Kemeriahan Perayaan Cap Go Meh di Gorontalo

  • 7 months ago
Ratusan warga memadati perayaan Cap Go Meh yang digelar di Tempat Ibadah Tridharma Tulus Harapan Kita di Kota Gorontalo, Provinsi Gorontalo


00:00 [crowd noise]
00:05 Hundreds of people are celebrating the Capcomah Festival
00:07 at the place of worship of the Tridharma Tulus Harapan Kita
00:10 in the city of Gorontalo, the province of Gorontalo, on Saturday, February 24.
00:15 This Capcomah Festival is held by hundreds of people of the Tionghoa descent
00:19 by wearing white sarba
00:21 in the new year series, the year of the wooden dragon, 2575 Kongxili.
00:26 Before the procession began,
00:28 the Tridharma people prayed and rode a gondola
00:31 to send the marching band,
00:34 the train, the flag of the 36th Party,
00:36 the ondel-ondel, the bronze and the dragon.
00:39 The procession was continued with a drum
00:41 that brought the archa-dewa and dewi
00:43 from the Buddha Dharma and TITD, the Tulus Harapan Kita,
00:47 to tour a number of main streets in the city of Gorontalo.
00:52 The mayor of Gorontalo, Martin Taha, said
00:54 this event was not only enjoyed and celebrated by the people of the Tionghoa descent,
00:59 but also by all the people of Gorontalo.
01:03 This is a form of brotherhood,
01:08 tolerance and a form of unity for all of us,
01:13 religious people in the city of Gorontalo.
01:17 We show the door of brotherhood and family unity
01:22 between us without using discrimination between us.
01:26 The people of Tionghoa are the people of Gorontalo.
01:29 The people of Gorontalo are also all the people of Gorontalo.
01:32 We are all one nation, we cannot be divided.
01:35 The brotherhood is based on mutual love
01:38 and does not look at the separation of races and races,
01:42 as well as the layers of society by respecting each other's rights.
01:48 This celebration is the return of the glory of Capcomeh in Gorontalo
01:52 after four years of not being celebrated with a parade
01:55 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other considerations.
01:59 From the city of Gorontalo, the province of Gorontalo,
02:02 Adi Winata Solihin, Antara News Agency, reported.
02:07 The city of Gorontalo, Adi Winata Solihin, Antara News Agency, reported.
