PRYZM nightclub closes 17 venues in the UK

  • 7 months ago
Students pre-drinking and not going out mid-week is to blame for nightclubs closing, the boss of the UK's biggest club chain has said.
Earlier this month, Pryzm and Atik owner Rekom announced the closure of 17 venues with the loss of 500 jobs.
00:00 Earlier this month, owner of the UK's biggest nightclub chain, Prism and Attic, announced
00:06 the closure of 17 venues, with the loss of 500 jobs.
00:10 Its boss, Peter Marks, said students hit by the cost of living crisis were cutting back
00:14 on clubbing, and this is one of the main reasons for the closures.
00:18 Experts have said that young people are drinking less and now have more entertainment alternatives.
00:22 Marks went on to say that with students spending less, it makes it very difficult for the nightclub
00:27 industry.
00:28 Experts have said that young people are progressively drinking less.
00:31 Latest figures from the NHS have suggested a third of people under 25 have not drunk
00:37 alcohol for at least a year.
00:39 And supermarket Tesco has said that the demand for no and low alcohol beer has increased
00:44 by more than 20%, with demand for alcoholic alternatives growing by nearly 10%.
00:50 According to Drink Aware, those least likely to drink are aged 16-24, and 26% of that age
00:56 group do not drink alcohol at all.
