Nvidia results: "They are in the right place in the right time"

  • 7 months ago
Head of Research and Partner at Manhattan Venture Partners Santosh Rao speaks to CGTN Europe about the tech company's astronomic success.
00:00 Let's bring in Santosh Rao, who's head of research at Manhattan Venture Partners.
00:03 Good to see you again, Santosh.
00:05 So as we were hearing, NVIDIA again has beaten expectations.
00:09 Why is it doing so well both in itself and compared to its competitors?
00:14 Yeah, thank you for having me.
00:17 Great to be here.
00:19 Let me throw in my share of superlatives.
00:21 I mean, knock the cover off the ball.
00:23 Fantastic superlative everything.
00:25 So this was a great quarter by any respects.
00:29 I think that the thing going for them is they are in the right place at the right time.
00:34 They have a lead on the other companies.
00:36 They have they dominate the GPU space, the chip space.
00:40 So I think their execution was expected.
00:44 Their outperformance was expected.
00:45 And for them, the market expected at this at this level,
00:50 they needed to not only beat the estimates and raise raise the guidance as well.
00:55 And that's what they're doing.
00:57 So 24 is expected to be good.
00:59 Twenty five is expected to be good.
01:01 So for analysts like me, the big question is, how can how far and how long can they go on?
01:07 And I believe they can continue to go on.
01:09 They still have a good lead.
01:11 Tipping point. I agree with him.
01:13 There's a lot more to go.
01:14 It's opening up new avenues.
01:15 It's a lot more to go.
01:16 So this is just the beginning.
01:18 Great execution. Great performance.
01:20 Great report.
01:21 So as you said, their forecast for for twenty, twenty four, twenty five still positive.
01:25 But but can this continue?
01:27 Are we looking here at a bubble that will perhaps end up bursting?
01:31 Yeah. So let me kind of moderate what I just said.
01:35 It's not a bubble.
01:37 It's definitely a nice secular tailwind behind it.
01:41 The whole space is growing.
01:43 The AI is expected to really change a lot of things.
01:46 I think they're doing very well.
01:47 They'll continue to do well.
01:50 It's it's a long.
01:51 So it's not a bubble.
01:52 It's got at least five year run.
01:55 They have a lead on other companies.
01:57 Yes. There's some cautionary notes.
01:59 The percentage of beats is getting lesser and lesser.
02:02 Competition is coming.
02:05 A lot of other the demand is spreading out and getting more wider.
02:09 So that's helpful.
02:10 But overall, things will slow down at one point.
02:13 But at this point, there's tremendous demand.
02:16 There's pent up demand.
02:17 New people still coming in.
02:18 But they will continue to execute.
02:20 There's still some more runway ahead of them.
02:22 So we heard that the CEO was talking about artificial intelligence
02:26 being at a tipping point, bearing in mind that perhaps
02:28 that's not the first time he said it.
02:29 What do you think the near future holds for AI?
02:32 Where will it go next?
02:33 Well, it's still a long way to go, right?
02:37 So at some point, everyone will have the chips that they need.
02:40 Everyone will have what it takes.
02:41 But the infrastructure right now, we are at the infrastructure stage
02:45 and they are dominating that space, the chip space.
02:48 Then we go into the software, the applications.
02:50 And that's the next phase of the development.
02:53 And NVIDIA is well positioned for that as well.
02:56 And that's the beauty of NVIDIA.
02:57 They have a full stack.
02:59 Not only do they have the hardware, they're also well positioned in the software.
03:02 And that's where the next growth is.
03:04 The enterprise software business, it's going to be a huge,
03:07 multi trillion dollar opportunity.
03:09 And they're right well positioned for that.
03:11 So it's not just a hardware play.
03:13 It's a software play as well.
03:15 And they have a competitive lead on that.
03:17 They have a moat around that.
03:18 So I think they will maintain that.
03:19 So they will continue.
03:20 Yes, competition will come on like it always does.
03:23 But it'll take some time.
03:25 And China will come on at some point.
03:27 A lot of restrictions.
03:28 They're introducing new chips.
03:30 So that'll come back.
03:31 It was like mid single digit this time.
03:33 It used to be 20 percent.
03:34 So they need to get back there.
03:36 But it's going to take a lot of time.
03:37 But that's incremental to what they need.
03:39 They don't need it right now.
03:41 The other stuff, there's so much demand out there
03:43 that they can continue to execute on this at this pace.
03:47 No surprise, perhaps the shares were up on the back of these numbers.
03:51 Worldwide indices responded to them as well,
03:54 particularly the Nikkei as we're hearing from John there.
03:56 How much was that record level down to tech stocks?
04:00 Absolutely. A lot of it.
04:03 It's one of those cases of rising tide lifting a lot of boats,
04:06 not only in Japan, but in Asia and in Europe.
04:09 So it's a huge fundamental shift and a driver of every space.
04:15 So technology is definitely a big factor in Nikkei's rise.
04:18 But also, there's a lot of other things going on.
04:21 The whole set up, the environment, the investment climate is improving.
04:25 The government is incentivizing people to come to the stock market.
04:30 They introduced, made some legislative changes,
04:33 put in some stimulus packages.
04:36 So they're kind of pulling people, the trillions of trillion
04:38 sitting in savings accounts.
04:40 They want to encourage people to come into the stock market.
04:42 So all those things are also supporting underlying fundamentals,
04:47 the demand for the market.
04:48 So tech is definitely leading the charge.
04:51 But there's all the right.
04:52 The whole sentiment about investments and getting into the stock market
04:56 is really helping. And that's what's driving Nikkei up.
04:58 Santos, great to talk to you, as always.
05:00 Thank you for joining us.
05:01 That's Santos Rao from Manhattan Venture Partners.
