Analisis Saham Pilihan: TLKM, BREN Hingga UNTR

  • 6 months ago
"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Power Breakfast, Rabu (06/03/2024) dengan Tema Analisis Saham Pilihan: TLKM, BREN Hingga UNTR".


00:00 Thank you, Mr. President, for joining us in the next segment of MarketBuzz.
00:03 We will show you the recommendations of the stock and can be your reference.
00:08 Mr. President, we will summarize the following graphics.
00:11 Among them are the stocks that are recommended by the funder of WarCop Stock.
00:17 There is Mas Raden Bagus Bimas as our source today.
00:21 Telkom is recommended by Brand by Javva by and also UNTR by.
00:27 Okay, Mas Raden, why UNTR, not PTBI, which is 51% higher,
00:33 but the stock price is even higher, you said maybe it has been priced in about the negative sentiment.
00:38 Then we also know that there is Adaro, who experienced a boost yesterday.
00:44 Why are you more to UNTR?
00:47 Yes, UNTR because in the near future,
00:52 the first one from this sector will divide the dividend, which I think the yield is enough to give an interesting potential in the market for investors,
01:01 because the yield can reach up to 8%.
01:03 From the results of the stock that has been released by UNTR last week,
01:08 that 8% potential in my opinion will maintain the position of the price of UNTR for now,
01:13 also remembering from the UNTR and PTBA graphics,
01:17 actually more increases have occurred in PTBA,
01:21 so in my opinion, in the future, in the next few days,
01:26 we will choose UNTR more interesting than PTBA,
01:29 which is currently experiencing a higher increase compared to UNTR.
01:34 My target for UNTR is at level 25,000,
01:37 with potential dividend yield in the next few weeks, around 8%.
01:42 Okay, recommended by, with the target of 25,000,
01:46 the entry is around 24,125,
01:49 and the surplus is 23,800.
01:51 And UNTR this morning still continues to strengthen,
01:55 has increased 1, 2, 3, 4 consecutive days from the 1st.
02:00 And the increase this morning is 0.31%,
02:05 24,200 UNTR, what is the current trend, Mr. Raden?
02:09 Yes, actually UNTR is still experiencing a decline in terms of trends,
02:14 only in the short term, or more or less in the next 1 or 2 weeks,
02:19 I think the current price position can be maintained,
02:22 because investors are also quite interested,
02:25 interested in investors to be able to accumulate UNTR,
02:28 considering that quite a few investors are also interested
02:31 to target dividend receivables from UNTR,
02:34 so the current position, in my opinion, is low risk for UNTR,
02:39 with the target earlier at 25,000,
02:40 I think it's quite optimal, between the risk and the reward at UNTR.
02:46 Okay, we leave UNTR with the reasons from Mr. Raden,
02:50 why do you recommend one of them is because of the dividend, which is considered interesting.
02:54 Then you also recommend from the infrastructure sector, there is Telkom.
02:59 Yes, for Telkom, as we know,
03:03 has experienced a decline since mid-February,
03:06 from the price of 4,200, now the price is at 3,900,
03:10 which means it has experienced a correction of around 300 points.
03:14 Now, the price is very suitable at the support level,
03:18 with an average of the last year,
03:20 meaning at the moving average of 200,
03:22 in the current position it is quite interesting,
03:23 and this is a level or support that is quite strong for Telkom,
03:27 so we recommend buying at the current level at 3,870,
03:32 with the target at the level of 4,050,
03:35 and the stock loss level is at the level of 3,800.
03:38 I think the risk-reward at Telkom is also quite okay,
03:40 quite interesting for buying now.
03:42 And if you see this as a strong support,
03:44 the possibility of falling below 3,800 is heavy,
03:47 so it's a good opportunity, while buying at a cheap price, like that.
03:50 Yes, Mrs. Prisa.
03:52 Okay, Brand, you also recommend Buy.
03:55 Yes, for Brand, as we know, the current price position
04:01 in the last few days, last week, just broke.
04:04 Okay, from the resistance level.
04:06 I recommend buying Brand for swing trade,
04:10 can be held for one or two weeks ahead,
04:12 with the target of strengthening from us at the level of 6,800,
04:17 the stock loss at the level of 5,650.
04:19 If later there is a weakness in the brand,
04:22 but still at the level above the stock loss, above 5,650,
04:26 I still recommend buying for the Brand stock,
04:30 because it's still quite interesting from the pattern.
04:32 If it's already 5,975 with the morning strength
04:35 at the opening of 1.0%,
04:38 with the target you gave Brand at 6,800,
04:42 it's still okay, right?
04:44 I think it's still okay,
04:46 there are still quite a lot of upsets.
04:48 Okay, there are still quite a lot of upsets.
04:50 Java, why Java, not Cepin or the others, or Mai?
04:54 If we look at Java and Cepin,
04:57 this week there is indeed quite a good movement.
05:00 The market is higher for Java than Cepin.
05:03 That's why I suggest between Java and Cepin,
05:06 I prefer to go to Java,
05:07 because in terms of volatility, it's more interesting in the position of Java.
05:11 And both are actually already breakout.
05:13 Now Java's position is closer to the support area right now,
05:16 so we recommend buying,
05:18 because it's quite interesting right now,
05:19 the level is around 1,220, 1,210,
05:23 that's a level that I think is quite worth it,
05:25 we accumulate the purchase, the target is 1,370.
05:29 The market is around 150 points apart,
05:31 which means that the potential upset is around 9-10% for Java.
05:36 The stop loss itself, we estimate it at the level of 1,140.
05:41 Okay, that's it for Java, my presentation,
05:45 which is recommended with a target of 1,370,
05:48 stop loss at 1,140,
05:50 and buy at around 1,220.
05:54 And the index of the price of the joint stock this morning,
05:58 after the opening, it's been more or less 6 minutes,
06:00 9 o'clock past 6 minutes, the market opened,
06:04 strengthened 0.24% at 7,264.
06:08 We will discuss later,
06:10 Mr. Raden, is the index of the joint stock in the trend category,
06:13 down, consolidation, and what are the tips,
06:16 don't hesitate to stay with us, the market bus segment.
06:19 Mr. Raden, how is the trend from the ISG, in short,
06:24 is the trend down,
06:26 or is it actually consolidation, or what?
06:29 Yes, I think the current ISG position is abnormal,
06:33 with the global market conditions,
06:35 even in the US market last night,
06:37 -1%, and also the conditions in Asia this morning,
06:41 we see the downside of -2%.
06:43 The ISG position, with the current positive conditions,
06:47 the position is very interesting,
06:50 because we are several times,
06:52 the movement is different from the global market,
06:55 so in my opinion, what needs to be noticed,
06:58 the current movement, we need to see,
07:00 the downside of each sector or each emitter,
07:03 because at the moment, if we look at the ISG trend itself,
07:06 it is consolidating.
07:07 Still not consolidated?
07:08 Why is it consolidating?
07:10 Because the position so far,
07:12 what makes the ISG strong,
07:14 is the banking sector,
07:16 where the banking sector at the moment,
07:18 if we look at the financial report,
07:21 as of January 2024,
07:23 the position is not better than January 2023.
07:27 In my opinion, this is the factor that will affect,
07:30 the first quarter of 2024,
07:32 the ISG will be quite stressed,
07:34 even tend to experience correction.
07:36 Currently, it is consolidating,
07:37 but tends to experience correction in the first quarter.
07:45 [Speaking Indonesian]
07:56 [End of Audio]
