Royal Liverpool Golf Course - 3-Club Challenge

  • 8 months ago
In this video, Neil Tappin and Dan Parker go head-to-head in a three club challenge over the final three holes at the Royal Liverpool golf course using just three clubs.
00:00 Hello and welcome to Royal Liverpool Golf Club.
00:03 The green behind Dan and I is the 18th here and in the middle of the summer
00:07 this will play host to the final men's major of the year.
00:10 Now Dan, who are the last two players to win the Open at Royal Liverpool?
00:14 Tiger Woods and Roy McIlroy, so I think you've got to keep some pretty good company to win around here.
00:19 Yeah, and part of the reason for that is that the final three holes here are a proper challenge
00:24 and that's what we're going to do today.
00:25 So we're going to have a heads-head challenge, playing 16, 17 and 18.
00:29 17 is an all-new hole for this year, a little par 3.
00:33 Gorgeous looking hole.
00:34 Well worth a watch.
00:35 And you and I are going to go head-to-head.
00:37 Yes, absolutely.
00:38 But there's a twist.
00:40 Oh, oh my spin.
00:45 Oh, turnover.
00:48 Uh-oh.
00:50 Oh, I'm quite pleased with that.
00:56 That's a good shot.
00:57 Come on, hold your line, be good.
00:59 Right, so we're starting on 16.
01:04 It's 400, today off this tee it's 410, but obviously you play at the Open Championship
01:10 it's going to be a lot longer.
01:12 It's all into the wind, it's a really tight fairway, there's complete cabbage everywhere you look.
01:17 Cabbage and bunkers.
01:18 Yeah, lots of bunkers.
01:20 And do you know I mentioned at the beginning there was a twist.
01:23 Yes, go on, fill me in.
01:25 So, in order to make this a proper challenge, because obviously you and I, we don't want to finish birdie, birdie, birdie.
01:30 As we would have.
01:31 It's going to be too boring if we do that.
01:33 But in order to make it a bit more of a challenge, I want you to pick three clubs.
01:37 Three clubs, just to pick three clubs.
01:39 I know what I'm going to go for.
01:40 You've already selected yours.
01:41 Let me think, I've done one of these before and I think, definitely three woods, because
01:46 I don't think hybrid would be enough into this wind.
01:48 I'm not going to be able to dive a great at the minute, so I can trust that three wood.
01:51 So you're coming with me.
01:52 I'm going hybrid.
01:53 You're going hybrid in that, yeah.
01:55 Inshamir, why hybrid over three wood?
01:57 Wait for it to get a bit dodgy or light.
01:59 Because it's versatile.
02:00 It is versatile.
02:01 I'm going to hit eight iron.
02:03 I'll just pick my eight iron out.
02:05 I'm going to join you there.
02:07 Fine, and then I'm going to go putter.
02:09 I'm going to go putter as well, yeah, obviously.
02:10 If I was driving it, now, small secret, we have played the previous 15 holes, I've driven it really poorly with my driver.
02:16 So, if I was driving it well, I'd probably hit driver.
02:19 That's what we've got in front of us.
02:21 Apart from the bunkers and the cabbage, a small sliver of fairway between the two, and I've not got enough club.
02:27 Apart from that.
02:28 Otherwise, feeling good.
02:30 Okay, right, go well.
02:32 Try not to hit it too hard.
02:33 Yeah, that's the key.
02:34 Oh, turnover.
02:41 It's a good strike.
02:42 It's trying, the wind's pushing it, it's hardest.
02:44 It bounced.
02:48 It bounced.
02:49 It's a right-hand cabage.
02:50 Right-hand cabage, okay, well.
02:52 I struck it, though.
02:54 You properly struck that, it was more middle of the bat content from Neil Tappen.
02:58 So, yeah, we've played the first 15 already, I've got the fade.
03:02 So, into this wind, I'm fancying starting it on your ball.
03:07 Yeah.
03:08 I'm letting it come in.
03:09 You've got this.
03:11 Three-wood, this is been, I've lofted this down slightly, not in preparation of this, it's slightly lofted down three-wood.
03:18 Come on, Dan, nice and smooth, that's the key.
03:21 Oh, my spin.
03:28 It's gone up like a pitching wing.
03:30 It is.
03:31 It's down on my seven-wood.
03:32 It couldn't be any straighter.
03:33 Goodness me.
03:34 So, as I mentioned, we are actually 15 holes in, Dan.
03:37 Yeah, we're actually playing 15 mixed holes of golf.
03:41 What are your thoughts on the golf course?
03:42 Well, this is my second time here, I was playing back in 2021, and I loved it then and I love it now.
03:47 It's not, especially with all the stadiums up today, actually, not stadiums, the grandstands, it's pretty cool to see that and feel that.
03:54 But it just keeps you guessing, I think.
03:56 And I do love the holes out by the SUV.
03:59 That, for me, is the highlight of the golf course.
04:01 And I'm excited to show you 17 for the first time, which I love, first time I played it.
04:05 Yeah, I like that they've introduced, I think, some new sandy waste areas.
04:08 They look really smart.
04:09 They do.
04:10 They look really good.
04:11 They have that kind of rugged, lynxy, natural feel to it.
04:14 The other thing that I have appreciated, having played the course, is how it plays in lots of different directions.
04:21 It's not straight out back against it.
04:22 So the wind is always slightly doing something a little bit different.
04:26 So you're always a little bit second guessing yourself.
04:29 I think so.
04:30 And you don't have it so you're not into wind from a 9, a downwind from a 9, you get some crosswinds, you get a little bit of difference.
04:36 And playing up 16 now into some pretty good wind, I do wish it had turned in a different direction, to be honest.
04:42 What's the nick on the sign, Dan?
04:45 A long way, obviously it will give you a more precise yardage.
04:48 262.
04:49 What is it back to the tee?
04:51 Shall we check, actually?
04:52 That's not a bad idea, is it?
04:53 186.
04:55 That's not bad into wind with a 3-wood.
04:56 The spinniest 3-wood of all time, I think.
04:58 You know what you don't need?
04:59 Your ball to be on a little launch pad.
05:01 Yeah, check this out, by the way.
05:02 As if I didn't need help getting it in the air.
05:04 Oh, get your maths out.
05:05 Come on.
05:06 Oh, excuse me.
05:07 Sorry.
05:08 Absolutely.
05:09 We are two months out from the Open.
05:10 Yeah.
05:11 We are protecting the golf course, and we are all for that.
05:14 I've actually done quite well off these maths, actually.
05:17 So what club are you going to be?
05:18 8-iron, 3-wood or putter.
05:20 Back comes the 3-wood.
05:22 As I mentioned on the tee, I knocked this down a few months ago, just because I'm really quite high.
05:26 Same again, it's going to offer you a tricky yardage for the 8-iron, isn't it?
05:29 It will be a little bumper run.
05:30 It's all about keeping it on the short and narrow nail.
05:32 We don't know where yours is yet, by the way.
05:34 It could be any old nonsense, couldn't it?
05:37 Just keep on straight and narrow, Dan.
05:38 Nice and smooth again.
05:39 Hit down on this nice mat.
05:41 That has gone up like a pinchy mick.
05:50 Look at it.
05:51 It's going to go 180.
05:53 It's an impressive sight, that.
05:55 I can see where that ball is, and I'm going to be putting that.
05:57 I promise you that.
05:58 The 8-iron is not even coming into play.
05:59 It's an impressive sight.
06:00 That really is.
06:01 If anyone wants any tips on how to get it through and up in the air, follow me on Twitter or something.
06:04 I don't know.
06:05 Not too bad, that, actually.
06:07 It wasn't too far in the cabbage.
06:08 How far have you got, more importantly?
06:10 234.
06:12 Okay.
06:13 Your hybrid's done a much better job.
06:14 234, and it's not a great lie.
06:16 Is it conducive to just knocking something off with that hybrid?
06:20 Well, this could go in on the ground.
06:22 Could it be 8-iron, 8-iron?
06:24 It could be.
06:25 That's not my natural--
06:27 Not your game.
06:28 I'm worried about this post.
06:30 No, don't be worried about the post.
06:34 I'm not going to hit the post.
06:35 I'd be more impressed.
06:36 Just advance it forwards and try and keep it on the short stuff, surely.
06:40 Your shot's looking better and better.
06:41 It really is.
06:42 Turn over.
06:47 Stay with my tee shot.
06:48 Get on to the short stuff.
06:49 We're the team of the day.
06:50 We're through there.
06:51 It might have worked.
06:53 I should have bounced it.
06:54 I reckon that's just gone through.
06:56 Into some short stuff.
06:57 That's all.
06:58 You struck it all right.
06:59 It was just right again.
07:00 You're asking that wind to do a heck of a lot.
07:02 Good work.
07:05 Okay, I think my eyes are seeing me slightly.
07:07 I'm not on the front edge of the green, but I'm not far off.
07:09 I am going to putt because I said I was.
07:11 I'm going to have to get a yardage for a putt here.
07:13 By the way, I've been over to my ball.
07:15 You don't want--
07:16 I've got a tricky shot, I think it's fair to say.
07:18 A 70-yard putt.
07:19 That's fine.
07:22 I could actually nail really if I fancied it.
07:24 Hit a chip and run, isn't it?
07:25 Hit a chip and run.
07:26 It probably would be, but I'm feeling--
07:27 I'd say it's a fair word.
07:28 No, hit putter.
07:30 Come on.
07:31 It's a three-club challenge.
07:32 I'm feeling creative.
07:33 I won't use my mat because I shouldn't take a divot with my putter.
07:36 If I do, the RNA can write to me.
07:39 70-yard putt.
07:41 Come on.
07:42 Get nice and close.
07:43 That's the biggest putter swing.
07:48 I nearly missed it, I think.
07:49 That in slow motion would have been terrible.
07:51 It might have got halfway.
07:54 Do you know, it's harder putting from massively halfway.
07:57 It really is.
07:58 Because I think when your putter gets back this far,
08:00 there's more to go wrong.
08:01 I think that might have happened just then.
08:03 It's not a shot you practice, is it?
08:04 Not massively, no.
08:05 Okay, well on the green.
08:06 Two putt for a five, and he's in trouble, so let's go six.
08:08 Yes, I am.
08:09 Oh, dear, oh, dear.
08:12 I don't think-- not even Tiger or Rory, I don't think, would get it.
08:15 No one fancies this.
08:16 And time close from here.
08:17 Would they?
08:18 Maybe they would.
08:19 Challenge.
08:20 Come on, Tiger.
08:21 The thing is, you've got this bunker in front of you,
08:22 so just where my ball is would be a great--
08:24 Shall I have a go at the flop shot?
08:27 If you want to, mate, for the hashtag content.
08:30 It's not sitting.
08:31 I'm going to have to just--
08:32 So it's your eight iron, obviously, as well.
08:34 I actually just forgot about that.
08:35 True, that is an eight iron.
08:36 Right, I'm going to have to--
08:38 I'm going to just try and get on the green.
08:42 Anything on the green, mate, is a very impressive shot, I think.
08:45 Oh, sit.
08:48 I'm going to have to sit down.
08:49 Sit down.
08:50 Got great contact out of there.
08:52 Sit down, sit down.
08:53 Just rolling off the back.
08:55 In the freeway putter.
08:57 You know what?
08:59 It could have gone a lot worse.
09:00 I'm glad I'm not in that bunker.
09:01 The key to this whole thing is staying out of these pop bunkers,
09:06 so the fact that I've missed that is a good thing.
09:08 I have my first little look at 17 behind me,
09:12 but I need to focus on this shot.
09:15 We've got the big tented village going up to the side of it.
09:18 It's got lots of people watching.
09:21 A bit of local radio by the sound of it, as well.
09:23 A bit of local radio.
09:24 I really don't want to start with a double.
09:26 I need to get this nestled up nicely.
09:29 I like the ridge you've got.
09:30 I didn't realise this back pin was on a little protected corner here.
09:33 All right, you've talked me out of it, then.
09:36 Oh, it's nice.
09:43 Sorry.
09:44 Come on.
09:45 It's one of them.
09:46 One of them left.
09:47 Meat left on the bone.
09:48 It's racy.
09:53 Settle down now.
09:54 Settle down now.
09:55 Oh, one of them.
09:58 Go on, Dan.
10:00 Still me.
10:01 This for a heroic three putt.
10:03 70-yard three putt.
10:06 We're both playing for five here.
10:08 I'd like to be first down if poss.
10:10 Okay, that feels nice.
10:15 That went right in the middle.
10:16 Pressure applied.
10:17 With pace.
10:18 Pressure applied.
10:19 Three with three with putt, putt, putt.
10:22 I might start doing this more often.
10:24 Solid down the middle.
10:25 Yeah.
10:26 Show hole for you this one as well.
10:27 Overcomplicate the game.
10:29 Right, come on.
10:30 Oh, well done.
10:37 You were hoping that I could have...
10:39 No, no, no, none of that, none of that, none of that.
10:41 I was willing it in at that point.
10:42 I was willing it in.
10:43 Well done.
10:44 A pair of fives.
10:45 Right.
10:46 70.
10:47 On 70.
10:48 Here we go.
10:49 Okay, so I will grab the yardage.
10:57 Okay.
10:58 Given that you've played this before, you tell me what we're facing here.
11:02 Well, I made it par.
11:03 First time I played it.
11:04 I didn't need to know that.
11:06 Well, I stopped letting everybody know.
11:07 That was a couple of years ago now.
11:08 So, it's called Little Eye.
11:10 And we've got this beautiful infinity green.
11:12 And actually, I think what impressed me most the first time I came,
11:14 and hopefully you can see it on camera,
11:16 and you can see it here, Neil, for the first time,
11:18 is it's quite elevated, that green, isn't it?
11:20 Yeah.
11:21 Two bunkers in the way.
11:23 The one on the left, there was an infamous video of a lad got stuck in there.
11:27 And he was taking it out of the bunker, but it all fed back into it.
11:29 What was the yardage, please?
11:31 127.
11:32 127.
11:33 We've both got our eight iron out.
11:34 And that view's just brilliant, isn't it?
11:35 I love an infinity green.
11:36 Don't get that often.
11:37 If you miss the green, we're completely confused.
11:39 All hell breaks loose if you miss the green.
11:40 Okay, good.
11:41 I'm really, I'm deadly serious.
11:43 Long left and right.
11:44 And that bunker there is the one that lad got stuck in.
11:47 And he made a tent.
11:48 And neither of us have a sand wedge in our--
11:50 No.
11:51 Well, we do, but we're not playing with it.
11:52 And we're using it.
11:53 Okay.
11:54 Okay.
11:55 So that's what we've got to think about.
11:56 A lot of information.
11:57 Fine.
11:58 I'm just going to hit a little chippy eight iron and hope for the best.
11:59 Let's go for it.
12:00 It's out to the right.
12:11 I don't even--
12:12 Oh, my.
12:13 It's gone right and kicked right.
12:15 I reckon just by those fences,
12:16 you might get a free bit of relief from the ground.
12:18 That's too forward chip from over there.
12:20 You might not come up on camera,
12:21 but there was a honk of a horn behind us on your backswing.
12:24 Who do you pick that one out?
12:25 I'd love to say it put me off, but that wasn't--
12:27 I'll tell you what.
12:28 140.
12:31 It's not far off for me.
12:32 It's just going to be a normal one, I think.
12:34 Choke down on it.
12:35 Nice and smooth.
12:36 Uh-oh.
12:40 That's heading toward the sand.
12:42 Get over it.
12:43 Oh, it's over it.
12:44 I could be on the putting surface, you know.
12:46 That's all right.
12:47 I could be all right.
12:48 That's OK, yeah.
12:49 Got away with that.
12:50 I thought it was heading for the sand.
12:51 But let's go watch you try and make it up and down.
12:54 My next shot could be quite entertaining.
12:56 This is going to be good.
12:57 Stay tuned.
12:58 OK, so as you would expect, it's not a massive green.
13:04 It's only a short hole.
13:05 A complete tabletop.
13:07 I've done really quite well here, actually.
13:10 Of all the places to miss on this hole,
13:12 this is all right, isn't it, Dan?
13:14 Well, I think so, because we've got this bunker to the right that's dead.
13:17 These two bunkers in front that are dead.
13:19 Over the back is dead.
13:20 I've just got to go up the left-hand side here
13:22 and hope the slope swings it back.
13:23 Just get it up onto the green, please.
13:25 Come on, ball.
13:30 Oh.
13:31 That's in a good spot.
13:33 That's fine.
13:34 Yeah, it took a bit of getting up there.
13:36 It's on the green.
13:37 It's on the green.
13:38 OK, so I didn't quite hold the green, unfortunately.
13:40 But more importantly, I'm over that bunker.
13:42 As you can see, down here, if you land on one of these down slopes
13:45 and the pros come and play this in a couple of weeks,
13:47 they'll be dead.
13:48 It's big trouble down there.
13:49 Happy not to be in there.
13:51 Fluffy-ish lie.
13:52 And importantly, this big ridge in front of me here
13:54 that I think I'm going to try and stab it into.
13:57 I don't know.
13:58 I just don't quite know how this ball is going to come out of here.
14:01 It's a back foot, toe high in the air.
14:04 See if I can get it inside what Tapper's got his tooth.
14:11 Steady.
14:14 Steady.
14:15 Just light up.
14:16 Just blah.
14:17 It was looking all right.
14:18 I just caught the bottom of it.
14:19 I just knifed it.
14:20 It was aggressive.
14:21 It was too aggressive.
14:22 It was a knife.
14:23 It was poor.
14:24 How nice is this, by the way?
14:26 I could just stand and look out here for most of the day, to be honest.
14:29 It's glorious.
14:31 It's not an evil green, is it, actually?
14:33 We've both got uphill putts here.
14:34 I am frustrated I've not got one inside yours from there, really.
14:37 It's-- let's hold a putt.
14:41 Put some pressure on.
14:42 It never had the line, but--
14:50 Good shot.
14:51 --it's stone dead.
14:52 Well done.
14:53 Buggy, buggy start, Neil.
14:54 That's all right.
14:55 You've got a chance to take the lead here.
14:56 I quite fancy this.
14:57 I do, I--
14:58 --shit.
14:59 --nothing.
15:00 There would be no moral victory here at all if this goes in.
15:02 But--
15:03 But you're liking it.
15:04 You're feeling it.
15:05 --it's a moral victory.
15:07 Because I haven't hit a good shot yet.
15:08 No, let's hold a putt.
15:09 The value of a good putt.
15:10 Let's hold a putt.
15:11 It's a good right.
15:17 It just-- it dims lower and slower.
15:19 That's just weak.
15:20 Ah.
15:21 [LAUGHS]
15:22 Oh, I really fancied that as well.
15:23 We're just following each other in.
15:25 Nothing to separate us so far.
15:26 18th to go, big par 5.
15:28 So get that spinny free wood out.
15:30 [LAUGHS]
15:32 One last look at that, Neil.
15:33 It's pretty impressive, isn't it?
15:34 Yeah.
15:35 Yeah, seriously nice.
15:36 OK, Dan, so 18th hole here at Royal Liverpool.
15:44 4.65 off this team.
15:46 We've been playing an awful--
15:47 --much longer.
15:48 --much longer.
15:49 Yeah.
15:50 Just up in these bongos, we look at a landing zone.
15:51 2.21 was the first one.
15:52 2.33 is that second one you can see.
15:53 So in the area.
15:54 You can see through the camera.
15:55 Imagine that grandstand full on a daylight today on the final--
15:59 Great view.
16:00 --it's going to look amazing, isn't it?
16:02 Anyway, forget about that.
16:03 Hybrid, isn't it?
16:04 I reckon hybrid.
16:05 And I reckon hit it quite well.
16:07 Oh, it's a nice strike, Neil.
16:14 Much better.
16:15 Much better.
16:16 I think I might need to get a lie over there.
16:17 Yeah, agreed.
16:18 It could be on-- it's sort of on a bit of a--
16:21 a bit of a humpy bit where the range is bordered,
16:23 which is normally over there.
16:24 So good luck with that.
16:26 It's not that bad, is it?
16:27 Just saying, it's not that bad.
16:28 We'll find out when we get there, I think.
16:30 Right, a couple more three-woods home for me, I think, Neil.
16:32 Yeah.
16:33 How high can I get this one?
16:35 Wind's so-- there is no wind now.
16:37 This is a gorgeous evening, but if anything, it's off my back, off the left.
16:40 So-- oh, gosh.
16:43 The traps are just calling for my name, calling for my golf ball.
16:47 Come on, let's keep it on the straight and narrow again.
16:49 That's the key on this.
16:50 That's--
16:56 Oh, please cut.
16:57 That's right all-- that's all over where yours is.
16:59 --a good bit.
17:00 Come on.
17:02 It's over that thing.
17:03 I think it's all right.
17:04 Bouncing.
17:05 I think that's OK.
17:06 It just depends on-- well, we'll see.
17:07 We'll see when we get up there.
17:08 We'll see.
17:09 And just one last very quick thing.
17:10 A massive thank you to our friends at Nikon for giving us the chance to play today.
17:15 So it's through their sponsorship of the Open Championship that we've been given access to the course.
17:18 They've given me a Nikon Coolshot 50i laser rangefinder to use.
17:23 Dan, what have you had?
17:25 Pro2 stabilizer, which I've been very impressed with.
17:27 It sort of found the pins for me today when I finally got in range.
17:30 You're quite used to struggling to get the yacht.
17:32 Yeah, yeah.
17:33 In a bit of wind or if you're a bit shaky or something, you keep getting the pin on the flat.
17:37 This thing literally just found it for me a couple of times today.
17:39 It sort of works out where it is for you and it makes it pretty--
17:42 It's a bit more of a golf course where it's very flat and it's not-- it's quite hard to pick it out.
17:47 Having that sort of bit of technology is really nice.
17:50 Yeah.
17:51 I've always been in range finding a guy anyway because I like zapping bunkers or dog legs or what's that over there, you know,
17:56 which you might not get on some other devices.
17:57 So I've been impressed with it.
17:58 Really have.
17:59 So, yeah, big thanks to Nikon.
18:01 Okay, right, I suggest I got quite lucky here.
18:05 It was a white out of bounds line here.
18:07 This is all the practice area normally and I was very close going out.
18:10 I reckon I've hit this upslope and dropped into here.
18:13 I think Neil's in a very similar spot.
18:16 So he'll be above the feet.
18:17 I'm way below the feet here.
18:19 Didn't really contemplate getting the three-wood out.
18:22 I'm just going to try and knock it up this bit of fairway here and hope for the best.
18:25 I don't think I've ever quite had a shot this below my feet before.
18:29 Let's see how we get on.
18:30 Oh, gosh.
18:32 Let's just try and get this going forward.
18:35 Oh, I'm quite pleased with that, if I may say so.
18:41 Come on, keep running, ball.
18:43 That is a hell of a shot.
18:45 Thank you very much.
18:47 I mean, that was so below my feet.
18:49 I mean, you've got to do the same now.
18:50 I can just see yours.
18:51 Before we get any letters, I am in bounds.
18:57 Yeah, there's at least an inch to spare.
19:00 An inch to spare.
19:02 I'm in bounds.
19:03 The question is, how much can I...
19:05 How brave am I with this?
19:07 Are you seeing like cutting off that corner at all?
19:09 Yeah, because if I cut the corner off, I reckon I can get there for three.
19:12 Yeah, if you fall short, you're out of bounds.
19:14 But if I go for it, then don't strike it, because don't forget my ball is...
19:18 So, yeah, you're sure he's got to do that for you.
19:20 I'm going to aim it at that.
19:21 There's a little post sticking up in the fairway.
19:23 I'm going to aim it at that.
19:25 [Music]
19:27 I've got it in the fairway.
19:31 What a shot.
19:33 That was bold and brave.
19:34 It really was.
19:35 It's like fairway in that.
19:37 I left myself a little more than I wanted.
19:40 I was impressed about the full swing by the way, wasn't I?
19:43 Yeah, unlucky with my drive, no?
19:45 I could have gone out of bounds, Neil.
19:47 So maybe, you know...
19:48 So I've got...
19:49 Two...
19:51 I've got 250.
19:52 252.
19:53 Okay, so that wind is still helping, but it's going to be a hybrid, no?
19:57 Yeah, it's a hybrid.
19:58 Hopefully leave myself with an impossible chip with an eight iron.
20:01 That's what I'm thinking.
20:02 You'll be short-sided maybe, you know, on a really tight line.
20:04 I'm going to aim towards the left, up the left, and maybe fade one.
20:09 Oh, my.
20:14 Go.
20:15 It's got to go.
20:16 It's got a bit right.
20:17 It's just squeezing off to the right, isn't it?
20:18 But...
20:19 I was bouncing.
20:20 And look where the pin is.
20:21 You've got a lot of green to work with.
20:22 I've hit that further right than I wanted to, but I really hit that well.
20:25 I don't mind it, Neil.
20:26 I think you've got a good spot there, mate.
20:28 So, laser sent, 218.
20:31 Oh, that's a nice little three-wood for me, I think.
20:34 A little floaty one, as you've seen, I've been hitting all day.
20:37 You've got that shot.
20:38 I think I've really got that shot.
20:39 I'm going to start it on those right bunkers.
20:41 I think you'll find it, shouldn't you?
20:43 I think you just feed.
20:44 It's a great five.
20:45 Approaching the green.
20:47 You're short right, I think.
20:48 Yeah.
20:49 I mean, it could be absolutely anything.
20:51 It's just a nice floaty three-wood, I think.
20:53 Oh, that's a good shot.
21:03 Come on, hold your line.
21:04 Be good.
21:05 Get up.
21:06 I've given it the old 'be good' and it'll probably be up 20 yards short.
21:10 We've got issues, team.
21:12 We have issues.
21:13 That's in a bunker, isn't it?
21:14 That's in a bunker.
21:15 I did not think I was going to get here.
21:18 Well, you just said you wanted to see me play a bunker shot with an eight iron.
21:21 We're seeing you first.
21:22 That is the eight iron.
21:24 That is the eight iron.
21:25 And we've got a lot of green to work with.
21:27 You've got a nice light.
21:28 We'll see mine in a minute.
21:29 It's in trouble.
21:30 It's a little chunky.
21:31 Chunk it out of there and run it.
21:32 Look at all that green you've got to work with.
21:33 Sit.
21:37 Oh, if that sits and spins.
21:38 I don't know why it was going to spin.
21:40 But a tapper, that's...
21:41 Oh, it's gone.
21:42 It's only just dropped off the back, though.
21:43 You'll be putting.
21:44 It's out of there.
21:45 It's not too bad, is it?
21:47 I like it.
21:48 Well done.
21:49 I think two putt from there for six.
21:50 How bad is yours?
21:51 Oh, it's in big trouble.
21:52 This is what I mean by trouble, Neil.
21:55 Up against the face.
21:57 I mean, if I had my 60 degree wedges,
21:59 I wouldn't be advancing it much further than this.
22:01 So.
22:02 Which way are you going?
22:03 I'm going to go for it.
22:04 I mean, honestly, I feel like I could come out here.
22:08 That's another bunker.
22:09 This is still...
22:10 You can pop it on the street.
22:11 Pop it on here, do you reckon?
22:12 Oh, gosh.
22:13 This isn't stuff for nightmares.
22:16 Oh, no.
22:17 Back in it.
22:18 That's a better line in, though.
22:20 Still make up and down.
22:22 Do what you did a minute ago, I think,
22:24 and just chunk one a little bit.
22:26 It's not...
22:30 Oh, come on.
22:31 That's well planned.
22:32 Hey, we've got a putt for it.
22:33 We've got a putt for it.
22:34 Right, I'm here for four?
22:35 I think I'm here for four.
22:36 Yeah, putt in for five, mate.
22:37 So, some far.
22:38 Two putts might do it for you.
22:40 Come on, knock it in.
22:42 Knock it in.
22:43 Imagine that.
22:44 Constantino Rocca moment.
22:46 Oh, it's not even close.
22:49 It's got to be hip to go in, I'm afraid.
22:51 Right then.
22:54 So, what's this for?
22:55 We're both putting for six.
22:56 Okay.
22:57 So, are we all just going to have three bogeys each again and walk off?
23:01 I just went out of bounds.
23:03 And yet, still struggling.
23:06 Still struggling.
23:07 But, after my successful eight iron...
23:10 If I can make up and down with that eight iron
23:12 out of the bunker on the 18th at Royal Liverpool.
23:16 Come on, Dan.
23:17 Low.
23:20 Oh, get it there, man.
23:22 I just had a go at you for being a bit weak.
23:24 I've not even got my bogey putt there.
23:26 Seven in.
23:27 So, I've got this to win?
23:28 You've got this to win.
23:29 On the 18th.
23:30 Come on.
23:31 At Royal Liverpool.
23:32 Come on.
23:34 Good luck, Neil.
23:36 Thank you.
23:40 I was centre from the moment it left your face.
23:43 Sorry, mate.
23:44 Well done. I deserved that.
23:45 That was a good six on there, I think.
23:46 A very enjoyable knock.
23:48 Didn't play our best, it's fair to say.
23:49 No, it wasn't our best, but we had three golf clubs.
23:52 We can't be expected to really knock it around.
23:54 No.
23:55 So, there you have it.
23:56 That's our look at Royal Liverpool Golf Club
23:59 ahead of the 2023 Open Championship.
24:02 What a place.
24:03 What a golf course it is shaping up to be.
24:05 Absolutely fantastic.
24:06 I hope you've enjoyed the video.
24:07 If you have, please do hit the like button.
24:09 But for now, from Hoylegg, it's goodbye.
24:11 [Music]