প্রসূন বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের ছন্দপতন হয়ে গিয়েছে, ভোটের আগে উনি মাত্র ৩ মাস জেগে থাকেন: রথীন চক্রবর্তী

  • 6 months ago
‘প্রসূন বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের ছন্দপতন হয়ে গিয়েছে, ভোটের আগে উনি মাত্র ৩ মাস জেগে থাকেন’, মন্তব্য রথীন চক্রবর্তীর


00:00 I saw a meeting of the Uttar Hara Dal a few days ago.
00:05 It was an internal meeting of the Dal.
00:09 They all expressed their opinions.
00:13 I got to know through the media that the councilors were dreaming of appointing a councillor.
00:26 They are very concerned about this.
00:30 In the last 15 years, no one has heard about the Hara Dal for the last 2-3 times.
00:43 I don't know if anyone has heard about it.
00:47 I don't know about it personally.
00:49 I might be mistaken.
00:51 But I haven't heard from anyone that they have said anything about the Hara Dal.
00:59 Now that people have understood, how can we ignore this?
01:05 I have said this a few days ago.
01:10 He has been in office for 5 years and has only been in office for 3 months.
01:15 He has been in office for 3 months.
01:21 He has been talking to the Nirbhachak Mandal about the central government not giving any answers.
01:27 The central government has given a metro to transport the cows.
01:31 From the planet to the food market.
01:35 It was possible to transport people in 10 minutes.
01:38 The central government has already done this.
01:45 It has already done a DPR with the rights to the metro.
01:53 We believe that after the Prime Minister is re-elected,
01:58 we will pray to him with all our hearts.
02:01 We will know all his difficulties.
02:05 We will pray that the metro will be constructed in the future.
02:08 We will pray that the railways will be built.
02:15 We will pray that people will get more facilities.
02:20 I think that the world is moving from one moment to another.
02:28 He has said that he has spent a lot of money in the Parliament.
02:37 The money he has spent, the other money will be discussed later.
02:42 He has spent a lot of money in the Parliament.
02:48 I think that he should give a share to the people.
02:52 He is claiming that he has spent all the money.
02:54 He should be made aware of this.
02:58 I don't see anything in the way of the uneducated.
03:00 But today, people are being manipulated.
03:04 They are being told what is palpable.
03:09 If they do this, it will not be good for the people.
03:12 We cannot see it as a normal person.
03:16 How did he spend the money?
03:18 If we see it in the account book, it will not be good.
03:20 So, you must have to give it to the people.
