm no longer your manager, there's someone else who is willing.
18:13 I'm sure you're well aware that you have a devoted husband at home.
18:17 And I'm also a devoted wife, okay?
18:21 She refuted.
18:22 "I'll continue paying attention to you," he continued.
18:25 "If you have any difficulties, don't hesitate to give me a call.
18:30 If one day you decide to leave modeling and become an actress, you can come look for me."
18:37 Perhaps there really will be a day like that.
18:40 She felt nothing was impossible.
18:42 "Well, I have to go now.
18:45 Emma, I know you didn't express your thoughts today because you're waiting for Charlotte
18:50 to turn around and beg you.
18:52 You've said it before.
18:53 You're going to make her kneel before you.
18:56 However, don't forget about Lucas.
19:00 Compared to Ariadne and Charlotte, he's better at hiding his true intentions."
19:05 She gave him a mysterious smile.
19:08 She wasn't Charlotte, so she was well-prepared for all possibilities and knew how to be cautious.
19:16 Richard had nothing to worry about.
19:19 Above all, she still had Eric backing her up.
19:22 "Hurry up and leave.
19:24 I still need to go home and keep my devoted husband company."
19:30 Richard's lips curved upward as he reached out his arms to embrace her.
19:34 Finally, she and Lisa watched as he set off for a fresh start.
19:39 In reality, he knew that even if Charlotte hadn't ruined things, he wouldn't have been
19:45 able to accompany Emma on her path to becoming a supermodel.
19:49 There was already someone much more willing to do that.
19:54 And he believed someone as great as her deserved the best.
19:59 "Let's go, Emma.
20:01 We should head back to the airport," Lisa reminded her.
20:04 Her work in London wasn't complete, and she only had a couple days of leave.
20:09 She couldn't let the photographers and other models continue to wait for her.
20:13 "I want to go see Eric."
20:16 "Do you miss him?"
20:17 Lisa winked.
20:18 Emma didn't deny it as she nodded her head.
20:22 "Let's go."
20:24 Lisa cheerily agreed as she turned the car toward Kaleidoscope Entertainment.
20:29 Along the way, every radio station story was focused on H-World's press conference.
20:36 The discussions endlessly circled around Emma, Charlotte, and Richard with one overarching
20:42 opinion.
20:43 Charlotte was in deep trouble this time.
20:46 "The press conference today helped us get some justice.
20:50 If not for today, I wonder what other schemes Charlotte had planned for us."
20:55 Emma contemplated Charlotte's crumbling image as they left H-World and couldn't help but
21:01 sneer as the thought crossed her mind.
21:04 A person like Charlotte would never admit to being wrong.
21:08 She would simply think she had bad timing and luck.
21:11 "Where is Charlotte right now?"
21:14 Lisa barked a laugh.
21:16 "Didn't you hear?
21:18 After we left, the reporters completely swamped her.
21:21 She ended up being hit by one of the cameras and was sent to the hospital."
21:25 "In that case, are you still upset?"
21:29 Emma suddenly asked Lisa.
21:31 At first, this question seemed like it came out of nowhere.
21:36 But after a moment of silence, Lisa finally responded.
21:40 She understood Emma was getting back at Charlotte for the humiliation she suffered at Brooklyn
21:45 City Center.
21:47 "I've long given up being upset.
21:49 Who do you think I am?
21:51 Do you think irrelevant people like that would be worth me getting upset over?"
21:57 Emma lifted her head to look at her.
21:59 She was aware that Lisa had always been optimistic, so she didn't say anything else.
22:06 As long as Lisa was able to move on, she felt relief.
22:11 Suddenly Luke's injured knee came to her mind, so she made a suggestion to Lisa.
22:17 "In a moment, when we pass by the pharmacy, drop in and buy some medicine for Luke.
22:23 I think he may have broken his kneecap trying to grab your passport."
22:27 "What?"
22:28 Lisa's shock and worry made her slam on the brakes.
22:33 Emma glared at her until she quickly started driving again.
22:37 "In that case, I'll go to a nearby pharmacy."
22:41 Emma remained silent as she gave Lisa a curious look.
22:45 Lisa smiled awkwardly, realizing her reaction had been a little over the top.
22:52 The relaxed atmosphere of the car was interrupted by a girl speaking on the radio.
22:57 "Excuse me, host.
22:59 Could you please help me contact Emma?
23:01 I need to find her.
23:02 I have something urgent to tell her."
23:05 Like the hosts, Emma assumed the girl must have been a fan.
23:09 They quickly comforted her, saying, "Sorry, miss.
23:13 Our program has no way of contacting Emma."
23:16 "But it's urgent.
23:18 A life is on the line.
23:20 She promised."
23:21 The confused host, thinking she must be crazy, cut the line and warmed the atmosphere with
23:27 jokes before taking on the next call.
23:31 Emma didn't take the incident to heart.
23:33 After all, she had plenty of fans with plenty of stories to tell.
23:38 It wasn't always easy to differentiate between what was true and false.
23:44 After a 40-minute car ride, she arrived downstairs at Kaleidoscope.
23:49 Lisa followed her, anxiously clenching the medicine in her hands.
23:54 Inside the elevator, Luke looked questioningly at Emma as she appeared from the secret walkway.
24:00 "Ma'am, why haven't you left yet?
24:03 Isn't your flight at 4.30 this afternoon?"
24:06 "Where's Eric?"
24:07 "In the lounge."
24:09 Luke rushed to hide the medication behind his back.
24:12 Too late.
24:14 Emma had already seen it.
24:16 "Is Eric sick?"
24:18 Emma's brow furrowed in concern.
24:21 "Actually, it's nothing serious," said Luke.
24:24 "He just has migraines sometimes."
24:26 "How come he's never mentioned it at home?
24:30 And how come I've never seen him have migraines?"
24:33 "He must not want you to know.
24:36 You know what he's like.
24:37 He couldn't bear for you to worry."
24:40 Luke smiled before handing the tray in his hands to Emma.
24:43 "Here, I'll leave this with you."
24:47 At that moment, Emma disregarded everything and rushed into the lounge.
24:52 As for Lisa and Luke, who were left behind, they awkwardly looked at each other before
24:58 she pretended to focus on a rainbow outside.
25:02 She then shoved the medicine in her hands towards him.
25:05 He looked at the package in confusion.
25:08 "What's this?"
25:10 "Didn't you hurt your knee?"
25:13 Luke opened the bag and gazed at the medicine inside.
25:17 Not only was there medicine for his injury, but there was also medicine for the flu, fever,
25:23 headache, and even arthritis.
25:26 "I, uh, accidentally bought too much.
25:30 Take it as a thank you for taking care of Emma."
25:32 "Who the hell thanks someone with a ton of medicine?" he wondered.
25:38 Inside the lounge, Eric laid atop a black bed.
25:42 He lacked his usual king-like presence.
25:45 He was simply a man clutching his head in pain.
25:49 "Eric..."
25:50 Emma ran to his side.
25:53 "What's this?"
25:55 "I don't know."
25:57 "It's a letter."
25:59 "From who?"
26:01 "From my wife."
26:03 "From your wife?"
26:05 "Yes."
26:07 "From your wife?"
26:09 "Yes."
26:11 "From your wife?"
26:13 "Yes."
26:15 "From your wife?"
26:17 "Yes."
26:19 "From your wife?"
26:21 He couldn't hear the difference in his own voice, but she could detect the strain of
26:26 trying to endure his pain.
26:29 She felt her throat burn and was afraid that she would cry if she spoke.
26:35 So she put down the medicine and sat on the edge of the bed.
26:39 She gently helped him up before pulling him into a tight embrace.
26:43 "Take some medicine first."
26:47 He was in an anxiety-filled daze.
26:50 He felt her tears on his shoulder, so he quickly tried to turn around.
26:55 But again, she ordered, "Take your medicine."
27:00 He didn't resist and obediently took the medicine and water from her hands.
27:06 She watched him swallow the medicine before gently taking his head into her hands and
27:12 massaging it.
27:14 She then placed a soft kiss on his head.
27:17 He closed his eyes.
27:19 At a time like this, he had no energy to explain himself.
27:25 After roughly half an hour, the medicine finally kicked in and his mind began to clear.
27:31 He pulled away from Emma's embrace to face her.
27:35 Her eyes were still watery as she stared at him without a sound.
27:40 "It only hurts every now and then.
27:44 It's not that serious.
27:45 I did a medical examination not too long ago."
27:49 "I don't care."
27:52 She lowered her head as a tear dropped onto his hand.
27:56 "All I know is that seeing you in pain makes me anxious.
28:01 I didn't know what I could do for you."
28:04 Emma wasn't someone who often cried.
28:07 She faced most difficulties calmly.
28:11 Only when it came to Eric did she react in such a way.
28:15 He pulled her into his embrace and held onto her tightly as he comforted her with strokes
28:21 on her back.
28:22 "Seeing you in pain makes me lose all reasoning," she admitted.
28:28 Hearing these words, he suddenly realized something.
28:32 "Taking care of myself is part of taking care of her."
28:37 Her tears did not merely fall upon his hand.
28:41 They were like a hammer crashing down on his heart.
28:45 He waited for her to calm down in his arms.
28:48 A while later, he whispered in her ear, "Later today, I'll tell Luke to arrange another examination
28:57 at the hospital."
28:59 She remained silent as she bit down on his neck.
29:02 He was already used to her method of letting off steam.
29:07 Whenever he made her emotions fluctuate, whether it was excitement or anger, she would use
29:14 this method to respond to him.
29:17 She bit onto his thin skin, unwilling to let go.
29:22 But he let her bite as hard as she wanted and smiled as he hugged her tighter.
29:27 "It's okay.
29:29 After taking the medicine, I feel a lot better."
29:34 She finally released him with an aching heart.
29:38 He looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table before offering to take her to the airport.
29:44 "Otherwise, you won't make it in time."
29:47 She didn't want to get up, but he lifted her up in his arms.
29:53 After tidying up a bit, he carried her out of the lounge.
29:58 Inside the office, Lisa and Luke were still looking at each other awkwardly.
30:03 Seeing Eric carrying Emma out, they quickly gathered around.
30:07 "What is it?
30:09 What happened?"
30:10 "Wasn't the boss unwell?
30:13 How come Emma ended up being the delicate one?"
30:16 Lisa wondered incredulously.
30:18 "I'm taking you guys to the airport now.
30:22 Lisa, take good care of Emma."
30:25 Lisa didn't understand what was happening.
30:28 She simply stood in place as she gave a grunt of agreement.
30:33 They quickly got into the car.
30:35 However, Emma remained silent the entire way.
30:39 He could tell that she had not yet recovered from the earlier emotional turmoil.
30:45 So, as the car stopped at a red light, he reached out his hand to stroke her hair.
30:52 It didn't take long before they reached the airport.
30:55 In order not to be discovered by the media, he stopped the car in a quiet spot and gestured
31:01 for Lisa to comfort Emma.
31:04 Lisa understood his look as she got out of the car and dragged her out.
31:09 "You still have two or three days of work in London.
31:13 We can't delay it anymore."
31:16 Emma didn't respond.
31:18 Her expression remained dull.
31:21 As she got out of the car, she couldn't bear to look at Eric in case she felt regret.
31:27 However, after entering the airport, she suddenly turned to Lisa and said, "I'm still worried
31:34 about him.
31:35 What should I do?"
31:38 Lisa was stunned for a moment before smiling.
31:41 "Emma, you know better than me.
31:44 When a person is indecisive and they don't choose what they feel is right, they will
31:50 surely regret it.
31:52 For example, if someone sees clouds as they leave the house and is undecided about whether
31:58 to bring an umbrella, if they decide not to bring an umbrella, it will definitely rain.
32:05 Or right now, when you want to go back and chase after someone.
32:10 If you don't turn around right now, you might miss out on the chance to be there for him
32:16 when he needs you the most."
32:19 On Lisa's words, Emma stepped out of the line without hesitation and immediately ran
32:26 back to the spot where Eric dropped her off.
32:29 Luckily, because of traffic congestion, Eric's car had not yet left the airport.
32:35 She quickly ran over, pulled open the car door, and sat back in the passenger seat.
32:43 Eric was stunned.
32:44 "Why are you back?"
32:46 "Tell Luke to book an appointment right now.
32:50 I won't leave until I see the results," Emma said firmly.
32:54 "This may be a small issue to you, but I can't leave the country worried about you.
33:01 Do you understand?"
33:03 He brushed a hand across her cheek and gave it to her.
33:07 He had already sent her this far, yet she still insisted on coming back.
33:13 "How could I bear to send her off again?"
33:17 So he immediately told Luke to contact the hospital and went to get an examination, accompanied
33:24 by Emma.
33:25 Finally, the doctor confirmed that there was nothing out of the ordinary.
33:31 He had simply overworked himself, so his brain naturally wanted to revolt.
33:36 "Do you finally feel relieved?" he asked as he held onto her shoulders.
33:43 "It's really just a small issue."
33:47 She felt a load had been lifted off her shoulders.
33:50 However, with the memory of the pained look on his face, she couldn't resist ordering
33:56 him to join her in London.
33:59 "While I work, I'll make sure you get some rest," he sighed.
34:05 His heart ached and he felt helpless around her.
34:10 "Okay."
34:11 Hearing his boss concede, Luke was surprised.
34:15 He never stops working, not for anyone.
34:19 It looks like he's completely bewitched by his wife.
34:23 After a moment, he told himself firmly, "This is good, really good."
34:30 Apparently, the only person in the world capable of making Eric obedient was Emma.
34:37 In the end, she missed her flight.
34:40 Eric had no choice but to arrange for a private flight.
34:44 He couldn't let her delay any further.
34:47 Inside the luxurious plane cabin, Luke and Lisa sat to one side.
34:52 One of them was looking through documents and the other looked through videos.
34:57 Meanwhile, Eric lay in Emma's embrace, marking the first time he fell asleep in her arms.
