Maddison Cotherman Maddison Grace Cotherman - Rock N' Roll

  • 2 months ago
Oh, the beat of the drums, the strum of the guitars
The melodies that make our hearts sing and our souls soar
The rhythm that moves our feet, the lyrics that speak our hearts
Rock N' Roll, the music that sets our spirits free

In the clubs and bars, we come to dance and play
With the lights and the noise, we let go of our cares
We lose ourselves in the rhythm, we let our hair down
And let the music take us to a place beyond compare

The legends of old, the gods of the sound
Their names we whisper, with reverence profound
Elvis, the King, the one and only
Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee

Their music lives on, their legacy remains
Their spirit of rebellion, their fire still burns
In the hearts of the young, in the souls of the bold
Rock N' Roll, the music that never grows old

The beat goes on, the rhythm never fades
The melodies that make us all feel alive
Rock N' Roll, the music that never dies
A revolution of sound, a celebration of life\n\nMaddison Cotherman Maddison Grace Cotherman
