JT Economie - 01/02/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : JT Economie - 01/02/2024


00:00 Welcome to Median TV, the main news of the economic news.
00:11 We start in Morocco. Industrial activity experienced an improvement in December 2003, according to the monthly survey of Conjunctur de Banc le Maghreb.
00:21 Production recorded an increase in all branches, except for mechanics and metallurgy, and a stagnation in electricity and electronics.
00:32 The rate of use of production capacities would have stabilized at 76% in these conditions.
00:40 As for sales, they would have recorded an increase both on the local market and abroad.
00:46 They would have progressed in all branches, except for mechanics and metallurgy, and in electricity and electronics, where they would have rather receded.
00:56 For the next quarter, industrialists anticipate a stagnation in production and sales.
01:03 And then in international news, and more precisely in Spain, GDP increased by 2.5% in 2003 compared to the previous year, according to official data.
01:17 The growth of the Spanish economy is thus higher than the last forecast of the government and the General Council of Economists, which tabled a 2.4% increase for 2003.
01:30 The growth of GDP in the last year, which follows the 5.8% of 2022 and the 6.4% of 2021, is the result of the resumption of national demand as well as foreign demand.
01:45 As for the evolution of the economy in the fourth quarter, it displayed an increase of 0.6% compared to the third quarter.
01:54 The Spanish Minister of Economy and Trade said that the increase of 2.5% of the Spanish GDP in 2023 exceeded all forecasts.
02:05 We stay in Europe, now heading to Russia, where GDP should grow by 2.6% this year and 1.1% in 2025, according to the latest economic projections of the IMF.
02:20 In an update of its global economic outlook, the IMF revised its previous growth forecasts in Russia by 1.5% in 2024.
02:33 The revision of the increase for this year recognizes the effect of a higher growth than expected in 2023.
02:40 This growth is mainly due to private consumption, supported by the increase in wages in a labor market environment with a strong demand for labor.
02:53 We now go to the United States. The US private sector created 107,000 jobs in January, according to official data.
03:01 American companies created fewer jobs than expected at the beginning of the year, which reflects a gradual slowing down of the labor market.
03:11 The private sector's wage mass increased by 107,000 in January, against a gain revised at a drop of 158,000 in December.
03:21 As for the growth of wages, it continued to slow down.
03:26 Distinct data have shown that fewer Americans are leaving their jobs, which indicates that they are perhaps less convinced of being able to find a new job or a better paid job.
03:38 In Asia this time, and more precisely in Korea, exports increased by 18% in January compared to May last year.
03:48 They reached 54.6 billion dollars, according to the Korean Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
03:56 Semiconductor exports marked a 56.2% increase in January, the highest level since December 2017.
04:07 Imports, for their part, fell from 7.8% to 54.3 billion dollars, which generated a positive trade balance of 300 million dollars.
04:21 In the annual trade balance for the whole of 2023, Korea recorded a 7.4% decrease in exports compared to 2022, on the basis of global economic uncertainty.
04:37 And finally, we are interested in oil.
04:40 Qatar Energy has awarded contracts worth more than 6 billion dollars for the development of the Gulf Emirate's largest oil field, Al-Sharif.
04:52 Indeed, these main construction contracts aim to increase the country's gross production by about 100,000 barrels per day.
05:02 The extension project, which involves drilling more than 200 oil wells, will extend for five years, with production scheduled for 2027.
05:12 In addition, it aims to develop more than 550 million barrels of oil, thus contributing to the potential filling of the Al-Sharif field.
05:22 This is the end of this edition. Thank you for staying with us.
05:26 Very good follow-up of the programs on Mediantv.
05:29 [Music]