
  • 8 months ago
आदर्श कन्या उमावि बैकुंठपुर में योजना का शुभारंभ हुआ...... बीकेपी 7 बैकुंठपुर। कोरिया में संचालित पीएम श्री स्कूलों में शनिवार को न्यौता भोजन का कार्यक्रम शुरू किया गया है। जानकारी के अनुसार पीएम श्री स्कूलों में प्रधानमंत्री पोषण शक्ति योजना के तहत विद्यार्थियों को


00:00 The concept of Neha Tarkhwan is taken from the Pradhan Matri.
00:04 The concept is based on the concept of the food that is offered to the community.
00:14 Today, in our school, Neha Tarkhwan is being offered by Mahendra Granth ji.
00:20 The main concept is that the PM portion, which is the Pradhan Matri portion,
00:25 is being offered to the community, and the rest of the private parties can participate in it.
00:37 The PM is most welcome in Mahendra Granth ji's house.
00:42 He has come to this school to participate in this Neha Tarkhwan.
00:47 The kids are very interested in this.
00:49 He has come to this school to participate in this Neha Tarkhwan.
00:55 I would like to request all the children to participate in this Neha Tarkhwan.
00:59 If there is any issue, please do not hesitate to come to our school.
01:04 If you can participate in the children's meal, please do so.
