"The present foreign interference in Haiti is not liberating"

  • 7 months ago
Haitian political activist and writer Josue Merilien presented on Wednesday at the Havana Book Fair his book about the urgency of an active international solidarity for the Caribbean nation. teleSUR

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00:00 Activist and writer Josué Merlilén presented on Wednesday at the Havana Book Fair his book
00:05 about the urgency of an active international solidarity for the Caribbean nation.
00:10 In an exclusive interview to TELESUR, the author explained the importance of the book
00:15 in the context of the political crisis currently suffered by the Haitian people.
00:21 This book is very important because it allows us to understand the criminal and political game
00:34 played by the imperialist powers against the Haitian people.
00:41 This book comes out within the context of political crisis
00:51 and explains the reasons why the imperialist power and its allies
01:00 have fabricated a chaos and created a playground out of the country.
01:12 In another part of the interview Merlilén stressed the need for the international community to learn
01:19 about what is happening in his country in order to fully commit itself to the Haitian cause.
01:24 We cannot change what we don't understand.
01:31 If we want the rest of the world to commit themselves
01:41 to solidarity actions for Haiti, they should know what is really happening.
01:49 They should know who the manufacturers are of the terrible situation of the Haitian people,
02:06 what their motivations are to transform Haiti into a chaos and a playground.
02:12 On the other hand, the member of the Quebec Haiti Solidarity Committee, Arnold August
02:21 Price, also Merlilén spoke and described what was going on in Haiti as a genocide.
02:26 We're raising some very important questions that we often forget. There are various types
02:35 of genocide. One type of genocide, of course, is Palestine. I am completely involved in the
02:41 struggle regarding Palestine and supporting the Palestinian liberation movement. At the same time,
02:48 we cannot forget other genocides. For example, he brought this today, the genocide, silent genocide
02:57 against the Haitian people, which in reality has been going on since after 1789.
03:04 The Canadian political activist also stressed that Haiti did not need foreign interference
03:09 and qualified the present intervention by foreign powers as not liberating.
03:14 Haiti does not need foreign interference. On the contrary, as the comrade explained,
03:20 it is this very foreign interference which is destroying Haiti. It is not liberating Haiti.
03:25 Cuba, you have your own example. Foreign intervention of the United States in Cuba,
03:30 how did it ever help Cuba? For example, when Cuba was in the process of winning its liberation wars
03:36 against Spain, the United States intervened under a pretext that the main was blown up,
03:42 the battleship main was blown up, in order to intervene in Cuba and recuperate the struggle
03:49 for independence of Cuba, being led by the liberation fighters in Cuba, and took control
03:56 of Cuba from late at the end of the century till 1959.
