Life With Louie - Caddy on a Hot Tin Roof

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 (musique)
00:02 (musique)
00:04 ♪ Hey, here we go now it's bedtime again ♪
00:07 ♪ Let's take a look and see what's happening ♪
00:11 ♪ Rollercoaster ride ♪
00:12 ♪ No surprise ♪
00:14 ♪ It's life with Louie, Louie, Louie ♪
00:17 ♪ Life with Louie, Louie, Louie ♪
00:21 ♪ It's life with lifeable, lovable, completely huggable ♪
00:26 ♪ It's life with Louie ♪♪
00:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:43 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:48 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:53 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:03 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:08 - A horn? What do you need a horn for?
01:11 You were blessed with a big mouth. Use it.
01:14 - I'm sorry, Louie. We just don't have that kind of money lying around.
01:18 - But all my friends have new horns.
01:21 - Well, if all your friends had new motorcycles, would you want one too?
01:25 - Well, yeah. - Hmm. That's backfired.
01:28 - Should've went to clown school. At least I would've got a horn there.
01:31 So, little Tommy, big birthday coming up, huh?
01:35 - That's right. The big '05. You're coming to my party.
01:38 Aren't you? - 'Course.
01:40 Hey, here's a thought.
01:42 Why don't you ask Mom and Dad for a new bike horn?
01:45 For your birthday. Then give it to me.
01:47 - Hey, here's a thought. Not a chance.
01:50 - Well, it was worth a shot.
01:53 Eight years old, hornless.
01:55 What kind of a life is this?
01:57 - Louie, I've been thinking about this whole bike horn issue.
02:01 - Really? - This is something you need
02:03 for safety, right? - Absolutely.
02:07 - Your father and I talked last night,
02:09 and we decided you should have this, Louie.
02:13 - Oh!
02:14 (sifflement)
02:16 (sifflement)
02:18 (sifflement)
02:20 (sifflement)
02:22 (sifflement)
02:24 (sifflement)
02:26 (sifflement)
02:28 (sifflement)
02:30 - Oh, sorry. Excuse me.
02:32 - Louie, where have you been?
02:34 - It's a crowded world, Louie. Face the facts.
02:37 You need a horn. - I only have 38 cents.
02:40 I'm broke, penniless. Get it?
02:43 I'm destitute, without capital,
02:45 tapped out, hard up.
02:46 I'm a guy down on his luck.
02:49 - What are you saying? You don't have 750?
02:52 - You're a quick one. - A financial problem?
02:55 Louie, Bobby, you should have come to me.
02:59 I got just the solution. I know some people.
03:01 - Huh. Who are you? Godfather of Cedar Hall?
03:04 (musique joyeuse)
03:06 (coups de klaxon)
03:08 (coups de klaxon)
03:10 (coups de klaxon)
03:12 (coups de klaxon)
03:14 (coups de klaxon)
03:16 (coups de klaxon)
03:18 (coups de klaxon)
03:20 (paroles en anglais)
03:22 (rires)
03:24 (rires)
03:26 (paroles en anglais)
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04:14 (paroles en anglais)
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04:58 (paroles en anglais)
05:00 (paroles en anglais)
05:02 (paroles en anglais)
05:04 (paroles en anglais)
05:06 (paroles en anglais)
05:08 - Tea! - Are you listening? I said give me a tea!
05:11 - Tea! - I'm guessing this is gonna be a long day.
05:16 - Hum...
05:19 - I'm feeling like I need a four-iron, Louie.
05:21 - I'm feeling like you don't have one.
05:23 - What? No. Oh yeah. You're right.
05:26 Against this stiff wind... better give me a two-iron.
05:30 - Sorry. All out. - Where's my two-iron?
05:33 - Well, you used it on the tenth hole.
05:35 - Yeah, and? - Well, I thought you were done with that.
05:38 - So you left it there?
05:40 - I'm supposed to carry these things to every hole?
05:42 - What's left?
05:44 A putter. I'm on the fairway.
05:47 What do you expect me to do with a putter?
05:49 - Hey, Jojo! Scared of a little water?
05:52 - Let's go! We're not getting any younger!
05:55 - Give me that! You're the worst caddy I...
05:59 Hey, hey! Look at that! Nailed it!
06:03 Louie, come here, little buddy.
06:05 - Little buddy?
06:07 - It's hard to believe, but even after all you put me through,
06:10 I'm on the verge of my personal best.
06:12 - Only for you, sir.
06:14 - Tell me something, son.
06:16 How would you like to spend the summer with me
06:18 as my exclusive caddy?
06:20 - Well, there's a dream come true.
06:22 Let me just think about it. Uh, no.
06:25 - You're just a lucky charm I've been looking for, kid.
06:28 You sure you won't reconsider? I'll make it worth your while.
06:32 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:34 - Louie, hey! Wake up! Wake up!
06:37 - Hey, Grunewald, you ever hear of a doorbell?
06:40 - I don't want to wake everyone up.
06:42 (clic!)
06:44 - Oh, how considerate of you.
06:46 - Sorry.
06:48 Louie, let's go! The bike store opens at 9.
06:51 - Sorry, Goon. Got to work today.
06:53 Go buy one for me, would you?
06:55 You can keep the change, kid.
06:57 - Sure, Louie. Hey, who wants ice cream?
07:00 - So I joined the working world.
07:02 My job title, "full-time lucky charm."
07:04 The caddying got easier, and I quickly learned
07:06 my way around the golf course.
07:08 A "T," as it turns out, isn't just the 20th letter in the alphabet.
07:11 (clic!)
07:13 - The wind's at your back, Mr. Stomopoulos.
07:15 I think you might want to try the forewood.
07:18 - Hmm?
07:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:22 (vroom!)
07:24 (clic!)
07:25 - Good suggestion, Louie.
07:27 And, uh, call me Jojo.
07:29 - Nah, I take it back.
07:31 - Hmm.
07:33 Looks like it'll break about 10 inches to your right.
07:36 - All right!
07:38 How about brunch, Louie? My treat.
07:40 You ever have strawberries and cream?
07:43 - Oh, sure. Whenever I'm at Wimbledon.
07:46 That's my usual.
07:48 More? I'm stuffed.
07:50 I couldn't eat another bite.
07:52 Oh, OK.
07:53 - You need your energy.
07:55 - Why's that?
07:56 - 'Cause we got a 12.15 T-up time.
07:58 - You gotta be kidding.
08:00 Another 18?
08:02 - That's right.
08:03 You don't become club champion
08:05 by sitting on your keister all afternoon
08:07 eating strawberries and cream.
08:09 (rire)
08:11 - Honey, I'm home. How about a cold one, huh?
08:14 - I'm busy. You'll have to get it yourself.
08:17 - Uh...
08:19 - Hey, Dad, be a sport.
08:21 Go get me a cold one.
08:23 - What?
08:24 - And there's another five in it for you
08:26 if you make it snappy.
08:28 - Ah, five bucks is five bucks.
08:30 Come see, come see.
08:32 - Andy, I'm worried about Louie.
08:34 All this caddying, it's changing him.
08:37 - And for the better, too.
08:39 The kid greased my palm.
08:41 - It's just not right.
08:43 - You think I should have held out for ten?
08:45 - I'm worried. He seems so... different.
08:49 - Don't worry so much.
08:51 He's still the same old Lou.
08:53 - Jojo was having his best season ever,
08:55 and he said it was all because of me.
08:57 I was his lucky cat.
08:59 So he let me have full use of the club.
09:01 - Hey, don't scratch this.
09:03 - Anything I wanted, I could just charge to his account.
09:05 Officially, I was still an employee.
09:09 But I felt like a member.
09:12 - Louie, you want to toss the pink skin around, kid?
09:15 - Sorry, Dad. No can do.
09:17 I'm on the clock.
09:22 - Louie, light of my life, favorite son.
09:25 Want to watch the night sniffer marathon?
09:27 Eat some pizza and donuts?
09:29 - Love to, Dad, but someone's got to bring home
09:31 the bacon around here.
09:33 - Huh? What am I, chomp liver?
09:35 - No, no, no, Jojo. I'll tell you what my broker says.
09:40 Stick with the T-Bells, the blue chips, and the plastics.
09:43 - Forget this plastic nonsense.
09:45 It's computers now.
09:47 My guy gave me the inside word.
09:50 A company called IBM.
09:53 - I'm telling you, Dad, computers.
09:55 They're the wave of the future. Jojo says so.
09:58 - Thanks for the tip, Louie. I'll invest my nest egg.
10:01 Hey, honey, how much am I nest egg, huh?
10:04 - $3 and, ooh, two oatmeal delights.
10:07 - Computers!
10:09 Ha, ha! That's a real growth industry.
10:12 Never heard anything so ridiculous.
10:14 - When did you get so concerned about making money, Louie?
10:17 - Jojo says the way to judge a man is by the size of his wallet.
10:21 - Hmm. Jojo says a lot, doesn't he?
10:24 - Mother, how come we don't have strawberries and cream for breakfast?
10:28 - Well, because they're too expensive.
10:30 - Geez, everything's too expensive for you guys.
10:33 No strawberries and cream, no Eggs Benedict,
10:36 no hot tub in the bathroom.
10:38 - Louie, that's enough.
10:40 - Hey, Tommy, give me five bucks if you run down to the deli
10:43 and pick up some lots.
10:45 - I'm busy. My birthday party guest list.
10:48 Second draft.
10:50 - Hey, I'll do it for ten.
10:53 - Andy!
10:55 - Henry, pull in here.
10:59 Do me a favor, Louie. Give my car a wash.
11:02 - I thought I was off duty.
11:04 - You're not off duty until I tell you you're off duty, understand?
11:08 See this? This means I own you.
11:12 - Now don't skip on the elbow grease.
11:15 - Yes, sir.
11:17 - Get him! Yeah!
11:20 - Hey, you guys, come here.
11:25 - What the heck's going on?
11:31 - We got him! Yeah!
11:34 - What is wrong with you guys? I'm working!
11:37 - You're always working, Louie. We never even see you anymore.
11:41 - Sorry, guys. Jojo says I shouldn't waste my life
11:44 hanging around with immature kids who are never going to amount to anything.
11:48 No offense. - None taken.
11:50 - Yeah, why should we be offended by that?
11:53 - 'Cause he said we were immature and won't amount to anything.
11:56 - That was sarcasm, toddler.
11:58 - Oh, yeah. Sarcasm.
12:00 - Yahoo! Happy birthday to me!
12:05 - Remember, Louie, Tommy's birthday party starts at noon.
12:09 - Sorry, mother. I'll be on the 10th tee at noon.
12:13 - Did you forget my birthday?
12:15 - Absolutely not. I got you a gift.
12:18 I bet that's it right now.
12:21 - Here you go. Coming through. Sign here.
12:25 - Yeah. Go ahead. Open it.
12:28 - A Jumbo Night Sniffer! Thanks!
12:31 - Louie, they forgot to remove the price tag.
12:35 - No, I told them to leave it on, so Tommy would know how much I love him.
12:39 Happy birthday, kid. See you later.
12:42 - I'll save you a piece of cake, Louie.
12:44 - No one eats cake anymore.
12:46 I'll be having chocolate mousse at the club.
12:49 - Fine! I didn't want you to come anyway.
12:52 - Louie! - What? I'm gonna be late.
12:55 - Someday you're going to learn.
12:57 There are some things in life that are more important than money.
13:01 - I know. It's just that it takes a lot of money to buy all those things.
13:05 Ciao, Mother.
13:07 Hey, guys. Are you catting today?
13:13 What is going on?
13:16 - We figured a big shot like you needed a bench all to himself.
13:19 - Yeah. We're not mature enough to sit with you.
13:24 - That was sarcasm, in case he didn't notice.
13:27 - Watch this. Ah, the wind caught it.
13:31 - Louie! Hey, Louie! What do you think?
13:34 - Huh? Oh, uh... Nice shot, Mr. Stomopolis.
13:38 - Come on, Louie, let's go. - Moving in on my territory, huh?
13:42 That's it. I've had it.
13:44 - You mean you're finally going to tell Louie he's got to quit his cattying job?
13:48 - No. I mean I'm taking up golf.
13:51 That kid's having too much fun.
13:53 - Good morning, sir.
13:58 - Going to a carnival?
14:00 - Careful with this beauty. She's a classic. Don't scratch her.
14:03 - Can I help you?
14:07 - Yeah. Where do I tee up?
14:09 - Are you a member? - You know who I am.
14:12 I'm Louie's dad.
14:14 - Yes, and I'm sure Louie, whoever he is, is real proud.
14:18 - Andy Anderson, right?
14:20 I couldn't help noticing the family resemblance.
14:23 I'm Jojo. Looking for a game?
14:26 You can play with me. My treat.
14:29 Now let's go find you a catty.
14:31 - I've got one in mind.
14:33 Louie, how hard can this choice be? I'm your father.
14:36 - Louie, who's been paying you all summer?
14:38 - Louie, who's been feeding you your whole life?
14:41 - Think about responsibility, Louie.
14:43 - Loyalty, Louie. - Who's your friend? Who's your pal?
14:46 - Never mind that. Who created you out of nothing?
14:49 - Well, your mom helped a little.
14:51 - Wise choice, son.
14:54 - Oh, traitor.
14:56 - On the first tee, we have Anderson and Stamopoulos.
14:59 - Hey, all right. - You're gonna all be here with me.
15:02 - Oh, happy day.
15:04 - I just gotta listen up the old swing.
15:08 - This could take a while, Louie. Hope you brought a book.
15:11 - Hey, Dad, try keeping your head down this time.
15:14 - I've been playing this game since before you were born.
15:17 Who do you think came up with that keeping your head down idea?
15:21 Ha, ha! See that?
15:24 - Whoa! Wild shot!
15:26 - What kind of sap would park so close to a golf course?
15:31 - You did, Dad.
15:33 - That felt good.
15:35 This is it. I'm clinching the title today.
15:38 Louie, break out the bubbly. Louie? Louie?
15:42 - Don't dance in your shoes so much.
15:44 Bend your knees. Pendulum motion.
15:47 - People pay you for this kind of stuff?
15:50 - People pay you for this kind of advice?
15:53 - Feels like a little headwind.
16:00 I'm thinking a three would. What do you say, Louie?
16:03 - Keep going, Mr. Anderson. I think I can see China.
16:08 - Oh! - Keep your feet together. Elbow down.
16:11 Focus behind the ball.
16:13 - Louie, I'm gonna give you about three seconds
16:16 to make a decision here.
16:18 - Who are you working for? Me, club champion, or him?
16:22 Mr. Journey to the center of the earth?
16:25 - Hey!
16:27 That's my dad you're talking about.
16:30 And I'm his caddy.
16:32 - Think about the money, Louie.
16:34 Don't work for me, you don't get the money.
16:36 - A smart person told me once,
16:38 there are some things in life more important than money.
16:41 - Oh, yeah? Name one. - Dignity.
16:44 Here, Dad, let me show you how this is done.
16:46 - Just for the record, Mr. Stamopoulos,
16:48 I totally disagree with Louie.
16:50 - And so with my expert caddying,
16:52 I was able to turn Dad's terrible golf game
16:54 into a terrible golf game that caused less property damage.
16:58 - Think you might want to adjust your grip?
17:03 You sure you don't want the five wood?
17:06 - Here, kid, take this
17:08 and start digging a hole in the sand trap on 14.
17:14 - Hou ha! I clinched it!
17:16 You see that, Louie?
17:18 You're looking at this year's club champion.
17:20 Guess I don't need you anymore, huh?
17:22 - Guess not.
17:24 - You know what I think, Louie?
17:26 You weren't lucky at all.
17:28 It was me, me all along.
17:30 I was the one with all the luck.
17:32 Jojo Stamopoulos, the luckiest man in the--
17:34 (grunt)
17:36 (all groan)
17:38 - That hurt.
17:40 (all cheering)
17:42 - Come on! Who's gonna play with a piece of cake?
17:45 - Nice shot, Dad!
17:47 - You're kidding. That was nice caddying, son.
17:50 You're a natural.
17:52 - So, how much do I get for helping you up?
17:55 - Louie, I got a confession to make.
17:59 I know your old man looked like a pro out there,
18:02 but the truth is, that was my first time golfing, kid.
18:05 - You don't say.
18:07 - Thanks for helping me look good, Dad.
18:09 You're a great son.
18:11 - You don't have to tip me.
18:13 - It's not a tip. That's your share of the profit.
18:16 - Profit from what?
18:18 - That stock tip you gave me.
18:20 I only had enough for one share,
18:22 but the crazy thing skyrocketed and then split.
18:24 - Thanks, Dad.
18:26 - Computers. There's a passing fad if I ever heard one.
18:29 (all groan)
18:31 (all groan)
18:33 - Hey, guys, I'm glad I found you.
18:36 I, uh, really want to apologize.
18:39 - You were a jerk, you're sorry,
18:41 you'll never do it again, right?
18:43 - Well, yeah, but don't you want to see me grovel?
18:46 - Of course we do, but there's no time.
18:49 - Grunewald sent us to find you.
18:51 He said it was an emergency.
18:53 - Well, where is he?
18:55 - The golf course, hole 14.
18:57 - Hole 14? That's the sand trap.
18:59 Come on, we gotta go!
19:01 (grunting)
19:03 - He said he'd be here.
19:05 - Come on, help me dig.
19:07 Hey, I think I see something.
19:09 (all groan)
19:11 (all laughing)
19:13 - You scared me to death!
19:17 - That's for calling me immature.
19:19 - Well, a trick like that, you certainly proved me wrong.
19:23 You got some sand in your hair.
19:25 Let me get that for you.
19:27 - Hey, come on, let's go.
19:29 (all talking at once)
19:31 - Hey!
19:33 - Come on, get it!
19:35 (grunt)
19:37 - Yeah!
19:39 (all cheering)
19:41 (grunt)
19:43 (all cheering)
19:45 (grunt)
19:47 (all cheering)
