David Self - Into The Dark

  • 4 months ago
Into the black
The night is cold
The night is dark
Just needing a spark

My mind wonders
Through a life of ponders
It's into the dark
Without a spark

Nobody has everything but what they need
People want more they need seeds
Don't care about others just themselves
This world is empty.

I write I walk I talk I think
Like a cycle of life at times it stinks
Ultimately maybe I care to much
Maybe thinking I'm ahead but I'm actually out of touch.

I try to make everything work
Make sure the past don't creep up
But I feel it catching up I become insecure
Keep your mind ticking I say to make the day

Then light turns to dark
And there I am again fighting
I will find my way for that I'm sure
I've had loads I've had to endure

One day this will all be over
And others will think
That I was the best I could be
Even though I failed to see

Failed the see what was killing me
I fill my days because I can't stand myself
I try and make others smile
Because life is like a trial

But I will never stop trying even if ppl don't want me
I will always be me I can't be any other
Maybe I will find that spark…
The spark in the dark\n\nDavid Self

