"Form 45, 47 Par Cholay Kahyein , Is Par Lar Rahe Hai" | Faisal Vawda's statement

  • 6 months ago
#faisalvawda #PTI #sunniittehadcouncil #PPP #PMLN #MQM #khawarghumman #chaudhryghulamhussain #hassanayub #haidernaqvi

"Form 45, 47 Par Cholay Kahyein , Is Par Lar Rahe Hai" | Faisal Vawda's statement
00:00 Mr. Mauder, this is a different kind of, I mean, a unique kind of model for me.
00:07 From tomorrow, the state of Pakistan is going to be seen, the people of Pakistan are going to be seen.
00:11 In your view, what impact will the presence of Asif Ali Zardari as the President of Pakistan have on the politics of Pakistan?
00:21 The circumstances in Pakistan that you have mentioned, that there is no improvement, what will happen to that?
00:27 Mr. Bengumal, Mr. Zardari's appointment as President of Pakistan is very significant.
00:36 He will push Einstein, take him, then push him and eventually push him.
00:45 You are talking very important.
00:46 Mr. Mauder, you are saying that if I explain to people in common sense, that the strings that will be pulled by Mr. Zardari
00:56 and Mr. Zardari will also be the last straw of their power.
01:01 Write it down.
01:02 And you cannot minus People's Party in the longer run in the game.
01:08 I am giving you this signal today.
01:10 Rest, we will keep doing it in Ramadan, its bifurcation.
01:15 But, I am telling you this because this is what I analyse, this is what I see.
01:20 People's Party will also keep strings, will take something else during the negotiation of IMF,
01:26 will be a little stabilized and will come to Punjab, then there will be negotiations during the budget.
01:32 So, push and pull will continue and in the end it will be pushed and it will be crushed.
01:37 This is eventually the name of the game which is real politics.
01:41 But having said that, at that time we can say that, you may remember,
01:48 I gave a suggestion to Mr. Imran Khan when we were going to make a coalition government,
01:52 that you join hands with People's Party and not take this small party so that it does not become a headache.
01:57 And they did not listen to you.
01:59 They did not listen to me.
02:00 So, I am still of the opinion.
02:02 The second thing is that, when it comes to economical reforms,
02:08 when it comes to rescheduling of 24 billion, will anyone give money to their faces?
02:13 Will anyone reschedule by giving them?
02:15 Why don't we tell the truth to the people? Why are we afraid? Why are we confused?
02:18 So, who will get the money? Whose face will they see?
02:19 People will see the face of the chief.
02:21 People in the international world trust the chief.
02:24 The common people also trust the chief.
02:26 He is a honest, honest man.
02:28 In our opinion also, the chief used to bring money at that time.
02:31 But this chief's comparison cannot be made with any other chief because he is a honest, honest man,
02:36 with a spotless career.
02:38 And we will see his face.
02:40 Rescheduling will be done on his face.
02:42 So, why are we afraid? Why are we ashamed?
02:44 You have done this democratic drama,
02:47 which has made it a compulsion.
02:50 But at the end of the day,
02:52 I have told you about the prices,
02:54 about the dollar.
02:55 You can write about it on today's date.
02:57 The dollar has increased,
02:58 petrol has increased,
02:59 common goods will also increase.
03:01 So, what are you giving to the poor?
03:02 Neither is he getting food,
03:04 when the poor will work,
03:05 when he will come home after facing difficulties,
03:08 he will not even be able to eat chickpeas.
03:10 You are fighting for 47-45.
03:11 Eat chickpeas.
03:12 You want to eat chickpeas?
03:14 So, I was buying chickpeas that day.
03:17 Let me tell you something.
03:18 I was buying chickpeas and I saw carefully,
03:20 that he was putting it in,
03:21 I thought it was a form 45.
03:22 I remembered it after Faisal Abadda.
03:24 I told him to see.
03:26 See, your staff has come out light.
03:28 Mr. Gopal, I will make a very quick comparison in front of you.
03:32 We have created a drama without any reason.
03:35 18, 13 and 24.
03:37 Everything is the same.
03:39 Talk about 2002.
03:42 When you were with him,
03:43 you brought Imran Khan with a pencher in the power.
03:46 Come, come.
03:47 Come in 2024.
03:48 Yes, come.
03:49 I am saying that the analysis that Faisal Abadda has done,
03:52 that a time will come when he will be pushed.
03:54 He is pushing and pushing.
03:56 See, in politics,
03:58 nothing is final.
03:59 It is possible.
04:00 You want to know.
04:01 It is possible.
04:02 It is possible.
04:03 Because it is not necessary that,
04:05 like the People's Party is saying today,
04:07 that Shahbaz Sharif is our Prime Minister.
04:10 There, in Punjab,
04:12 Mariam Nawaz is saying that,
04:14 I am the same as the People's Party,
04:16 and even the PTA's Chief Minister.
04:20 So, this is politics.
04:22 Sometimes there will be ups and downs in politics.
04:24 But, apparently,
04:26 what they are saying,
04:27 I do not agree with them,
04:28 that this system will not work at all.
04:30 And the second thing,
04:31 as far as they are saying,
04:32 that the Army Chief will reschedule,
04:36 and the payments will be made,
04:39 it is possible.
04:41 They have already played that role.
04:43 And they will play that role in the future.
04:44 And the SIFC,
04:46 that is also a kind of binding force.
04:48 And, as they are saying,
04:50 that from the Nigrand government,
04:51 there were many people who worked,
04:53 though there were no milk and honey,
04:55 but they worked comparatively better.
05:00 So, like Jalil Abbas Jalani,
05:02 I am seeing that he is meeting,
05:03 and different people are going.
05:05 So, I think some people may be among the caretakers.
05:08 Mr. Chaudhary Gulamshan,
05:09 you spoke the other day,
05:10 and I will repeat,
05:12 you said that there is a possibility,
05:14 that in the coming days,
05:15 there is a possibility that the People's Party and PTI
05:17 may become rivals.
05:19 So, Faisal Wada did not say so many words,
05:21 but it seems that
05:22 such a kind of a scene may be formed.
05:24 So, what Faisal Wada said,
05:26 your comment on this.
05:27 Yes, Mr. Chaudhary.
05:29 No, I have said before,
05:31 I will say it again,
05:32 that at any time, PTI will say,
05:35 that the People's Party should form a government,
05:37 we have no objection.
05:39 So, the comment that Faisal Wada has made,
05:41 would you like to comment on it?
05:43 I will go to Mr. Naki.
05:44 But my problem is different.
05:46 I say, whether it is Faisal Wada,
05:48 or you three,
05:50 tell me,
05:51 what are you arranging for the two meals
05:53 of a common poor man?
05:55 And, was he in any trouble,
05:59 or are they pushing him out of the sea?
06:01 Because I do not see any plan with you.
06:04 These guys,
06:06 who have gone to the school of children,
06:08 have come there,
06:09 have gone here,
06:10 I am doing this, I am doing that.
06:12 Now you know,
06:13 it will not take us anywhere.
06:15 You will have to give a concrete program,
06:18 you will have to give an agenda,
06:20 that from here we will create these means,
06:22 and we will make these common people poor.
06:25 So, you have nothing.
06:27 Till now, we do not know,
06:29 that what the owner did was wrong, why did he remove it?
