'Musica senza barriere', a Torino un concerto contro la sordità

  • 6 months ago
(Adnkronos) - In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell’Udito 2024, l’Auditorium RAI Arturo Toscanini di Torino ha ospitato il concerto “Sound Sensation – Musica senza Barriere”, promosso da MED-EL in partnership con la RAI.


00:00 [music]
00:09 For the first time in Italy, on the occasion of the World Hearing Day on March 3rd,
00:14 Sound, Sensation, music without barriers,
00:17 with a certain show at the Rai Auditorium Arturo Toscanini in Turin,
00:21 promoted by Medel in partnership with RAI.
00:24 To perform, ranging from classical rock, to dance, to latin dances,
00:28 with live painting performances,
00:30 artists and hypoacousis musicians brought cochlear implants.
00:35 The concert was made available to a public of hypoacousis people
00:38 thanks to the Lola Wi-Fi system.
00:41 Sound, Sensation was born two years ago,
00:43 precisely by the will of Medel,
00:44 with the idea of ​​making the results that today the cochlear implant can give
00:50 to patients who suffer from deep hearing loss,
00:53 more and more public opinion.
00:55 The cochlear implant can bring these patients to a real and full integration
01:00 in social life.
01:02 I'm talking about school, working life, but I'm also talking about sports,
01:06 I'm talking about music and all other social activities.
01:09 The Lola technology is a free app that allows you to create a network of smartphones
01:15 to which to transmit an audio signal.
01:18 Modern implants and modern prostheses today can be connected directly to smartphones
01:22 and the result is to be able to transmit the signal directly to the implant or prosthesis.
01:29 I studied the piano, but in 2012 I gave up because I started to lose my hearing.
01:37 Until then I completely lost it.
01:41 But in 2016 I was lucky enough to discover the cochlear implant
01:47 and I must say that I was reborn.
01:50 Not only did I start to hear again, but I bought my absolute ear again.
01:55 I'm here because I want to thank the people who have made my hearing better,
02:01 which is now rich in sounds and above all of inner harmony.
02:06 It is a silent pandemic, because the numbers are really impressive
02:11 and above all the forms of hypoacousis are increasing.
02:14 I have personally treated many people who wear acoustic devices,
02:21 cochlear implants without any remora.
02:24 It is much more dramatic, on the contrary,
02:27 so as not to run the risk of stigmatization,
02:30 we isolate ourselves by going against depression, cognitive decline in advanced age.
02:35 So let's go out, let's feel no fear of wearing a device.
02:41 This year's event is in line with the Call to Action of the World Health Organization,
02:46 which invites to focus on the need to guarantee access to hearing care services
02:51 to all those who need it as an essential health service.
02:55 World data are not comforting,
02:58 more than 80% of care needs are not yet satisfied.
